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Joe Garden
Happy birthday to me, Sharon Stone, and Osama bin Laden.
- Joe Garden (9 months ago)
It\'s the time of year again when I wish myself, Chuck Norris, Michael Jackson and that scamp Osama
- Marc is FREAKING OUT (9 months ago)
Me, you and Osama Bin Laden, same group ..happy birthday ,birthday mate
- Kenah (9 months ago)
The Pioneer
Happy birthday to self and happy birthday to the late Osama Bin Laden. We were both born on a Sunday. We were Both outlawed. Both genius
- The Pioneer (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to me and my birthday twin osama bin laden
- ً (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to you payan May you have a day filled with great fun and a year filled with true happines
- babar (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to osama bin laden!!!! Oh and you
- Mahmood (9 months ago)
News Track
- News Track (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to Osama bin Laden
- Darbawyah (9 months ago)
Osama Bin Laden was 5 years old when he invited his English Teacher Miss Seema Butt to his Birthday party.
- Dr.Thavalappi (9 months ago)
Dr.Thavalappi (ചാണക സംഘി)
Osama Bin Laden was 5 years old when he invited his English Teacher Miss Seema Butt to his Birthday party.
- Dr.Thavalappi (ചാണക സംഘി) (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday belated..
Since I was busy in enjoying with 72 hoors in jannat..
Courtesy-Osama Bin L
- SarcasticTruth (9 months ago)
Cletus \"Clem\" Cocks
Happy birthday! I share a day with Chuck Norris and Osama bin laden...
- Cletus \"Clem\" Cocks (8 months ago)
Wish Happy birthday to your biological father too Osama bin laden
- WonderFact (9 months ago)
Michael Jones
It\'s nice to know that today is Saudi Arabian founder of al-Qaeda Osama bin Laden\'s birthday, when I play
- Michael Jones (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to osama bin laden only
- Sara (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to my guys Zach lavine and Osama bin laden
- andy (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to me, Carrie Underwood, and Osama Bin Laden
- julia (9 months ago)
nobody on the line
Happy Birthday Osama Bin Laden!
- nobody on the line (9 months ago)
General Qasem isla.
Happy birthday Osama Bin Laden
- General Qasem isla. (9 months ago)
Me then Osama bin laden dey share the same birth day Happy birthday
- Skipper (9 months ago)