Brava attrice e un viso Incantevole! Happy 68th birthday to Olivia Hussey!
- Elia Mendola (9 months ago)
Dear Olivia Hussey, how are you? I like to wish you a very happy birthday. All the very best for the day. God bless.
- Gesina (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to - who is celebrating 68 today!!
What s your favorite Olivia Hussey Movie/Show ??
- Theindustryblast (9 months ago)
Happy birthday Olivia Hussey
- ATOM RECORDS (9 months ago)
Juan Hernández
Happy birthday Olivia Hussey, whose innocent beauty suited perfectly her role in Death on the Nile.
- Juan Hernández (9 months ago)
Melanie VaughanSmith
Happy birthday today to Jan Hammer (71), Olivia Hussey (68), Nick Hornby (62), Sean Bean (60), Jennifer Garner (47)
- Melanie VaughanSmith (9 months ago)
Jeff McBath
Happy Birthday to actress Olivia Hussey!
- Jeff McBath (9 months ago)
spacewoman reporter
Happy Birthday to Olivia Hussey who turns 68 today!
- spacewoman reporter (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to the gorgeous Olivia Hussey who turns 68 today. Zeffirelli\'s Romeo and Juliet will forever remai
- ❀❀❀ (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to actress Olivia Hussey! She turns 68 today.
- ZTAMS (9 months ago)
William Holden (1918-1981)
Arthur Lake (1905-1987)
Anne Shirley (1918 1993)
Olivia Hussey (1951)
- [redacted] (9 months ago)