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Kevin Henning
Happy birthday for yesterday, you Manc legend, you. Same day as my son.
- Kevin Henning (2 weeks ago)
Belated Happy Birthday Pablo you CITY LEGEND
- CarlFinney9 (2 weeks ago)
Grandmaster Chip Shop
Happy Birthday for yesterday looking forward to seeing you back home at with
- Grandmaster Chip Shop (2 weeks ago)
Happy birthday Zab
- John (2 weeks ago)
Happy Birthday City Legend
- Tony (2 weeks ago)
Dave Crow
Happy birthday
- Dave Crow (2 weeks ago)
Happy birthday.
- 549fan (2 weeks ago)
Tony ⚒⚒ they fly so high ⚒⚒
Happy birthday Pablo
- Tony ⚒⚒ they fly so high ⚒⚒ (2 weeks ago)
Jay Atkins
Happy Birthday!! How do you fancy being a manager??!!!
- Jay Atkins (2 weeks ago)
Anthony Flanagan
Happy Birthday Zabba
- Anthony Flanagan (2 weeks ago)
Lee from Manchester
Happy Birthday Zabba
- Lee from Manchester (2 weeks ago)
Mark Caz
Happy birthday Pablo
- Mark Caz (2 weeks ago)
Lynn Trimble
My all time favourite player Happy birthday Zaba. It\'s my late father\'s birthday today and he was a great man like you.
- Lynn Trimble (2 weeks ago)
Kieran L
Happy birthday zabba, top man.
- Kieran L (2 weeks ago)
Happy Birthday Pablo Provoleta!
- K (2 weeks ago)
Happy birthday you absolute legend
- Cogs (2 weeks ago)
Neil Vickers
Happy birthday Pablo. Hope the day has been great for you. You gave me so many great memories and we\'re a warrior to boot
- Neil Vickers (2 weeks ago)
Ste Berry
Happy Birthday top man.
- Ste Berry (2 weeks ago)
Happy 38th birthday to Pablo Zabaleta,who made 80 appearances in 3 seasons.playing for the mighty Hammers,many retu
- @HammersMuseumPerth (2 weeks ago)
Simon Young
Happy birthday
- Simon Young (2 weeks ago)
Happy birthday Great to meet you at the Summer tour in Green Bay!
- MCFC Knox (2 weeks ago)
West Ham United ⚒️
Happy birthday Pablo.
Free for a game Saturday?
- West Ham United ⚒️ (2 weeks ago)
Derek Vance
Happy birthday Pablo. Unfortunately you never played for my team but I loved watching your drive an
- Derek Vance (2 weeks ago)
Paul Tomson
Happy Birthday Zabba, please come back to City just to say hello to the fans!
- Paul Tomson (2 weeks ago)
Happy Birthday , Hope your day has been amazing
- Taosd_uk (2 weeks ago)
Happy birthday warrior
- Simon (2 weeks ago)
Kyle Debelak
Happy birthday mate
- Kyle Debelak (2 weeks ago)
You need to top that up Happy birthday Pablo
- L33 W3MYSS (2 weeks ago)
Daniel Brady
Happy birthday zaba
- Daniel Brady (2 weeks ago)
Wealth Forest
Happy Birthday Senior man
- Wealth Forest (2 weeks ago)
Happy birthday to a fellow Capricorn and Man City Legend. All the best Zabba
- Baz (2 weeks ago)
Harley Summers
Happy birthday hope you had a corker Zaba you deserve it
- Harley Summers (2 weeks ago)
Happy Birthday to a City Legend
- Lis (2 weeks ago)
mark allen
Happy birthday to the best defender we have had , a true warrior and a lovely guy
- mark allen (2 weeks ago)