Welcome to Paul Gascoigne's Birthday Celebration Page
Paul Gascoigne got 569 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

Happy birthday to the legend, Paul Gascoigne! Your iconic goal will forever be etched in our memories! Check my bio plz - adelaida.draper (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Essence of Icon
Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne! Did you know he had a number 2 hit with Fog on the Tyne? Check out our prints a - Essence of Icon (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

BRITISH History - On This Day
Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne Born 27 May 1967. He is regarded as one of the best playmakers of his gener - BRITISH History - On This Day (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

LazioLive Tv
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne  - LazioLive Tv (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

OPEN 24/7 ⏰
90sfootball: Happy birthday A Footballing Icon: Paul GASCOIGNE via - OPEN 24/7 ⏰ (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

80s Football
Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne - 80s Football (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Absolute legend Mr Paul Gascoigne Happy Birthday - MattP THFC (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Panini World Cup
Happy birthday to Paul Gascoigne! - Panini World Cup (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Orient Football Shirts
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne - Orient Football Shirts (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Wolves Fancast
Happy Birthday to one of England\'s greatest ever players, and former Wolves trialist, Paul Gascoigne. Here he is s - Wolves Fancast (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday A Footballing Icon: Paul GASCOIGNE via - TheHex (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

5 27 Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne & Jeremy Doku - show-ta (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Paul Rimmer
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne, 56. You were a shining star & the funniest guy I ever met. Your stories were from an - Paul Rimmer (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Revista Líbero
Hoy cumple años Maradona Fish and Chips, John Paul (sí, es por The Beatles) Gascoigne Happy Birthday Gazza - Revista Líbero (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne. Gazza was a footballing genius, and the best player that many of us have seen in an - Wolves¹⁸⁷⁷ (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Fourteen Admirals
\'I didn t want it to end. I wanted to play football forever that summer\' Paul Gascoigne Happy Birthday to Englands - Fourteen Admirals (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Garry Fowler
Happy birthday m8, you share your birthday with some great people Paul Gascoigne and me - Garry Fowler (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Folle e amato alla follia dai tifosi inglesi e da quelli delle squadre in cui ha giocato, Paul Gascoigne compie ogg - Stefano.Greco.1962 (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Iconic Football Shirts
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne - Iconic Football Shirts (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Rocking Magpie (inc. RMHQ Radio Show)
Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne ,NEWCASTLE UNITED LEGEND via - Rocking Magpie (inc. RMHQ Radio Show) (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Kick Off Merchants
Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne. 56 today! We have a huge collection of Gazza stuff on the site, celebrating his - Kick Off Merchants (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Paul Gascoigne - glasgowredz (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ned Zahawi
Happy birthday Paul Gascoigne. \"A sensational criminal mind\" - Ned Zahawi (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne . Once A Ranger Always A Ranger . He\'s One Of Our Own . - Mikey (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

JR Hartleys armchair
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne, 56 today. - JR Hartleys armchair (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, Paul - UEFA EURO 2024 DE (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

John Papanastasiou
Happy Birthday to the legendary Paul Gascoigne... - John Papanastasiou (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Overlap
Happy 56th Birthday to the brilliant Paul Gascoigne! David Beckham recalls the time his parents met Gazza and th - The Overlap (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to the mind-boggling Paul Gascoigne - TheHeartofFootball❤️⚽ (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne - MattDan1407 (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Adam Margolis
There\'s only one Paul Gascoigne! That day in April 1991 at Wembley was very hard to beat! Happy birthday Gazza - Adam Margolis (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Simon Head
Paul Gascoigne s brilliant goal against Scotland at Euro 96. What a player. What a summer. What a goal. Happy birth - Simon Head (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Paul Gascoigne is an abusive wife beater, I won\'t be wishing him a happy birthday. Poor from to message their best wishes. - JRF (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne He had everything and if it wasn\'t for horrendous injuries that some don\'t even r - ukdad4u (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Joseph Fiennes, Jamie Oliver, Paul Gascoigne, Andre 3000, Paul Bettany, Siouxsie Si - BRMGradio (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jamie Garwood
Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne. Still the best talent I have seen in the flesh. For all he did still a case of wh - Jamie Garwood (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne. Born this day in 1967 in Gateshead. Former footballer who played for Newcastle Un - Kenny (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Nick Spalding
Love this, happy birthday Paul Gascoigne - Nick Spalding (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

