Welcome to Paul Simon's Birthday Celebration Page
Paul Simon got 2046 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Paul Simon will be 80 years old today. Happy Birthday to you, sir. Let the music play. - LILI (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Rock N Roll Pictures
Happy 80th birthday Paul Simon - Rock N Roll Pictures (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

OffBeat Magazine
Happy 80th birthday to Paul Simon, pictured here at the 2014 - OffBeat Magazine (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Tucker Booth
Happy Birthday Paul Simon Beside Bob Dylan, I consider you the best songwriter of them all - Tucker Booth (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Double L must Rock The Bells
Happy 80th Birthday, Paul Simon... \"Call Me Al\" is my jam... If you\'ll be my bodyguard, I can be your long lost p - Double L must Rock The Bells (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

HAPPY 80th BIRTHDAY Paul Simon! \"yesterday it was my birthday, I hung one more year on the line, I should be depr - PUN (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

birthday balloon

Kyra Anisimov
Happy Birthday Paul Simon - Kyra Anisimov (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

THE BEST BLUE RIBBON DUO! Happy Birthday Paul Simon. - Ntw (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Karen Bischer
Sure, Paul Simon has written and recorded some of the most iconic songs of our time. But he also stayed till the en - Karen Bischer (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Kariann Hart
Happy Birthday, Paul Simon! He\'s trending right now. - Kariann Hart (4 months ago)
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Jen Roxx
I used to listen to Gracelands in the car on the way to school. I m still crazy about Paul Simon after all these y - Jen Roxx (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

NYS Music
Happy birthday Revisit his 2014 concert with Sting - NYS Music (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

I learn something new every damn day. Not only do I share a birthday with Paul Simon, I also share it w - 69 IS DEVINE! 69 IS DEVINE!! (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 80th Birthday Paul Simon :) - Sylvia (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

New Leibniz
Happy birthday, Paul Simon! - New Leibniz (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Paul Dudack
Happy Birthday, Paul Simon - Paul Dudack (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Slip out the back, Jack Make a new plan, Stan You don t need to be coy, Roy Just get yourself free Happy 80th Bir - Barbara (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 80th birthday to the greatest songwriter of my lifetime, Mr. Paul Simon. - 9fm (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Paul Simon He\'s a one-trick pony One trick is all that horse can do He does, one trick only It\' - BellaDawn (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

BlueWave2022 ☮
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon! When I was a little girl, I thought he knew my family because his ly - BlueWave2022 ☮ (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Rick London Ⓥ
Happy Birthday to our favorite Paul Simon (and many more happy ones to come) from Londons Times Cartoon - Rick London Ⓥ (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Pam Davis
I m getting old. I remember when they first started. Loved all their music. Happy birthday to Paul Simon. - Pam Davis (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Liz Jenkins
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon! You got me through undergrad - Liz Jenkins (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Paul Simon and great song - peace999now_ (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Long Duck John
Happy 80th birthday Paul Simon! - Long Duck John (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Yohazid Giesemann
Happy Birthday Paul Simon und danke für diesen Feel-good-Megahit. - Yohazid Giesemann (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Erika Norton
Happy birthday to Paul Simon, the creator of one of my favorite albums of all time. - Erika Norton (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Paul Simon! - CreamyButters (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Errands run. What a relief. In other news happy birthday to Paul Simon. The Born at the Right Time tour was the fir - Mackenzi (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Candice Frederick
Happy birthday, paul simon - Candice Frederick (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Famous Lost Words Podcast
Happy 80th birthday Paul Simon! Have a listen to this late \'70s interview with Paul. - Famous Lost Words Podcast (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Tony Markovic
Happy Birthday Paul Simon!!! - Tony Markovic (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

One of my favorite songs and music videos is You Can Call Me Al. I play it at least once a week so I can dance to i - Jackie (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Huckster Finn
Happy 80th Birthday to Paul Simon, born October 13, 1941 in Newark, NJ. He has received 12 Grammys, the Grammy Life - Huckster Finn (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ralph Hanson Wears a Mask
Happy 80th Birthday, Paul Simon! And thanks for all of your American Tunes. - Ralph Hanson Wears a Mask (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

