Welcome to Prince Charming's Birthday Celebration Page
Prince Charming got 1209 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Priya Poon
Happy Birthday Prince charming San - Priya Poon (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to our beloved actor, Gong Yoo You are my Prince Charming! - 콩콩 (8 months ago)
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Happy birthday, prince charming - Maisarah (8 months ago)
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Harish ma
Wishing our thala a very Happy Birthday Sending love and light to keep u healthy,happy&bright as always. - Harish ma (8 months ago)
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Happy Birthday to our Prince Charming ~ Boss - LLow (8 months ago)
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What day is today? It s Colin s birthday! What a day for a birthday! Let s all have some cake! Happy birthday - Hedonismbot (9 months ago)
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Happy birthday Nickhun !! My Prince Charming - destimeee (9 months ago)
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zu ꩜
Last one I promise. look at his beauty. prince charming HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUENING KAI - zu ꩜ (7 months ago)
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Tomorrow turn to 22 right? Happy birthday in advance for you my beautiful princess... Tomorrow fly - Zue (7 months ago)
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Michelle lockley
Happy 42nd birthday to my darling man. Miss you every second of every day. Things will get easier.. t - Michelle lockley (7 months ago)
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Portrait of Sir Dream of the Wastaken Family circa 1800s Happy Birthday Dream, our dirty blonde Prince Charmin - TIBBY (7 months ago)
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Happy Birthday to the Prince Charming of my life. May your birthday bring you as much happiness as you bring me. - JJJ (7 months ago)
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Precious Purist
Happy belated birthday to you my prince charming - Precious Purist (7 months ago)
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Raviteja Palanati
Happy Birthday Prince Charming! Mahesh Anna - Raviteja Palanati (7 months ago)
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jiya r
Pihu and adi blindfolding priya , pihu taking priya to cafe , pihu telling \"Aapke Prince Charming ne kiya hai , Ram - jiya r (7 months ago)
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Wishing a Very Happy Birthday to our Prince Charming - Pratima (7 months ago)
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AmuL Tatavarty
Wishibg the Prince Charming a very Happy Bday - AmuL Tatavarty (7 months ago)
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Happy Birthday Prince Charming Mahesh.... Good Morning Baby - Kartheek91 (7 months ago)
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haleyann✨Wings of Desire✨
Happy Birthday to our sweetest Prince Charming Happy birthday Younghoon!! You are so amazing, loving, charming, - haleyann✨Wings of Desire✨ (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

haleyann✨Forever Only✨
Happy Birthday to our sweetest Prince Charming Happy birthday Younghoon!! You are so amazing, loving, charming, - haleyann✨Forever Only✨ (7 months ago)
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Vanessa Alba Mendes
Happy 24th birthday to my handsome prince charming/ favorite male artist Shawn Mendes may god continue blessing you - Vanessa Alba Mendes (7 months ago)
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Happy bday to the our Prince Charming - Emily (7 months ago)
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happy birthday my prince charming! - nel (7 months ago)
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sophia | ebbg (real) 1/5
sa aking prince charming, cheret!! happy birthday coups ~ thank you for being a strong support system - sophia | ebbg (real) 1/5 (7 months ago)
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liyah | ebbg (real)
sa aking prince charming, cheret!! happy birthday coups ~ thank you for being a strong support system - liyah | ebbg (real) (7 months ago)
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sophia | ebbg
sa aking prince charming, cheret!! happy birthday coups ~ thank you for being a strong support system - sophia | ebbg (7 months ago)
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Mela Calato
Happy birthday day ,my Prince Charming . The bright future is waiting you. - Mela Calato (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Our Sun really is so sweet I am happy to see that you got to perform together again Happy Birthday to my Bias he\' - ⚡+*NiQuE*+⚡ (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

