Welcome to Robert Kirkman's Birthday Celebration Page
Robert Kirkman got 223 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Raylene - Undercover Indie ®
Please join me here at in wishing Terry Robert Kirkman (Woodwindist/Vocalist/Songwriter; Founding m - Raylene - Undercover Indie ® (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

I HAVE A NERDY MIND #Blacklivesmatter
Happy birthday to Inkpot Award winner, Invincible, Outcast and The Walking Dead co-creator, Ultimate X-Men, Marvel - I HAVE A NERDY MIND #Blacklivesmatter (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Undercover Indie ®
Please join me here at in wishing Terry Robert Kirkman (Vocalist/Songwriter; Founding member of the - Undercover Indie ® (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Rushan Shaquille Knight-pascoe
Happy birthday Robert Kirkman and thank you for giving us the best zombie comic book. - Rushan Shaquille Knight-pascoe (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy bday robert kirkman e obrigada por ter criado esse universo insano que é the walking dead - nana? #CIAOLCDP (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Jess Walker
Its Robert Kirkmans birthday Happy Birthday Robert Kirkman - Jess Walker (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Jason Herberg
Happy Birthday Robert Kirkman! Best wishes! - Jason Herberg (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

The Walking Dead FANS!
Join us in wishing a very happy birthday to creator Robert Kirkman! - The Walking Dead FANS! (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Walking dead telltale fan
Happy birthday, Robert Kirkman - Walking dead telltale fan (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR. ROBEKIRKMAN! We can\'t wait to meet you again... Meanwhile we read your comics and and wish - saldaPress (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to the legendary writer Robert Kirkman. Made one of my favorite comics of all time. - Shane (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to the legendary writer Robert Kirkman. Made one of my favorite comics of all time. - TheNomadGamer (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Midwest Movie Maniacs: A Horror Podcast
On this day (November 30) in 1978 Robert Kirkman was born. Happy Birthday Robert! - Midwest Movie Maniacs: A Horror Podcast (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

TJ DeWeen
Hey! It s the Master and Commander s birthday today. Happy birthday Robert Kirkman!!! Cheers! - TJ DeWeen (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Comic Book Author Robert Kirkman! I hope that today, at your party, you dance and others sing as you - AllFamous.org (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

George Schmidt (G)
Happy 43rd Birthday to ROBEKIRKMAN - George Schmidt (G) (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Robert Kirkman, born today in 1978. Kirkman is an American comic book writer best known for co-cr - Vault0 (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Luiza Lipatova (LiLu)
Happy birthday Robert Kirkman! I wish you success in your work - Luiza Lipatova (LiLu) (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Terry Robert Kirkman born on December 12, 1939. He is an American musician, singer of - JeffJ (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

dungeon of deadly delights
Happy Birthday, Robert Kirkman - dungeon of deadly delights (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Terry Tyler
November 30th Happy birthday Robert Kirkman, 41 today! - Terry Tyler (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Teewhy Nyema
And Happy Birthday to Kazumi Saito, Olivier Schoenfelder, Richard Elias Anderson, Steve Aoki, Tyrone Gabriel, Benja - Teewhy Nyema (4 days ago)
birthday balloon

Groovy Reflections™
Happy 79th birthday singer/songwriter Terry Robert Kirkman - Groovy Reflections™ (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Robert Kirkman and T-dog! - JodoFett (2 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Robert Kirkman! - Riki0113 (2 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Robert Kirkman! - IFRT (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

A special thank you to this dude for ruining my goddamn life Happy birthday, Robert Kirkman Thank you for creating - Ri (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Entertainment News
Happy Birthday to the man who started Robert Kirkman! - Entertainment News (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Hoje é aniversário do Robert Kirkman, o criador de The Walking Dead. Happy Birthday... and thanks for creating TWD - Walk3r (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

