In the midst of NeoclassicalKeynesianism and Monetarism, Paul Davidson read JM Keynes and devoted his research and
- Andrea Terzi (3 months ago)
Dirk Ehnts
Happy birthday, Paul Davidson!
- Dirk Ehnts (3 months ago)
Warren B. Mosler
Paul Davidson is 88 today- happy birthday! 20 years ago he read \'Soft Currency Economics\' and demanded I write \'Fu
- Warren B. Mosler (3 months ago)
happy bday authors♪♫
Happy birthday Paul Davidson! Post Keynesian economist
- happy bday authors♪♫ (3 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Paul Davidson will celebrate his 95 years old birthday in 8 months and 22 days! Send your greetings to him now!
Macroeconomist who became famous as the head spokesman of the American Post Keynesian school of economics and appeared in televised debates on international currency systems.