G.E. Filtefish wears a mask
Paul Simon turns 80 (and also turns into Mel Brooks). Happy Birthday, Paul! - G.E. Filtefish wears a mask (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

LeeAnne Dale
This song reminds me of my mom, rest her soul. She loved Paul Simon. Happy Birthday! - LeeAnne Dale (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Governor Slugwell (The Jan Sobieski of Jazz)
- Governor Slugwell (The Jan Sobieski of Jazz) (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Tom G. Hughes
Happy 80th birthday to Paul Simon, master of the melody and pretty darned good at lyrics too. Also Lorne Michaels\' - Tom G. Hughes (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Paul Simon, I\'ve always thought you looked a bit like a turtle - jan (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jason Crouch
Happy birthday to Paul Simon, who is 80 today. and I saw him in concert a couple of years ago, and it - Jason Crouch (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Chikere Ezeh
(Happy Birthday) Paul Simon - You Can Call Me Al via - Chikere Ezeh (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 80th Birthday Paul Simon When I was a baby this man singing was the only way to get me calm. Today? Same - Debbi (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

I Have A Nerdy Mind #Blacklivesmatter
Happy birthday to the amazing, Rock and Roll Hall Of Famer and multi-Grammy Award winner, singer-songwriter, Paul S - I Have A Nerdy Mind #Blacklivesmatter (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Rob Peoni
Happy 80th birthday, Paul Simon. Here\'s a clip of him playing \"Here Comes The Sun\" with George on SNL: - Rob Peoni (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Radio UNO Digital
Happy Birthday - Radio UNO Digital (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Paul Simon -who has brought me so much joy through his incredible music and has made me in awe of - ProtectVotingRights (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Fred McGhee
Sometimes even music cannot substitute for tears. Happy Birthday Paul Simon! - Fred McGhee (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 80th Birthday Paul Simon. - ...Joe (4 months ago)

83 years old (Born on October 13, 1941)


Paul Simon's Best Moments

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Singer Art Garfunkel is 80 today.
Happy birthday to Art Garfunkel. Seen here with long-time collaborator, and occasional enemy, Paul Simon.
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon!
Turning 77 today!
Happy birthday to the great Paul Simon!
  Happy 80th birthday Paul Simon
Happy Birthday to the great Paul Simon!
One of the greatest songwriters was born today in 1941. Happy birthday Paul Simon!
Happy birthday to Paul Simon. Photo (with Art Garfunkel) by Richard Avedon, 1968.
Happy birthday Paul Simon he was born October 13, 1941.
Happy birthday Paul Simon
Happy birthday Paul Simon. Baseball\s loss is music\s gain.
Wishing a happy 80th birthday to Paul Simon!
Happy Birthday legend, inspiration Paul Simon! 73 today
Happy birthday to Paul Simon. Actual legend.
Happy birthday Paul Simon!
Happy 25th birthday to Paul Simon\s best album!
Happy Birthday Paul Simon.  He made a visit to Comerica Park this summer with Jack White.
Happy Birthday Paul Simon!
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon!
Happy birthday to Paul Simon, turning 78 today. One of the few Grammy winners to be taken deep by Mickey Mantle.
Happy 78th Birthday... 
to my dearest, Paul Simon! 