It just amazes me how much hate some people have because they are upset that Harry married Meghan - Gagafox (7 months ago)
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Hadija Said
but Ram is so mean in thinking ,pihu open and she say i make sleep to make them b alone - Hadija Said (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to this great teacher, mother, daughter, sister and wife. I hope you spend the whole day eating pyaa - Dola (7 months ago)
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Ishh K ❣️
This thread Happy Birthday Ms. Sood! You deserve it all.. you deserve the world.. you deserve happiness.. and - Ishh K ❣️ (7 months ago)
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Sister Sister
Happy birthday, Princess! She turned into a fairytale princess when married with Prince Harry. But instead of mar - Sister Sister (7 months ago)
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Larry Michael
Happy belated 4th of July and also belated happy birthday to the infallible Prince Charming. - Larry Michael (7 months ago)
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Vita Gazette
Happy birthday, Princess! She turned into a fairytale princess when married Prince Harry. But instead of marrying - Vita Gazette (7 months ago)
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black brian kinney
happy birthday prince charming - black brian kinney (7 months ago)
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gorgeous janvi
I wish tuje jldi tera prince Charming mile HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZAINAB - gorgeous janvi (7 months ago)
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Janvii Charan
I wish tuje jldi tera prince Charming mile HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZAINAB - Janvii Charan (7 months ago)
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Happy Birthday to Prince charming - SomaliMan#PeterObi (7 months ago)
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Great thanks to Titi cakes decor, badagry for dis beautiful cake.Happy birthday my prince charming AFOLARIN. - AFOLABI ARIYIBI (7 months ago)
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Happy birthday Prince Charming - Cassiebaby❤️ (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Krish has told in front of everyone that he didnt bring the birthday dress for priya.. meera ma is th - Jjs (7 months ago)
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Ebikonboere adenbo
Happy birthday Prince Charming, God bless and keep you - Ebikonboere adenbo (7 months ago)
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Happy birthday Prince Charming I hope you have an amazing day - Strvgami (8 months ago)
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zaera\'s ryan
Ryan as prince charming happy birthday again and hope you like this one too! ilysm <3 - zaera\'s ryan (8 months ago)
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Hein well but i dont see this mehendi function giving us revelations or progressions in tr - RAM♥️PRIYA FanPage (8 months ago)
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deborah chioma nwaegbu
Happy birthday prince charming - deborah chioma nwaegbu (8 months ago)
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Happy birthday my little prince charming wish you all the best life got age gracefully - Katedavid (8 months ago)
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Marta Simonyi
Happy Birthday Fernando! Adding to the series \"Lucky people who were fortunate enough to meet Prince Charmin - Marta Simonyi (8 months ago)

32 years old (Born on July 20, 1992)

Happy Birthday, Prince Charming! Another year older and still the fairest prince in all the land—quite an achievement considering your competition includes seven dwarfs and a talking mirror. Your recent success rescuing Snow White from eternal sleep has certainly set new standards for romantic gestures everywhere; roses and chocolates simply can't compete with true love's kiss.

Your impeccable style, royal charm, and unwavering bravery continue to inspire princes (and frogs) worldwide. May this birthday bring you fewer poisoned apples, more enchanted dances, and plenty of laughs at Grumpy’s expense. Here's to another timeless year filled with happily-ever-afters—you truly deserve it!

