Happy Birthday to Pavel Popovich (d. 2009), Reinhard Selten (d. 2016), Rosalie Gower (d. 2013), Neal Ascherson, Dea
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (2 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Pavel Popovich (d. 2009), Reinhard Selten (d. 2016), Rosalie Gower (d. 2013), Neal Ascherson and Dean Prentice.
- North Trenton (2 months ago)
Dylan Gonzalez
Happy Birthday Donald Pleasence, Pavel Popovich, Steve Miller, Karen Allen, Bob Geldof, Bernie Mac, Mario Lemieux...
- Dylan Gonzalez (2 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Pavel Popovich celebrated his 94 years old birthday 2 months ago. It might be a bit too late but... Send your greetings to him now!