Still Crazy After All These Years
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon! You got me through undergrad
Happy birthday, Paul Simon!
Happy Birthday Paul Simon! Here\s Paul recording his self-titled debut.
A little girl steals spotlight from birthday boy Paul Simon during 1977 visit to Sesame St.
Happy Birthday Paul Simon 

Paul Simon - You Can Call Me Al
Happy Birthday to you Paul Simon!
Happy Belated 79th Birthday to musician, singer, songwriter and actor, Paul Simon!
One Life  Happy Birthday Paul Simon
80 Favourite Song?
Happy birthday, Paul Simon! Thank you for never compromising your musical eccentricity & bringing us fantastic songs.
Happy 77th birthday to singer and songwriter Paul Simon. But you can call him Al.
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon who turns 78 today!
A very Happy Birthday today to musician, singer, songwriter and actor Paul Simon
Happy Birthday, Paul Simon.
Happy 81 birthday to the legendary Paul Simon!
PAUL SIMON - René & Georgette Magritte whith their dog after the war -  Happy Birthday, Paul!
Happy Birthday Paul Simon 

Simon and Garfunkle - Bridge Over Troubled Water
Happy Birthday, Paul Simon (1941.10.13-    )
Happy birthday to paul simon!
80 today, happy birthday Paul Simon!
Happy 80th birthday to the great Paul Simon who was born on October 13, 1941.
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon who turns 81 today.

What s a song by Paul Simon you really like?
Happy 76th Birthday To The Legendary Paul Simon:
                                   Happy Birthday Paul Simon
Happy birthday to Paul Simon! He turns 77 today!
Happy 77th Birthday, Paul Simon!
Happy 78th birthday to Paul Simon! What\s your favourite Paul Simon song?
Music Memories: Happy Birthday, Paul Simon!
Happy Birthday to the great, Paul Simon who turns 79 years young today
Happy 79th Birthday to Paul Simon, who was born in Newark, New Jersey on Oct. 13, 1941.
Happy birthday, Paul Simon!
Happy birthday paul simon
Wishing a Happy Birthday to Paul Simon!
Happy Birthday Paul Simon
Happy birthday Paul Simon. I think about this photo daily
New Blog Post:  Music Memories: Happy Birthday, Paul Simon!
         Happy Birthday, Paul Simon
Happy birthday, paul simon
A very Happy Birthday to Paul Simon who is 80 today. Hoping your still crazy after all these years!
I don\t care what anyone says, Paul Simon is a GENIUS. Happy Birthday to my big teenage crush...
Happy 80th Birthday to Mr Paul Simon via
Happy 80th birthday to Mr. Paul Simon.
C H R S !
Happy 80th Birthday, Paul Simon.
Happy 80th birthday to Paul Simon!
Happy 73rd Birthday, Paul Simon.
With humble pen in hand, I to wish Paul Simon a very happy !
Happy birthday to Princess Leia Carrie Fisher  : baby with mother Debbie Reynolds + with Paul Simon)
Happy birthday, Mr. Paul Simon. La música de 779 está aquí  (carpeta 42)
Join us in wishing our own Paul Simon a very Happy Birthday today!
Happy Birthday to legendary singer-songwriter, Paul Simon!
Happy 78th birthday to Paul Simon a true inspiration and an amazing songwriter and artist
Today is\"Paul Simon\s birthday \",great singer,guitarist and songwriter .Happy Birthday Paul\".
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon!
Happy Birthday  Paul Simon
Happy 79th Birthday to 
 Happy birthday to actor, singer and songwriter Paul Simon!
Happy 79th birthday to the prolific songwriter, Paul Simon!
Happy Birthday     PAUL SIMON                                    Paul Simon song book UK Stereo  80
Paul Simon turns 80 (and also turns into Mel Brooks). Happy Birthday, Paul!
Happy birthday Revisit his 2014 concert with Sting
Happy 80th birthday to Paul Simon, pictured here at the 2014
Happy birthday Paul Simon!
Happy 80th Birthday, Paul Simon!
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon -
A good ole Happy Bday to Paul Simon! - Chris Foord 
Listen to Q107 - >
Happy birthday Paul Simon! 73 years old? Wow.
Happy birthday to the great Paul Simon.
Tommy   Happy Birthday& Alles Gute zum Geburtstag                   Paul Simon
Happy birthday paul simon i love u my cinnamon roll
Happy Birthday Mr Paul Simon! 4 number one albums and 12 Grammy awards isn\t too bad eh?
Happy Birthday      Paul Simon               ^^                            LIVE
A Big BOSS Happy Birthday to Paul Simon today!
Happy Birthday Paul Simon! In the \90s we covered Simon on his tour to China. Watch here:
Happy birthday Paul Simon!     =
Paul Simon turns 74 Used to sing this tune over and over as a kid...  Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon, born Oct 13th 1941
Happy birthday Paul Simon - one of the truly great songwriters
   Paul Simon                               (^-^)
Happy Birthday
 Happy Birthday to Paul Simon!
Happy birthday to grooviest cat Paul Simon. Some days I honestly don\t know what I\d do without his music.
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon, born October 13!
\"Bridge Over Troubled Waters\"