Prince Charming's Best Moments

Happy Birthday to my Prince Charming,
Happy Birthday to my Prince Charming
Happy birthday to our li\l prince charming.. The youngest and most special member of our family
Ryan as prince charming   happy birthday again and hope you like this one too! ilysm <3
Happy birthday to a real prince charming
Happy Birthday to my prince charming
Happy birthday to my prince charming
Happy birthday Gh message Prince Charming   Bless up bro
Happy birthday to the Prince Charming
É o aniversário de dois anos da bochecha mais gostosa do Reino Unido! Happy Birthday, Prince Charming!
Happy birthday prince charming
Happy Birthday Prince Charming Lots of Love
Happy birthday to the one and only Prince Charming
Happy birthday, prince charming
Happy birthday to my Prince Charming
Happy birthday to Jordan\s Prince Charming
Happy (super late) bday!!!! thx for being my prince charming
To my literal prince charming, i love you. happy birthday baby i hope 23 treats you well.
Happy birthday my prince Charming
Happy birthday to my prince charming
Officially a teenager.I\m super proud of you my prince charming.Happy birthday my joy
Happy mf birthday to the wonderful prince charming i love you bff
Happy Birthday Prince Charming
Happy Birthday to my little Prince Charming
He\s grown up so much ... But he still can\t swim poor Sebastian happy birthday Prince Charming
Wishing a happy birthday to the sweetest girl! Dont party too hard ilyily  xoxo - prince charming
Happy birthday to the prince charming look a like himself   hope it\s a good one
Happy birthday to this actual prince charming
Happy Birthday to my Prince Charming  I hope I can make it one to remember! I love you!
Happy birthday Prince Charming
<happy birthday> to my favorite prince charming. have an amazing day. i love you so much.
Happy birthday to my inspiration and my Prince Charming
Happy birthday to my Prince Charming hahah
Happy birthday my prince charming Viraj Shing Rathod......
Happy birthday to my one and only, real-life Prince Charming, (
Happy birthday to my Prince Charming!!! Love you baby bro
I wish tuje jldi tera prince Charming mile  HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZAINAB
Happy birthday miss you my wonderful prince charming
Happy Birthday our prince charming , wish you all the best^^ healthy, long live and get more success~
Happy birthday to my Prince Charming!
Happy birthday to my Prince Charming  love you bro. \"Let\s get taps soon\"
Happy 19th birthday to my one and only handsome prince charming, I love you baby
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY 20 YEAR OLD BOYFRIEND   you\re my perfect Prince Charming that\s no longer a teenager
 Happy birthday prince Charming     Stay blessed be happy always
You are the source of my happiness and strength. Happy birthday to my Prince Charming, Lee Dawon
 Happy birthday to Prince Charming
Happy birthday to my darling Bobo! My little Prince charming! Aunty loves you.
 Here s Prince Charming to wish you a Happy Birthday!
 happy birthday my Prince Charming
 Happy birthday my prince charming
Happy birthday my prince charming God bless your new age
Happy birthday Prince Charming    HBD ARSLAN NASEER
 happy birthday to my prince charming
Wishibg the Prince Charming a very Happy Bday
Happy Birthday Prince charming San
Happy Birthday to my Fiancé and Prince Charming ! I love you! I can\t wait to be your wife
Happy birthday to my bestest friend and Prince Charming. I love you sweet boy
Happy Birthday my Prince Charming     I love you so much shit 18 you\re growing up
Happy Birthday you look like Prince Charming in this squad dogpile
Happy 1st Birthday to my lil Prince Charming!! The Love of My Life!   Khalil Amari   08.05.14
Happy Birthday to my Prince Charming ily
Happy Birthday Prince Charming
Happy birthday Prince Charming, enjoy your day
 happy bday Prince Charming hope ur ripping Zante a new one xxx
Happy Birthday to prince charming !!
 Happy beautiful birthday of my heart my Prince Charming! I wish you the best
Happy birthday to my first son, my prince charming. His smiles melt my heart. Age gracefully my dearest one..
   Happy Birthday Prince Charming !!  PC: To the Creator
Happy birthday my Prince Charming
Happy birthday my prince charming......you bless in Jesus name
 Happy birthday Prince charming f mwihoko
Advance happy birthday our prince charming Dq
Happy Birthday to our prince Charming Xiaojun.
Happy birthday prince charming!
Happy happy birthday to our dashing Prince Charming, the Kandasamys own aka Dr Prishen Naidoo!
Maah Angel   Prince Charming  HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEARL
Happy 2nd Birthday to our own Prince is definitely fit for his role
Happy birthday   my little prince charming   wish you all the best life got age gracefully
  Happy Birthday Prince Charming Mahesh....  Good Morning Baby
Happy belated birthday to you my prince charming
 How can you be so lovely like that,  prince charming ? Happy Birthday oppa
 HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to my prince charming and the best drummer alive!
Happy birthday to my Prince Charming, angel & inspiration, Ashton Fletcher Irwin
Happy birthday to my Prince Charming. Can\t wait to have many more birthdays together
It\s 30 Minutes Early Over Where You Are But Happy 19th Birthday My  Prince Charming. ILoveYou.
Happy bday my prince charming
 Wish you a very Very Happy Birthday My Prince Charming
Prince George turns 2! Happy Birthday Little Prince Charming\
Happy birthday prince charming
Happy Birthday to my Prince Charming
Feeling Great
Cz You Are Eight
Happy Happy Birthday
My Prince Charming
Prince George turns 2! Happy Birthday Little Prince Charming\
Happy birthday to my prince charming
Happy birthday to my prince charming
Happy 11th birthday gordo, I love you so much.. I love seeing you grow up, forever my prince charming
Happy birthday to my prince charming love you lots hun
PRINCE CHARMING! Happy Birthday Upen Patel
 My prince charming      Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to my prince charming xd
Happy birthday prince charming
Happy Birthday prince charming!
The prince charming that everyone dreamed of. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to my Prince Charming
Happy birthday to my own version of prince charming
 since its your birthday and it\s a Monday,just wanna say..happy birthday to my MCM aka Prince-Charming
Happy birthday prince charming thank you for working so hard i hope you have the happiest day ever
 Happy birthday Prince Charming
Happy Birthday Prince Charming
Happy late birthday to my prince charming
 Happy birthday bby
But prince charming is here for you
Happy birthday to the most dad of dads and the prince charming of youtube
Happy 28th Birthday to the Prince Charming himself
 happy birthday to my prince charming
Happy Birthday prince charming Mahesh anna....
Happy Birthday Prince Charming
Happy birthday to my prince Charming Versh     love u
Happy birthday to my prince charming ( /^ ^)/
  Happy birthday prince charming
Happy Birthday My Prince Charming
Happy Birthday Prince Charming
 Happy birthday prince charming
 Happy birthday day ,my Prince Charming .
The bright future is waiting you.
Happy birthday Nickhun !! My Prince Charming
Happy Birthday to our Prince Charming ~ Boss
prince charming cinderella 0
prince charming once upon a time 1
prince charming snow white 2
prince charming shrek 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Prince, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


Your Name
Minimum 8 words. The card background will change when you enter a word.