#TWD Fan Page
Happy Birthday to Robert Kirkman & IronE Singleton! - #TWD Fan Page (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBEKIRKMAN!!! - robertliefeld (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Dillane Centric
Happy Birthday Robert Kirkman! - Dillane Centric (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Doris Busalt
11/30 Me & The Walking Dead Scavengers Germany are wishing a happy birthday to Robert Kirkman, wishing him all the - Doris Busalt (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 40th Birthday to Author Robert Kirkman! - TReese82 (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Dirty Yank Comics
Happy birthday to this old wizard. I don t think I d of ever thought of writing comics if he wasn t there. There s - Dirty Yank Comics (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Robert Kirkman! You are awesome . - MartyMartti (1 year ago)
birthday balloon

Janice Gaither
Happy Birthday Robert Kirkman - Janice Gaither (3 hours ago)
birthday balloon

Hi Kat you\'ll be happy to know that blood red stain was felt at my checkout counter they move me o - GoHomeChris (5 hours ago)
birthday balloon

Hi Kat you\'ll be happy to know that blood red stain was felt at my checkout counter they move me o - Christine (5 hours ago)
birthday balloon

Ferny Rodríguez
Kirkman I hope you have happy birthday, thanks to you, your niches safe in candle, and creating your story - Ferny Rodríguez (13 hours ago)
birthday balloon

Linda Brundage
Happy Birthday Robert Kirkman! Have a wonderful Kick ass day guy! Woohoo - Linda Brundage (15 hours ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Robert Kirkman he is super talented - WilliamDavidPressley (2 days ago)
birthday balloon

Amy Hope Elliott
Happy Birthday, Robert Kirkman! - Amy Hope Elliott (2 days ago)
birthday balloon

North Trenton
And Happy Birthday to Olivier Schoenfelder, Richard Elias Anderson, Sonja Blade, Steve Aoki, Tyrone Gabriel, Benjam - North Trenton (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Robert Kirkman - WILLIAM R. FISCHER (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

happy bday authors♪♫
Happy birthday Robert Kirkman American comic book writer - happy bday authors♪♫ (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday HappyBirthday Happy Birthday Robert Kirkman - Faye (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Ashley Berry
Happy birthday to Robert Kirkman, Kevin Conroy and Kayley Cuoco! - Ashley Berry (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

OnTheGoGamer (maine)
- OnTheGoGamer (maine) (3 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday pro gordinho que deixou meus domingos sensacionais! Robert Kirkman te venero - Carol (3 days ago)

46 years old (Born on November 30, 1978)

Comic book writer whose best-known works included "Invincible" and "The Walking Dead." He also worked on "Ultimate X-Men" and "Marvel Zombies" for Marvel Comics and on "Haunt" with Todd McFarlane.

Robert Kirkman's Best Moments

Happy Birthday to Robert Kirkman & IronE Singleton!
Happy Birthday to creator !
Happy Birthday,
Join us in wishing a very happy birthday to creator Robert Kirkman!
Happy Birthday Robert Kirkman!
Happy Birthday Robert Kirkman!!
TWD Zone wishes Robert Kirkman a Happy Birthday!
  Its Robert Kirkmans birthday
Happy Birthday Robert Kirkman
Celebrity Beard Birthday: Robert Kirkman (1978)
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday Robert Kirkman! Gràcies per crear The Walking Dead...!
Happy Birthday Robert Kirkman
Thanks for the Walking Dead
Happy Birthday Mr. Robert Kirkman!!
Happy Birthday, Robert Kirkman. I hope you have a wonderful day and an awesome coming year.
Happy Birthday Sir Robert Kirkman!!!! You truly are a genius!!!!
Happy birthday Robert Kirkman Comic writer
Happy Birthday to the creator of and Mr. Robert Kirkman! Celebrates his 37th today.
Happy Birthday Robert Kirkman!
Happy Birthday to the man who started Robert Kirkman!
Happy Birthday Robert Kirkman!
Happy 43rd Birthday to ROBEKIRKMAN
Robert Kirkman sexy 0
Robert Kirkman new pic 1
Robert Kirkman dating 2
Robert Kirkman new pic 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Robert, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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