Happy Friday!
A Big BOSS Happy Birthday today to Paul Simon from all of us at Boss Boss Radio!
Happy Birthday Paul Simon 76year old
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon - one of absolute musical heroes
 Happy Birthday Paul Simon! 76 years old today. Favourite Paul Simon song?
Happy 76th birthday to Paul Simon!
Happy Birthday Paul Simon: Graceland Live
Happy birthday, Paul Simon!
Happy 77th Birthday To Paul Simon  - Simon & Garfunkel And More.
Happy Birthday, Paul Simon. 

Photo taken in Monterey by my high school classmate Fred Arellano.
Happy birthday, Paul Simon!
Happy Birthday, Paul Simon!
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon who turns 78 today!
Happy 78th birthday today to Paul Simon!
Born on October 13th, 1941.
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon  singer, songwriter, philanthropist, and actor.
Happy birthday  Paul Simon
Happy birthday PAUL SIMON!
(October 13, 1941)
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon, 79 today
Happy birthday PAUL SIMON!
(October 13, 1941)
Happy 79th Birthday to Paul Simon!!
 Happy Birthday Paul Simon
Wishing Paul Simon a Happy Birthday!
Happy 79th Birthday to the great Paul Simon! Seen here with Art Garfunkel.
And a Happy birthday to Paul Simon  one of the greatest songwriters of any generation...
Paul Simon turns 80 today. Happy Birthday!
Happy 80th Birthday Paul Simon   When I was a baby this man singing was the only way to get me calm. Today? Same
Happy birthday to Paul Simon, the creator of one of my favorite albums of all time.
Happy Birthday, Paul Simon
Happy 80th Birthday to music legend and big baseball fan Paul Simon!!!
Happy 80th birthday to Paul Simon and happy ... 2nd (?) birthday to his face
Happy 80th Birthday Paul Simon
A few 50p finds. Happy birthday to Paul Simon. A man so cool he married a princess.
  Happy Birthday Paul Simon! We need more proof and less faith.
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon, who turns 73 today!
Happy birthday to my main man- Paul Simon!
Happy birthday Mr. Paul Simon...
Paul Simon 

( V & G of Simon & Garfunkel )

Happy 73rd Birthday!!!

