Happy Birthday Paul Roma One half of Power & Glory and of WCW World Tag Champions Pretty Wonderful turns 64 toda
- AJFwrestling (10 months ago)
Gary Lutz
Happy Birthday to retired wrestler Paul Roma!
- Gary Lutz (10 months ago)
80s Wrestling Fan
Happy Birthday Steve Lombardi was born Apr 18, 1961 & turns 62 this year. I got to see him face Paul
- 80s Wrestling Fan (11 months ago)
Mike Gilbert
Happy Birthday to Preety Paul Roma, AKA Preety Pablo, AKA Dr Preet. number 1 fan
- Mike Gilbert (10 months ago)
Zombie Sailor
Happy Birthday to our friend, Pretty Paul Roma!
We can t wait to create your first licensed action figure!
- Zombie Sailor (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Paul Roma!
- Chupacabra (10 months ago)
Old School WWF Veteran Paul Roma celebrates his 61st birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
- WWFOldSchool.com (10 months ago)
jon van
Happy Birthday Paul Roma! (April 29).
- jon van (10 months ago)
Chupacabra チュパカブラ
Happy Birthday to Paul Roma!
- Chupacabra チュパカブラ (10 months ago)
Matt DaCorte
Happy birthday Paul Roma!!
- Matt DaCorte (10 months ago)
Rick Del Santo
Happy Birthday Paul Roma!
- Rick Del Santo (10 months ago)
Happy 60th Birthday to Wrestler Paul Roma!
- TReese82 (10 months ago)
The Darkness And The Lightness
Happy Birthday Paul Roma
- The Darkness And The Lightness (10 months ago)
nick setters
Happy birthday Paul Roma
- nick setters (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday!
Paul Roma Centopani
Apr29,1960 Age59
5ft11in(1.80m) 235lb(107kg)
Finisher: Diving body press.
- skatan_hansen (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Paul Roma!
- SquaredCircleExpo (10 months ago)
Jason barger
Happy birthday to former professional wrestler Paul Roma @ Pearland, Texas
- Jason barger (10 months ago)
Wrasslun Show
Happy Birthday to Jay Lethal (33) Paul Roma (58) and Titus O Neil (41)
- Wrasslun Show (10 months ago)
Richard Holliday
Happy Birthday to my trainer, and my friend Pretty Paul Roma.
Thank you for everything!
- Richard Holliday (10 months ago)
History of Pro Wrestling
Happy Birthday Wishes to Paul Roma who turns 58 years old today
- History of Pro Wrestling (10 months ago)
Tim Rowe
Happy Birthday to one of the most underrated wrestlers ever... Paul Roma! Thank you for all of the great matches and memories.
- Tim Rowe (10 months ago)
Ring Wars
Happy Birthday to 3 time WCW World Tag Team Champion \"Pretty\" Paul Roma (Paul Centopani) who turns 57 today.
- Ring Wars (10 months ago)
Ring Wars
Happy Birthday to 3 time WCW World Tag Team Champion Paul Roma (Paul Centopani) who turns 55 today.
- Ring Wars (10 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Paul Roma will celebrate his 65 years old birthday in 1 month and 13 days! Send your greetings to him now!