This Is Football Gaming
Happy birthday, Paul Gascoigne! Gazza. Lazio. Golazzo. - This Is Football Gaming (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 56th Birthday to Paul Gascoigne. Past his best at Everton with just scored 1 goal in 38 games, but still the - Bluekipper.com (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

retro futbol
Happy birthday Paul Gascoigne \"Gazza\" - retro futbol (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Frank Khalid OBE
Vinnie Jones: The first thing I told him when I got near him was that I wouldn t be playing any football and neith - Frank Khalid OBE (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Paul Reid
Paul Gascoigne Goal (England Vs Scotland 1996) via Happy birthday to my boy billy - Paul Reid (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 55th Birthday to Paul Gascoigne What a special player Gazza was - Mabruk (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Michael Taylor
Happy birthday to Paul Gascoigne, who turned 55 today. - Michael Taylor (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Wishing the fabulous midfielder Gazza a happy birthday! A genius Paul Gascoigne - DW (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

8-Bit Players
Happy Birthday to the one and only Paul Gascoigne _________________ - 8-Bit Players (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Gabriel Tomato
Happy birthday to the greatest midfi3lder to ever play in Scotland Mr Paul Gascoigne!!!!! - Gabriel Tomato (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Paul Gascoigne(55) Birkir Bjarnason(34 ) and Aymeric Laporte(28) - bido278 (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne Born 27 May 1967. - BRITISH HISTORY (10 months ago)

57 years old (Born on May 27, 1967)

Happy Birthday, Gazza! Just like your legendary goal against Scotland in Euro '96, your celebrations should be iconic—wildly entertaining and impossible to forget. May your cake have more flair than the sweetest of midfield dribbles and fewer tears than Italia ’90; after all, we've always loved you for both!

We’re not sure what’s aged better: your killer banter or that timeless strike record—10 memorable goals in 57 caps for England! Either way, here's hoping this birthday brings laughter brighter than Wembley floodlights, memories sweeter than football glory days at Tottenham and Rangers combined, and a night as lively as Gazza himself!

Paul Gascoigne's Best Moments

A very happy 50th birthday to one of Tyneside\s favourite sons - Paul Gascoigne!
Happy 50th Birthday Paul Gascoigne! One of the greatest English footballers of all-time
Happy 50th Birthday to an all time England great, Paul Gascoigne.
Unbelievable player.
Unbelievable character.
Happy birthday, Paul Gascoigne
Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne - the most naturally gifted player England has ever produced
Happy 50th Birthday to one of the finest talents to come out of the British Isles: Paul Gascoigne!
Happy 48th birthday to Paul Gascoigne!
Join us in wishing a very happy 53rd birthday to great Paul Gascoigne!
Happy 50th Birthday to Tottenham Hotspur legend Paul Gascoigne
Happy birthday to footballing legend, Paul Gascoigne A man who knew how to hit them.
Incredible player  Incredible character Paul Gascoigne, Happy Birthday
Happy 50th Birthday Paul Gascoigne! One of the greatest English footballers of all-time
Happy 53rd Birthday former  & Legend Paul Gascoigne, have a great day my friend
Happy 50th Birthday Paul GASCOIGNE !
Happy birthday to Paul Gascoigne. The most talented English footballer of all time turned 48 today.
Happy Birthday to our legendary client Paul Gascoigne who turns 54 today!!
 Remember    goal?       Happy birthday, Paul Gascoigne  |
Happy birthday to great Paul Gascoigne  Here\s a throwback to you know what...
  Happy birthday to Paul Gascoigne!

The most talented English footballer of all-time turns 51 today.
Happy birthday to Paul Gascoigne. The most talented English footballer of all time turns 48 today.
Happy birthday to Paul Gascoigne!
Happy 55th birthday Paul Gascoigne!
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne! Throwback to this hilarious story
Happy 55th birthday to the great Paul Gascoigne
A legend   Happy birthday to the one & only Paul Gascoigne!
Happy birthday to the legend that is Paul Gascoigne
Happy Birthday To Paul Gascoigne
54 Today
Happy 54th Birthday to Paul Gascoigne What a player  Paul | Magpie 24/7
Happy birthday Paul Gascoigne
Happy 51st birthday to former Everton player Paul Gascoigne!
Happy Birthday, Paul Gascoigne!
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne!
Happy birthday Gazza! He was part of the squad that finished 4th at 1990
On this day in 1967, Paul Gascoigne was born.

