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Darth Heathens
Happy birthday Phil Hartman
- Darth Heathens (4 months ago)
Adam Weinrib
Oop, almost forgot -- Happy 72nd birthday to Phil Hartman, creator of the most natural 11 minutes of character come
- Adam Weinrib (4 months ago)
25th Amendment Man
Happy 72nd birthday, Phil Hartman.
- 25th Amendment Man (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday Troy McClure!! We Always miss u Phil Hartman!! We could all use your unique brand of comedy and wit
- teenragers (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Phil Hartman, you comic genius.
- THE FUTURIST! (4 months ago)
Throwback Thursday, Hollywood, 1994: the late great Phil Hartman dips goddess Judy after her show in front of the C
- JudyTenuta (4 months ago)
Mike Fellows
Happy birthday, Phil Hartman. I wish you would have done some sort of celebrity wife swap with Trump.
- Mike Fellows (4 months ago)
\"I\'ve succeeded beyond my wildest - financially and the amount of I have in my life.\"
-Phil Hartman
- ThisMonth (4 months ago)
emoji Barfsack O\'Crumbo emoji
Happy birthday! We share a birthday with comedy legend Phil Hartman as well!
- emoji Barfsack O\'Crumbo emoji (4 months ago)
lebeau\'s Le Blog
September 24: Happy Birthday Phil Hartman
- lebeau\'s Le Blog (4 months ago)
Marshall Honorof
Happy birthday to the late, great Phil Hartman. Along with Albert Brooks and Jon Lovitz, he made Springfield consis
- Marshall Honorof (4 months ago)
Brian Tousey
Day 268: So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993): Happy birthday to the late Phil Hartman. His bonafi
- Brian Tousey (4 months ago)
Matt Maybray
A very happy birthday to the late, great Phil Hartman. May everyone make their day... SASSY!
- Matt Maybray (4 months ago)
Joel Austin
Damn. Two legends. Happy Birthday, Jim Henson and Phil Hartman.
- Joel Austin (4 months ago)
Gone But Not Forgotten....Happy Birthday Phil Hartman (1948-1998)...RIP....
- MrOBwon35 (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to Phil Hartman! A fantastic voice actor and one of the greatest comedians of the 20th century!
- Lagunalock (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Jim Henson, Mark Sandman, Phil Hartman, Hercules and YOU!
- Kaiju_Samurai85 (4 months ago)
Jimmy Howland
Happy Birthday to one of the funniest people of all time, Phil Hartman. One of my heroes. He was also one hell of a
- Jimmy Howland (4 months ago)
Regretta Morose
Happy Birthday to Jim Henson, Mark Sandman, Phil Hartman, Kevin Sorbo, and ME!
- Regretta Morose (4 months ago)
I share a birthday with the following people: Phil Hartman, Jim Henson, Stephanie McMahon, and Kevin Sorbo. Ughhh
- Bear (4 months ago)
Mark Arum
Happy Heavenly Birthday to my man Phil Hartman. The guy could to it all. Gone way too soon.
- Mark Arum (4 months ago)
Mike Webster
Happy Birthday to a very funny dude,
Phil Hartman RIP
- Mike Webster (4 months ago)
Trump Comedy Nerd
A very happy birthday to the Late Great Phil Hartman. He was the GLUE that held SNL (which is now terribly unfunny) together!
- Trump Comedy Nerd (4 months ago)
Robert Blinkco
Happy birthday Phil Hartman R.I.P. fuck I miss him he was fantastic in the simpsons
- Robert Blinkco (4 months ago)
Happy birthday big fan here. One day after my girlfriend and Phil Hartman and a week before mine so it
- NM (4 months ago)
ESMG Radio
Happy Birthday: | | | Phil Hartman {RIP} | |
- ESMG Radio (4 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
And Happy Birthday to Maria Teresa Ruiz, Stephen Mueller (d. 2011), Phil Hartman (d. 1998), Garth Porter, Anders Ar
- Teewhy Nyema (4 months ago)
Michael David Hotard
President Bill Clinton at McDonald\'s - SNL via Happy Birthday, Phil Hartman. Your
- Michael David Hotard (4 months ago)
Did That Guy Just Say?
Happy Birthday Phil Hartman! RIP
- Did That Guy Just Say? (4 months ago)
Happy 71st birthday to the late and well loved Phil Hartman. A tribute to two beloved and one less loved characters
- Andy-Oh?! (4 months ago)
Joe Rogan Guests
1717: Horace Walpole (author)
1896: F. Scott Fitzgerald (author)
1900: Ruhollah Khomeini (religio
- Joe Rogan Guests (4 months ago)
Replay Value Podcast
Happy Birthday & RIP Phil Hartman (1948-1998).
- Replay Value Podcast (4 months ago)
Vanity Unique
Happy Heavenly Birthday to Phil Hartman
- Vanity Unique (4 months ago)
Faces Magazine
Happy Birthday to the late, great SNL star Phil Hartman, who would have turned 71 today
- Faces Magazine (4 months ago)
David Vainqueur
You may remember Phil Hartman from such roles as Troy McClure in the Simpsons and Captain Carl in Pee-Wee\'s Playhou
- David Vainqueur (4 months ago)
Kanye West Indies
Happy Posthumous Birthday Phil Hartman (1948-1998), who played Marlax in voiced Dink in pl
- Kanye West Indies (4 months ago)
Ida Mathisen
Happy birthday to the genius that was Phil Hartman (1948-1998)
- Ida Mathisen (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Phil Hartman
- iMusic120 (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to the best impressionist all time... best character actor all time.... rip phil hartman
- F%$K THE DODGERS! (4 months ago)
Pam Quinn
Robin Williams, Phil Hartman, John Ritter. Happy birthday, Phil.
- Pam Quinn (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday Phil Hartman. We miss you
- Sydney (4 months ago)
Celebrity Birthdays
Happy Birthday Phil Hartman
- Celebrity Birthdays (4 months ago)
Averell Carter
Happy Birthday Sir Arthur Guiness (yeah the brewer), F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jim Henson, Big John Mackey, Lou Dobbs, M
- Averell Carter (4 months ago)
Jerry Dennis
Happy Birthday Phil Hartman!
- Jerry Dennis (4 months ago)
Percy \"P**** A** B****\" Dovetonsils™
Happy Birthday! to Captain Carl RIP (AKA Phil Hartman)
- Percy \"P**** A** B****\" Dovetonsils™ (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday Phil Hartman.
- Waterboxer (4 months ago)
Shiny History Gems & Tea
Happy birthday, Phil Hartman (1948-1998)
- Shiny History Gems & Tea (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to my awesome pal who shares his day with the late Jim Hen
- J.O. (4 months ago)
Regenia Harvey
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite comedic actors who tragically was taken from us at the height of his career, P
- Regenia Harvey (4 months ago)
Andy Rash
Happy Birthday, Phil Hartman!
- Andy Rash (4 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Phil Hartman will celebrate his 77 years old birthday in 7 months and 22 days! Send your greetings to him now!