Happy Birthday Phil Oakey
Robbie Nevil
- EL LOBO 106.1 (5 months ago)
Retro Music Videos
Happy birthday to Robbie Nevil - Dominoes via
- Retro Music Videos (5 months ago)
Jamie Roxx
Happy Birthday. Today, 1958 Robbie Nevil, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer was born....
- Jamie Roxx (5 months ago)
Maria Byrne
Happy birthday, Robbie Nevil!
- Maria Byrne (5 months ago)
Queerly Canadian
The 1&Only Kelly Ripa & 1hit wonder Robbie Nevil were born today. Happy Birthday enjoy - C'est La Vie: via
- Queerly Canadian (5 months ago)
Matt Binky
Happy Birthday to LaTocha Scott of Xscape (41), Lene Nystrom of Aqua (41), Tiffany (43), Robbie Nevil (56),...
- Matt Binky (5 months ago)
Chris Neufeld
Happy Birthday to Robbie Nevil!
- Chris Neufeld (5 months ago)
Rick / Richard Flynn
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Robbie Nevil (singer, songwriter) (56)
Robbie Nevil
- Rick / Richard Flynn (5 months ago)
hushhush ATTACK!
Happy Birthday to Sting, Mike Rutherford (Genesis) Tiffany, Bud Graugh (Sublime), Robbie Nevil & Freddie Jackson
- hushhush ATTACK! (5 months ago)
Old School 80s
Happy Birthday Sting(63), (43), Mike Rutherford(64), Human League's Philip Oakey(59), Robbie Nevil(56) & Avery Brooks(65)
- Old School 80s (5 months ago)
Pop star best known for his 1986 smash hit single "C'est La Vie". He has since become a respected songwriter, penning songs for artists like Destiny's Child.