13 Oct 1941
Happy Birthday Paul Simon. Here he is with Art Garfunkel in 1970. Photograph by Janet Macoska.
Happy birthday Paul Simon! Heres a shot from 2010, we all look so young!
Happy Birthday, Paul Simon! One of Americas great composer, poet, lyricist and Yankee fan.
Happy Birthday from Organic Soul Singer-songwriter Paul Simon is 73
Happy Birthday Paul Simon, 73 today, October 13. 18 year old in the studio with Carole King, 1959
Happy birthday Paul Simon
Happy Birthday Paul Simon. 73 today.
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon! Whats your favorite Simon tune?
Happy Birthday!!  Paul Simon Sources: 
picture from
Happy birthday Paul Simon!
Born Oct. 13, 1941
Singing Still Crazy in A Turkey Suit on SNL 1976
Happy birthday musician Paul Simon born 1941!
Happy 74th Birthday to Paul Simon
Happy Birthday Paul Simon  great  player top Long life rock
VEVO_ESP : tenistabiker: Happy birthday Paul Simon :)
The Boxer: Live From Paris de und
Happy 74th Birthday to Paul Simon! Get 70s on now for a PS classic very shortly
Happy birthday Paul Simon! Did you know, before the success of Simon and Garfunkel...
Happy Birthday, Paul Simon! A celebration in song and story coming up on at 7:20a.
Happy Birthday, Paul Simon!
Happy Birthday to the legendary singer, songwriter & user Paul Simon!
 Happy Birthday to singer/songwriter Paul Simon 74 October 13th
Happy 74th birthday Paul Simon 10 Things You Didn t Know About Paul Simon  via
Happy Birthday to three music stars who influenced and shaped my youth: Paul Simon, Sammy Hagar and... Marie Osmond.
Happy birthday, Paul Simon. You are a visionary, the greatest of all time, and so gosh darn fedorable.
Paul Simon 

( V & G of Simon & Garfunkel )

Happy 74th Birthday !!!

13 Oct 1941

American Folk Rock Icon
Happy 74th birthday to Paul Simon.
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon! Still some copies of our exclusive Graceland vinyl available!
Happy Birthday to Margaret Thatcher, Paul Simon, Marie Osmond & Nancy Kerrigan!
\"I\ve got nothing to do today but smile\". Happy birthday Paul Simon. You are everything.
Happy Birthday Paul Simon
Happy Birthday to Robert Lamm of Chicago and Paul Simon
Happy birthday Paul Simon!
Happy Birthday Paul Simon! Paul would meet Art Garfunkel in a school play of Alice in Wonderland in 6th grade.
Happy birthday Paul Simon! We\ll be your bodyguard any time!
If you see Paul Simon today, wish him a happy birthday! \"Like a bridge over troubled water I will ease your mind.\"
UkuLeeShee: Happy Birthday Paul Simon! Visit me on FB for links to 4 favourite songs for the
Happy Birthday Paul Simon | Paul Visits Sesame Street on JamBase -
10/13: Happy 74th Birthday 2 musician Paul Simon! Film+TV+Concerts! TV fave=SNL+more!
 - Negotiations & Love Songs 1971-1986 (1988) 
Happy 74th Birthday, Paul Simon! My favorite
Strickland Vintage Watches Happy 74th birthday, Mr. Paul Simon. We hope...
Happy birthday to Paul Simon, born on 13th Oct 1941
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon(right) who turns 76 today!
Paul Simon is 76 years old today. He was born on 13 October 1941 Happy birthday Paul!
Happy 76th Birthday to Paul Simon
Happy birthday, Paul Simon!
Happy Birthday, Paul Simon, born October 13th, 1941, in Newark, New Jersey.
Happy Birthday to Kevin Clifton, Paul Simon, Gareth Batty, Peter Dumbreck, Rachel De Thame, Alan Wakeman & John Snow
Paul! Simon! Sweeet! Way! Cool!
Happy Birthday, Paul Simon. If you don\t mind, I will call you Al.
Happy Birthday to Paul Simon!
So many hits to pick from...what\s your favorite?
Happy birthday  on recording w/ Rhymin\ Simon in MAGNET:
Happy birthday, Paul Simon!
Happy birthday Paul Simon!
Happy 76th Birthday to legendary American recording artist Paul Simon
Happy birthday to one of the greatest sources of cover material ever:
Happy birthday, Paul Simon! What\s your favorite song?
Happy Birthday Paul Simon: Graceland Live
Happy Birthday to the one and only Paul Simon!!!
Happy Birthday Paul Simon: Graceland Live
Happy Birthday Paul Simon
Happy Birthday Paul Simon!
 WoW Happy Birthday Paul Simon
October 13: Paul Simon was born in 1941  Happy Birthday
sting and paul simon 0
paul simon discography 1
young paul simon 2
paul simon discography 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Paul, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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