Happy Birthday Peter Mayhew, known for his role as Chewbacca is 71 today..
- Brian Wake (8 months ago)
Elroy Fudge
It\'s important that we spend this honoring a man who changed the course of history.
Happy birthday, Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca)!
- Elroy Fudge (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday! Peter Mayhew Turns 71 Years Old Today
- Comicbook.com (8 months ago)
Larry Gallagher
Happy Birthday to the man who brought Chewbacca to life, Peter Mayhew!
- Larry Gallagher (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday! Peter Mayhew Turns 71 Years Old Today
- Nerdcast (8 months ago)
Daniel Pickett
Hasbro s Star Wars Day Happy Birthday Peter Mayhew!
- Daniel Pickett (8 months ago)