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Jolysa Anthony
Happy Birthday Pat Morita
- Jolysa Anthony (8 months ago)
I am wishing you Pat Morita a Happy Birthday and may God bless you and keep you safe and Amen
- Sheldon (8 months ago)
Shauna (Terry Silver fan)
I know I m late but happy birthday to Pat Morita who is sadly not with us anymore. He was best known for playing th
- Shauna (Terry Silver fan) (8 months ago)
Gary Lutz
Happy Birthday to the late great actor & comedian Pat Morita.
- Gary Lutz (8 months ago)
Happy birthday to Japanese/American actor Pat Morita
Who would have been 91 today
But passed away aged 2005 aged 73
- WWE LOVATIC FOREVER (8 months ago)
Among friends & others who are important to me ... this time of year & especially today has a great cast of birthda
- WNYKurt (8 months ago)
Stryfe the Warrior
Happy Birthday to the late great Pat Morita! He would\'ve been 91 today, and his portrayal as Mr. Miyagi is legendar
- Stryfe the Warrior (8 months ago)
Gulag Thought Crime Prevention Center
Happy birthday to a guy who shares a birthday with Henry VIII, Kathy Bates, Mel Brooks, John Elway, and Pat Morita.
- Gulag Thought Crime Prevention Center (8 months ago)
Welcome to Boomtown
Happy Birthday to Pat Morita on what would have been his 90th. Benny Banzai here, I met and got to know Pat in the
- Welcome to Boomtown (8 months ago)
Steve Hayes
Happy Birthday NORIYUKI \'PAT\' MORITA! Oscar nom for Mr. Miyagi in THE KARATE KID. Many movies including HONEYMOON
- Steve Hayes (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the late & great Noriyuki \"Pat\" Morita (1932-2005)
- RetroPAT (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Aileen Quinn, Alessandro Nivola, Alice Krige, Bruce Davison, Gilda Radner, John Cusack, Kathy Bat
- NotYourAverageMovieBuff (8 months ago)
Greg Prescott
Happy birthday to Pat Morita! And Professor Tanaka was in the headline match at the first live professional wrestli
- Greg Prescott (8 months ago)
Barlow\'s Boutique
Happy birthday to the late Pat Morita.
- Barlow\'s Boutique (8 months ago)
Keener 13
Happy Birthday to:
1926 Mel Brooks
1932 Pat Morita (d. 2005)
1946 Gilda Radner (d. 1989)
1948 Kathy Bates
1954 Alic
- Keener 13 (8 months ago)
Sanford&Son And The Jeffersons Fan Page
Happy Birthday to the late actor Pat Morita (June 28, 1932 November 24, 2005)
- Sanford&Son And The Jeffersons Fan Page (8 months ago)
Sammon News
Happy Birthday to Pat Morita, Mr Miyagi himself, who would\'ve turned 91 years old today.
Rest in Peace.
- Sammon News (8 months ago)
Aywon Williams
Today would have been Actor and Comedian Pat Morita\'s 90th birthday. He was gone but never forgotten. Happy 90th Bi
- Aywon Williams (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the late great Mr. Myagi (Pat Morita)
- SuperUnderDawg (8 months ago)
Fatima Rodriguez xever JS❤️
: YES Love that moment with ! Happy Birthday Pat Morita
- Fatima Rodriguez xever JS❤️ (8 months ago)
Sanford&Son/The Jeffersons Fan Page
Happy Birthday to the late Pat Morita Ah Chew
- Sanford&Son/The Jeffersons Fan Page (8 months ago)
Patricia Freudenberg
Remembering Pat Morita BIRTHDAY in HEAVEN who was a Japanese-American actor and comedian. . He was known for his ro
- Patricia Freudenberg (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday Noriyuki Pat Morita! I first saw him as Arnold on Happy Daus but he ll forever fondly be remembere
- paulspieceofmind (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the late great Pat Morita!!
- clive (8 months ago)
A Quality Interruption
Happy birthday, Pat Morita!
- A Quality Interruption (8 months ago)
shawnee smith
Happy birthday Pat Morita
Miss you
Best boss ever..
- shawnee smith (8 months ago)
Killer 80s
Remembering American actor, voice actor, comedian, and martial artist Pat Morita on his birthday (June 28, 1932 N
- Killer 80s (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the late Pat Morita
(June 28, 1932 November 24, 2005)
- TheSeer7 (8 months ago)
Allen Marshall
Happy Birthday to Joseph Joachim, Sergiu Celibidache, Gilda Radner, Noriyuki \'Pat\' Morita, and Mel Brooks!
- Allen Marshall (8 months ago)
Tran Khuong
- Tran Khuong (8 months ago)
Mike P.
Happy 90th birthday to the legend that is Pat Morita!! We love you and miss you!
- Mike P. (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the legend himself Pat Morita who would ve been 90 years old today! We miss & love you so much
- Eleanor (8 months ago)
Heavenly happy birthday to MASH alumni Pat Morita
- Mashaholic (8 months ago)
Fred Connelly
Happy birthday to Mel Brooks, Pat Morita and Mrs C.
- Fred Connelly (8 months ago)
Erich Schultz
Happy birthday: Mike Lindell, Henry VIII, Gilda Radner, Kathy Bates, Pat Morita,
- Erich Schultz (8 months ago)
Mike Mazda
Happy Birthday to . Mel Brooks Gilda Radner Pat Morita John Elway Kathy Bates & John Cusack
- Mike Mazda (8 months ago)
Scott Smith
Happy birthday to this iconic actor. Happy birthday to Pat Morita
- Scott Smith (8 months ago)
Ray Jackdaw
So I share my birthday with and Henry VIII.
And And Elaine Thompson.
And Kathy Bates.
- Ray Jackdaw (8 months ago)
Fun Facts Factory
Turn on some saxophone music and have fun cooking a Peruvian ceviche today! A very happy birthday to Pat M
- Fun Facts Factory (8 months ago)
Join myself and on June 28th, as we wish a Happy Birthday to ICON Pat Morita and discuss 1
- EveningAtTheMovies (8 months ago)
Happy birthday pat Morita rest in heavenly piece
- Kiara (8 months ago)
Bruce Lee The Dragon
A Belated Happy Birthday to The one and Only \"Mr. Miyagi\" Pat Morita!
- Bruce Lee The Dragon (8 months ago)
Happy birthday to elon musk, markiplier, henry viii of england, mel brooks, john cusack, jean-jacques rousseau, bea
- Cye (8 months ago)
Happy birthday to Pat Morita, who would have been 89 years today. We miss you & you re still the best around
- Megacloud47 (8 months ago)
Stryfe the Warrior (Hiatus)
Happy Birthday Pat Morita
- Stryfe the Warrior (Hiatus) (8 months ago)
Edwin Chen
Happy Birthday to Pat Morita! May he Rest In Power.
- Edwin Chen (8 months ago)
Remembering Noriyuki \"Pat\" Morita on his birthday. Happy birthday Mr Miyagi
- TrinityLegend45 (8 months ago)