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Johnson\'s Dictionary Online
Happy birthday to actor Robbie Coltrane, who played Samuel Johnson on Blackadder in 1987. We wish him our sincerest
- Johnson\'s Dictionary Online (11 months ago)
Tom felton stans shout to the gods that he liked JKR s message by accident but here he is wishing robbie coltrane a
- porphyria ❁ (11 months ago)
Tom felton stans shout to the gods that he liked JKR s message by accident but here he is wishing robbie coltrane a
- porphyria (11 months ago)
Tom felton stans shout to the gods that he liked JKR s message by accident but here he is wishing robbie coltrane a
- porphyria WAS NARCISSARIDDLES (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to Scottish actor and writer Robbie Coltrane, born March 30, 1950, whose TV and film credits include
- Killer Kitsch (11 months ago)
Phil Dyess-Nugent
Happy birthday, Robbie Coltrane
- Phil Dyess-Nugent (11 months ago)
Mar 30 Happy Birthday part 1: Peter Marshall, John Astin, Jay W Macintosh, Warren Beatty, Dana Gillespie, Kenneth W
- WmsbgNostalgiaFest (11 months ago)
Today\'s Famous Birthday
Many more happy returns! Robbie Coltrane (TV Actor), 71 years old.
On your birthday we wish for you that whatever y
- Today\'s Famous Birthday (11 months ago)
Jack Lugo
Happy Birthday to Robbie Coltrane. I recently interviewed Valentin Zukovsky on my podcast with
- Jack Lugo (11 months ago)
6 Degrees - The Connection Card Game
Happy birthday Robbie Coltrane! Great for linking in our movie connection card game, there have just been some g
- 6 Degrees - The Connection Card Game (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Robbie Coltrane
- BOND (11 months ago)
Desperately Seeking the 80s
He was a regular in Comic Strip Presents... in the 1980s he played Falstaff, ate the rich and was in a bathroom wit
- Desperately Seeking the 80s (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to Robbie Coltrane. Long before joining the staff at Hogwarts, the acclaimed actor made a very brief
- Comic Book Cinephile (11 months ago)
Alex R Carver Author
Happy birthday Robbie Coltrane, one of my favourite BRitish actors.
- Alex R Carver Author (11 months ago)
On This Day
1950 Happy birthday to Anthony McMillan. Better known as Robbie Coltrane. My favourites are Tutti Fruiti & Crack
- On This Day (11 months ago)
Dennis Markam
Happy birthday to Norah Jones, Celine Dion, Tracy Chapman, MC Hammer, Paul Reiser, Robbie Coltrane, Warren Beatty,
- Dennis Markam (11 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Robbie Coltrane will celebrate his 75 years old birthday in 19 days! Send your greetings to him now!