Happy 80th Birthday to our man who loves ships Mr. ROBEBALLARD himself and I really appreciate hi
- Dustin Griffith (7 months ago)
Richard M. Jones
Happy Birthday to the greatest wreck discoverer of all time Dr Robert Ballard. Discoverer of
- Richard M. Jones (7 months ago)
E/V Nautilus
Today we wish a happy 80th birthday to our Founder and President, Dr. Robert Ballard! Best known for his 1985 disco
- E/V Nautilus (7 months ago)
Happy 80th birthday to Robert Ballard, the oceanographer and shipwreck archeologist who discovered the wrecks of th
- Answering365 (7 months ago)
Happy birthday Explorer Robert Ballard! Wishing you a beautiful day with good health and happiness forever. Happy b
- AllFamous.org (7 months ago)
Brendan \"Deep like the ocean\" Turley, Ph.D.
Day57 Happy Birthday Dr. Robert Ballard! He and group of ocean explorers discovered the wreck of th
- Brendan \"Deep like the ocean\" Turley, Ph.D. (7 months ago)
Melanie VaughanSmith
1/2 Happy birthday today to Robert Ballard (77), Glenn Shorrock (Little River Band)(75), Andrew Scott (Sweet)(70),
- Melanie VaughanSmith (7 months ago)
Hatty Burpday
June 30
Happy birthday today to
Tony Hatch (80)
Robert Ballard (77)
Bob Mills (62)
Vincent D\'Onofrio (60)
Rupert G
- Hatty Burpday (7 months ago)
Celebrity Birthdays
June 30
Happy birthday today to
Tony Hatch
Robert Ballard
Bob Mills
Vincent D\'Onofrio Rupert Grav
- Celebrity Birthdays (7 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Paul Berg, David Berglas, Shirley Fry Irvin, Nancy Dussault, Billy Mills, Tony Hatch, Robert Ball
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday to American oceanographer and explorer, Robert Ballard, who discovered the deep-sea wreck of the Tit
- U.S. AEOP (7 months ago)
The Franklin Institute
Happy birthday to Robert Ballard. Shown here with our who sails on Ballard s research vessel,
- The Franklin Institute (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Dr. Robert Ballard..
- BURMA (7 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Paul Berg, David Berglas, Shirley Fry Irvin, Nancy Dussault, Billy Mills, Tony Hatch, Robert Ballard and Eddie Rambeau.
- North Trenton (7 months ago)
happy bday authors♪♫
Happy birthday Robert Ballard! United States Navy officer, oceanographer and underwater archaeologist
- happy bday authors♪♫ (7 months ago)
Happy birthday to writer and ocean explorer Robert Ballard (June 30, 1942), author of \"The Discovery of the Bismarck:...\" (1990) et al.
- Book_Addict (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Explorer, Robert Ballard!
- SpeakersLA (7 months ago)
Happy birthday to writer and ocean explorer Robert Ballard (June 30, 1942), author of \"The Discovery of the Bismarck:...\" (1990) et al.
- Book_Addict (7 months ago)
World History 101
Happy birthday to oceanographer Robert Ballard, discover of the Titanic.
- World History 101 (7 months ago)
Joe Flynn
Happy Birthday, Dr. Robert Ballard!
- Joe Flynn (7 months ago)
Jonathan Henley
Happy birthday Robert Ballard!
\'Follow your own passion - not your parents\', not your teachers\' - yours.
- Jonathan Henley (7 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Robert Ballard will celebrate his 83 years old birthday in 4 months and 19 days! Send your greetings to him now!