Happy birthday, Gazza!
 Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne!
Happy birthday (21), (28), Bobby Convey (32) & Paul Gascoigne (48)
Happy birthday, legend Paul Gascoigne! Do you remember THAT memorable EURO \96 goal?
Happy Birthday to Tottenham Hotspur legend Paul Gascoigne. This man oozes class. Proper Spurs.
Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne the best footballer I ve seen in a Black and White shirt
       Happy Birthday, Paul
Many happy returns to England legend Paul Gascoigne, who turns 48 today. Happy Birthday Gazza!
Happy Birthday to legend Paul Gascoigne!

Happy 50th Birthday Paul Gascoigne.

What a talent! What a character!
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne who turns 50 today. Give us your birthday messages to Gazza
Happy birthday to former midfielder, Paul Gascoigne!    : Getty
 Happy birthday, Gazza. 

What s your favourite Paul Gascoigne goal? 

We ll start
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne from The Rangers Former Players Benevolent Club
Happy birthday to the legendary Paul Gascoigne.
Happy 51st Birthday to former Everton player Paul Gascoigne
Happy Birthday to the Geordie genius Paul Gascoigne!
Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne!
 Happy Birthday, Paul Gascoigne            |
Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne

Born 27 May 1967.
Happy 48th birthday to England football legend Paul Gascoigne (
Happy 53rd Birthday to wife-beating, alcoholic,  coke fiend and cry-baby, Paul Gascoigne. Waste of space.
Happy 48th birthday to the genius that is Paul Gascoigne.
Happy 50th birthday Paul Gascoigne. England\s greatest
Happy Birthday to former Everton midfielder and England star, Paul Gascoigne! Have a great day Gazza!
Happy Birthday, Paul Gascoigne He\s made so many shirts instantly iconic Which one is your favourite?
Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne!
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne
Happy birthday Paul Gascoigne x
Happy 48th Birthday to Tottenham legend Paul Gascoigne!
Happy Birthday to Mr Paul Gascoigne, Rangers legend
Happy 48th Birthday to Gazza, Paul Gascoigne.
Happy 50th Birthday to Paul Gascoigne!
Happy birthday to former England and Tottenham midfielder Paul Gascoigne who turns 51 today.
Happy birthday to the one and only Paul gascoigne (GAZZA)
Happy birthday to Paul Gascoigne what a player and what a man
Lazioland wishes Paul Gascoigne a happy birthday.
Happy 53rd birthday Paul Gascoigne!
Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne . We love you man
Happy 55th Birthday to Paul Gascoigne What a special player Gazza was
Happy 55th Birthday to Rangers Legend Paul Gascoigne
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne
       Happy Birthday, Paul     | |
Happy Birthday to the one and only Paul Gascoigne  
Happy birthday Paul Gascoigne \"Gazza\"
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne who turns 48 today
Happy birthday to Paul Gascoigne!
Happy birthday Paul Gascoigne. Great player though he was, probably the biggest example of what could have been.
Happy 48th birthday to Paul Gascoigne!
Happy birthday to the legendary Paul Gascoigne - one of very few genuine flair players England had.
L\anglès Paul Gascoigne fa 48 anys. Migcampista tot terreny, amant de la mala vida. Happy birthday
Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne AKA \"Gazza\". The former Newcastle & England midfielder is 48 today.
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne - 48 today.
Happy 48th birthday to the one and only Paul Gascoigne! Congratulations!
Happy Birthday, Paul Gascoigne!
A very happy 50th birthday to GASCOIGNE
Happy 50th birthday to THE player of the 90s Paul Gascoigne
Happy 50th Birthday to the that is Paul ! One of the best players I have ever seen!
Happy 50th Birthday to Paul Gascoigne.
Happy birthday Paul Gascoigne(born 27.5.1967)
Happy 51st birthday to Mr 90s himself, Paul Gascoigne
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne

53 years young
Happy birthday Paul Gascoigne! The reason I fell in love with Foitball and Tottenham Hotspurs!
Happy 53rd Birthday to the legend Paul Gascoigne from everyone at PLRSC
Happy 53rd birthday to Paul Gascoigne.
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne aka (GAZZA)
Happy birthday to the one and only Paul Gascoigne!
It\s about how it made Gazza feel.

Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne
Happy birthday Paul Gascoigne
Happy Birthday.. Paul GASCOIGNE
27 Mei 1967
Ein englischer Publikumsliebling feiert heute Geburtstag: Paul wird 48, happy birthday
Happy 48th Birthday to Paul Gascoigne. A flawed genius.
Happy Birthday legend Paul
Happy 48th birthday to one of the biggest Geordies ever, Paul Gascoigne.
Happy birthday to Spurs legend Paul Gascoigne who turns 48 today!
Happy birthday to Paul Gascoigne. This was possibly his greatest ever performance.
Happy 48th birthday to a massive name of 90\s football Paul Gascoigne
Happy 48th birthday to paul gascoigne!
Happy 48th birthday to Paul Gascoigne.
Happy 48th birthday to Paul Gascoigne
Happy 48th birthday to Paul Gascoigne!
Happy 48th Birthday to the legend that is Paul Gascoigne.
Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne, 48 today.
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne
 A very Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne who turns 48 today. Have a great day Gazza
Paul Gascoigne. Alcohol merosak kan karier beliau. But he is a very talented football player. Happy Birthday Gazza
Happy Birthday, Paul Gascoigne.

One of a kind.
Happy Birthday to 1 of England\s best ever players- Gazza, Paul Gascoigne.
Happy birthday to a man who was 1990s football, Paul Gascoigne
Happy birthday to Paul Gascoigne. The most talented English footballer of all time turns 48 today.
  Happy 48th Birthday Paul Gascoigne! One of the greatest footballers England has ever produced.
Happy birthday to my fav player of all time. Paul Gascoigne.
Happy Birthday to eternal mag and joker Paul Gascoigne - Wor Gazza!!
Happy 50th birthday today to former   and midfielder Paul Gascoigne.
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne
Happy birthday to England legend Paul Gascoigne, who turns 50 today.
Happy birthday to the brilliant Paul Gascoigne from the Spurs fans
Happy 50th birthday to the reason I support Spurs...
Happy 50th Birthday to the one and only Paul Gascoigne.
Happy 50th Birthday (Sir) Paul Gascoigne
Happy birthday to my mate gazza! Paul Gascoigne goal v Scotland my favourite ever goal!
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne
Happy birthday to Paul Gascoigne

An absolute legend of the game, and we will never forget this goal
 Happy Birthday to the one and only, Paul Gascoigne.
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne
I would like to wish Paul gascoigne a very happy birthday lots of love wor legend  have a belta day pet HWTL
Happy birthday to the legendary Paul Gascoigne
Happy TOON Birthday too one of Wor own

Paul Gascoigne

We hope you have a Toontastic Day Gazza
Happy birthday \"gazza\" Paul Gascoigne
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne
Happy Birthday to the one and only Paul Gascoigne, a beautiful selection of kits he wore.
Paul Gascoigne - now he was a proper CM. Happy birthday Gazza
Paul Gascoigne is 53 today. To be honest with all his demons, I am so glad he\s made it to 53! Happy birthday Gazza!
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne, the greatest ever player to put on the 3 lions shirt
Happy Birthday, Paul Gascoigne
Happy 53rd birthday Paul Gascoigne. How would you sum up his time at Burnley?
Happy 53rd Birthday to Paul Gascoigne, one of the England s greatest and a legend of the game!
Happy birthday, Paul Gascoigne!
Happy 54th Birthday to Paul Gascoigne. Have a lovely day. Best wishes. COYS
Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne, a player unlike any other!        [ :Coloursport]
Happy Birthday to a magical player
Paul Gascoigne
Happy 55th birthday to Paul Gascoigne
  happy birthday Paul Gascoigne
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne
Happy birthday to Paul Gascoigne(55) Birkir Bjarnason(34 ) and Aymeric Laporte(28)
 Happy birthday, Paul Gascoigne!

Gazza. Lazio. Golazzo.
Happy birthday to the mind-boggling Paul Gascoigne
Happy birthday to Paul Gascoigne!
Happy Birthday Paul Gascoigne
Happy Birthday to Paul Gascoigne
Paul Gascoigne sexy 0
Paul Gascoigne new pic 1
Paul Gascoigne dating 2
Paul Gascoigne hairstyle 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Paul, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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