WOW, I love Randy. I have always wanted to see him in person but I haven\'t been lucky e
- Uncle Nell (7 months ago)
Happy birthday to Here is a highlight we found for you to look back on and enjoy!
- SportsWeekMMA (7 months ago)
happy birthday to you sir god bless to you and your family we Indian people loves you
- Amarnadh (7 months ago)
Dr. Robert Goldman
Happy Birthday to Dr Bob\'s pal Randy Couture (UFC World Champion & Movie Star).... here with Jason Statham & Arnold
- Dr. Robert Goldman (7 months ago)
Tell Randy, happy birthday for me. Have a great day.
- BMizzle (7 months ago)
Antonio Zamora
Happy Birthday!! And yes, it s clear the two of you are miserable together!
- Antonio Zamora (7 months ago)
EL Padron 333
I didnt know randy was your man. Thats awesome. Love that guy even more now. Happy Birthday!
- EL Padron 333 (7 months ago)
Whaley Lawson
Happy birthday Mr. Couture!
- Whaley Lawson (7 months ago)
Carla Duran
& a very happy birthday to the OG,
- Carla Duran (7 months ago)
alex davey
He\'s 32 he just doesn\'t use sun screen lol Happy birthday Captain America
- alex davey (7 months ago)