Welcome to R.A. Salvatore's Birthday Celebration Page
R.A. Salvatore got 232 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Happy Birthday . One favorite book is impossible.. lol favorite authors R L Stein (when i was - Dragonwolf_1984 (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Woodland Hills Library
Happy Birthday R. A. Salvatore! He is best known for his fantasy novels including The Demon Wars Saga, beginning wi - Woodland Hills Library (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Rebekah Unger
Happy Birthday, R.A. Salvatore! - Rebekah Unger (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Waywords Studio
There may be one or two of us who have boarded that courtroom up. . . . Happy birthday, R. A. Salvatore! - Waywords Studio (1 month ago)
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Kamose Mills
Happy birthday RA!! Vector Prime was a great beginning and I still rem - Kamose Mills (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Curt Schilling
Hey! Text me on my cell please! Hope you are well and belated Happy Birthday!!! - Curt Schilling (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday! Thank you for 34 years of amazing adventures in the Forgotten Realms. - ParadiseRegaind (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Terry\'s Ottoman
happy birthday hope you enjoy your day! - Terry\'s Ottoman (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Friends of WHLibrary
Happy Birthday, SF author R. A. Salvatore. Kresslnezhara & Tazmikella are ancient dragons of great power, used to m - Friends of WHLibrary (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Trey Green
let wish R.A . A Happy 70th Birthday today!!!!! - Trey Green (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday it\'s fitting that I also bought this bad boy today as well - Rhiannon (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Salvatore! May the force be with you! - JediJoeMC (1 month ago)
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North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Daniel Benzali, William Mgimwa (d. 2014), Mahamane Ousmane, Ivan Fischer, Ian Hill, Nikos Sideris - North Trenton (1 month ago)
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Caleb Jordan Schulz
Happy Birthday, Was just rereading an old favorite. And introduced your - Caleb Jordan Schulz (1 month ago)
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J.V. Hilliard
Happy Bday to the man! - J.V. Hilliard (1 month ago)
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You Know Nothing Jon Gray
Happy Birthday to one of the most influential authors to me! I hope your day is filled with bewilderment and adventure! - You Know Nothing Jon Gray (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Ace has finished his novel!
Happy Birthday!! - Ace has finished his novel! (1 month ago)
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Happy birthday to my favorite author My favorite series and character of all time. - Chriscringo_430 (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Jason Arnold
Happy Birthday ! What a strange coincidence that I\'m rereading The Crystal Shard this week for the f - Jason Arnold (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

happy birthday to you and him! he\'s one of my faves as well, definitely loved him through my teens - ✨Jacqui✨ (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Thank you for all of the years you have spent filing my life with the BEST character - Christina (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Mask of Dragons #BlackLivesMatter #WeAreAntifa
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite authors, I had no idea you & I shared a birthday until just a - Mask of Dragons #BlackLivesMatter #WeAreAntifa (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, Bob. Much love from Norway - Audmjuk (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Brett Howse
Happy birthday ! I\'m just finishing Song of the Risen God. So great - Brett Howse (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

John Milke
Happy birthday to one of fantasy\'s best authors! I hope you have a wonderful birthday and many more to come! - John Milke (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Bday to - I\'m working on a long review of his latest Drizzt book and how much the whole series - Matt.V (1 month ago)
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Karen Lee
Happy birthday to you. Never stop writing your books.. us fans want more - Karen Lee (1 month ago)
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Wally C.
Happy Birthday - Wally C. (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! - CntzMcGee (1 month ago)
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Lourdes Library
The is as today is his birthday. Happy Birthday! I also recommend his books to the - Lourdes Library (1 month ago)
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Malachi Merchant
happy birthday!! I hope it s great, and thank you for all the signed books. They mean the world to me - Malachi Merchant (1 month ago)
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John Taylor
Happy birthday to A man who has created my favorite reading character of all time! Drizzt Do urden! - John Taylor (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Leif Henning
Best qoute ;) Sending happy birthday wishes to R. A. Salvatore from all the characters sitting on my - Leif Henning (1 month ago)
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hVk Americanon
Happy birthday to Mr , my wife and I went to a panel of his at the SLC CC b - hVk Americanon (1 month ago)
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Jason Eisenmenger
Happy B-day, Bob! What a great day for a birthday! Cheers! - Jason Eisenmenger (1 month ago)
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Dave Christensen
Happy Birthday RA! Seems like a good day to celebrate in the US! - Dave Christensen (1 month ago)
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Happy Birthday Mr. Salvatore! 25 years of The Legend of Drizzt and you have never disappoi - IncalculablyDiffusive (1 month ago)
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MJ Cormier Photography
Happy Birthday Bob! Here s to another trip around the sun - MJ Cormier Photography (1 month ago)
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Ned The Zombie
Happy birthday from the Boneyard! - Ned The Zombie (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

happy birthday sir. Thank you for all the great books you\'ve written. Hope your day is amazing - LastJediofKrypton (1 month ago)
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Calumet City Library
Happy Birthday to fantasy and science fiction author R. A. Salvatore ( Time to dive into one of t - Calumet City Library (1 month ago)
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TTOT (That Thing Over There)
Happy birthday Thank you for your stories. You are now level 41 (21 with 41 years of experience). M - TTOT (That Thing Over There) (1 month ago)
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Happy birthday to my favorite writer. Thank you for all you did. Live long and prosper! P.S. Your b - Rengi (1 month ago)
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Eldon Thompson
Happy book birthday to genre titan and his Song of the Risen God. Can t wait to binge read his lates - Eldon Thompson (1 month ago)
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Scott Gordon
Happy belated birthday R.A. us Capricorn s rule the day! - Scott Gordon (1 month ago)
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Kevin A Adamson
I have the same birthday as the late Johnny Ca - Kevin A Adamson (1 month ago)
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Happy belated birthday mine was yesterday also! Read all of t - Josh (1 month ago)
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Happy Bday! - Swolbama (1 month ago)
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Happy birthday - Jarrod (1 month ago)
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The Captain
Happy birthday, my good sir ! - The Captain (1 month ago)

66 years old (Born on January 20, 1959)

Known for such fantasy and science fiction novel series as Forgotten Realms and The DemonWars Saga, he also penned the debut book in the Star Wars: New Jedi Order series. More than twenty of his popular works became New York Times bestsellers.

R.A. Salvatore's Best Moments

Happy R.A. Salvatore!
Listening to the voices today I, too,
Happy Birthday it\s fitting that I also bought this bad boy today as well
 Happy belated birthday!
Happy Birthday today to !
Happy Birthday to the great ! He made this world a lot more awesome by giving us
Happy birthday to R.A. Salvatore!
 Happy birthday!!! Best regards from your Spanish fans!!!
 Happy Birthday!
R A  Salvatore sexy 0
R A  Salvatore new pic 1
R A  Salvatore dating 2
R A  Salvatore new pic 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, R.A., hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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