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HAPPY BIRTHDAY and thanks for the award last year : Wishing our AMAZING Founder SIR Richard Branso
- (7 months ago)
Happy Happy Birthday Sir Richard Branson.
- MELISSA BETH (7 months ago)
Galina Oxiouta
Happy Birthday Mr. Richard Branson!
- Galina Oxiouta (7 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Richard Branson, born July 18, 1950
- Andre (7 months ago)
tungamirai g mazuru
Happy Birthday Sir Richard Branson from
- tungamirai g mazuru (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday Sir Richard Branson
- Rashidah (7 months ago)
Wandy Godriguez ♋️
Happy 68th Birthday to Richard Branson!! One of the great businessmen and innovators of our time.
- Wandy Godriguez ♋️ (7 months ago)
Mena Amaral
Happy Birthday Sir Richard Branson have a wonderful one
- Mena Amaral (7 months ago)
FYI it s also Richard Branson s bday today, crowd just sang happy birthday to him.
- amyfallon (7 months ago)
Love Is The Answer.
Happy Birthday...Nelson Mandela and Richard Branson.
- Inness (7 months ago)
Grandpa Crypto
Happy Birthday Richard Branson! You are a man of many means. One day I could only wish to meet you in person!
- Grandpa Crypto (7 months ago)
I share my birthday with Nelson Mandela, Kristen Bell, Vin Diesel, Margo Martindale, M.I.A., Richard Branson & Goog
- A.Brain (7 months ago)
I Dream Of Gems
Why did bitcoin pump today? Because it s Richard Branson s birthday (Happy Birthday ) and what else could his mate
- I Dream Of Gems (7 months ago)
Dear sir, Mr. Richard Branson! Happy Birthday! Health, love, prosperity to you and your loved ones!
- alexey (7 months ago)
Russell Cox
Have a great day and a Happy Birthday mate, my 39th, feel so old. We share our birthday with Richard B
- Russell Cox (7 months ago)
Exceptional Individuals
Happy Birthday to Richard Branson, perfectly shows the power of thinking differently \"My dyslexia became
- Exceptional Individuals (7 months ago)
Classic FM 91.1
Happy birthday to Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group
- Classic FM 91.1 (7 months ago)
Shameless Promotion
Britain\'s groundbreaking is premiering \'Fly High (Like Richard Branson)\' by This d
- Shameless Promotion (7 months ago)
Concert Signers
Happy Birthday Sir Richard Branson brilliant supporter of
- Concert Signers (7 months ago)
Gathered Here
Happy birthday Richard Branson! Like our Page for your daily dose of nostalgia
- Gathered Here (7 months ago)
- insideoutcounsel (7 months ago)
Liezl Gericke
Wishing Tata Madiba and Richard Branson a very happy birthday for tomorrow @ Delta Park (Johannesburg)
- Liezl Gericke (7 months ago)
Chriselda Lewis
Sir Richard Branson, One of the Elders now on podium: For the last 10 years as I share a birthday with
- Chriselda Lewis (7 months ago)
Rachel Storr
Richard Branson on LinkedIn: Happy birthday to my biggest
- Rachel Storr (8 months ago)
Jason Tilley
Happy Birthday Lisa, all the best people were born in July. yes you guessed mine next week same d
- Jason Tilley (8 months ago)
Remessageed Richard Branson ( Happy birthday to my biggest inspiration, my mum. From dancing and fl
- MARTIN SUCROSE (8 months ago)
Richard Jones
Happy birthday NHS! Founded by Richard Branson seven whole years ago today! Keep saving lives, Richard!
- Richard Jones (8 months ago)
Bob Lethaby
Happy 70th birthday the NHS. Still limping along and needing it s very own free at the point of delivery treatmen
- Bob Lethaby (8 months ago)
Rob Haynes
Happy birthday to our beloved NHS, 70 years old today.
Also - wishing Jeremy Hunt and Richard Branson all the karma
- Rob Haynes (8 months ago)
Angela Hillan
Why on one hand start the Lorraine show with her saying Happy 70th Birthday to the NHS then have Richard
- Angela Hillan (8 months ago)
Happy 70th birthday for saving my sister\'s . P.S Tory\'s, American companies and Richard Brans
- Rachael-Rosanne (8 months ago)
Paul Kendrick
Today\'s guest booker has a warped sense of humour...the \"Happy 70th birthday NHS\" special edition conclud
- Paul Kendrick (8 months ago)
Valerie Jamieson
On the day that you say Happy Birthday to the you have Richard Branson as a guest. Virgin Healthcare
- Valerie Jamieson (8 months ago)
Johanna Cotter
Watching the great NHS singalong. So proud of our NHS. Happy 70th Birthday please don t privatise it or sell it to
- Johanna Cotter (8 months ago)
Peter Nutty
Breaking FB silence to wish my gorgeous wife Claire Nutty \'Happy Birthday\' - hope you like your birthday present xx
- Peter Nutty (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday from Joe Polish & Sir Richard Branson Happy Birthday from Joe Polish & Sir Richard Branson
Joe Polis
- Olux (8 months ago)
Marcus Chown
Happy 70th birthday, NHS! says tax-avoiding billionaire Richard Branson. £2 million - that\'s almost 500 fewer hip r
- Marcus Chown (8 months ago)
Remessageed Richard Branson ( Happy 34th birthday incredible how time has flown &
- CheadleT&T (8 months ago)
Richard Branson
Happy 34th birthday incredible how time has flown & how much we\'ve achieved
- Richard Branson (8 months ago)
Dennis Schmickle
Happy birthday You were better than we deserved. Have fun parasailing with Richard Branson (weirdo?).
- Dennis Schmickle (7 months ago)
Wendy Jones
Happy Birthday to Nelson Mandela, Vin Diesel, Richard Branson, John Glenn, Margaret Brown, Penny Hardaway, Shiv...
- Wendy Jones (7 months ago)
Shrewsbury Station
Happy birthday Richard Branson - 1950 -
- Shrewsbury Station (7 months ago)
7/18 Happy Birthday to: Audrey Landers, Lee Arenberg, Richard Branson, Vin Diesel
- FlamingNoseTVBlog (7 months ago)
Blessed, not lucky:)
Happy Birthday Richard Branson,may God give you the desires of your heart & make your plans succeed in Jesus\' Name.Amen.
- Blessed, not lucky:) (7 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Richard Branson, Jack Dongarra, Kostas Eleftherakis, Glenn Hughes (d. 2001), Jack Layton (d. 2011) and Mark Udall.
- North Trenton (7 months ago)
Ryan ferries
Happy birthday Richard Branson. I didn\'t know you personally but you seem like a cool guy I guess.
- Ryan ferries (7 months ago)
Loui$ Chan Chui
\"Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.\" - Sir Richard Branson
- Loui$ Chan Chui (7 months ago)
Alison Sheryll
Happy birthday sir
- Alison Sheryll (7 months ago)
Lloyd A. (Tony) Chin
Happy Birthday to One of the Greatest Businessmen of all time, Richard Branson
- Lloyd A. (Tony) Chin (7 months ago)