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La femme merveilleuse invisible
Happy birthday to Tippi Hedren
The Birds 1963 directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Loosely based on the 1952 short story
- La femme merveilleuse invisible (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday American actress Tippi Hedren, now 93 years old. Below, Tippi as Melanie Daniels in The Birds 1963,
- Masquerade (1 month ago)
Ramon P
Happy Birthday from the future to the inmortal Rod Taylor
- Ramon P (2 months ago)
silvia pujol
- silvia pujol (2 months ago)
steve krueger
Happy birthday to Aussie Rod Taylor! Revisit \'The Time Machine\' with Yvette Mimieux.
- steve krueger (2 months ago)
Chris Roe Management
Happy Heavenly Birthday to Rod Taylor
- Chris Roe Management (2 months ago)
Jerry Dennis
Happy Birthday in the afterlife to Rod Taylor!
- Jerry Dennis (2 months ago)
A.C. Miller
Happy heavenly birthday to the great Rod Taylor! Photo taken in 1965.
- A.C. Miller (2 months ago)
Barlow\'s Boutique
Happy birthday to the late
Rod Taylor.
- Barlow\'s Boutique (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Aja Naomi King, Amanda Peet, Cody Simpson, Felix Silla, Kim Coles, Kyle Richards, Mary J. Blige,
- NotYourAverageMovieBuff (2 months ago)
Keener 13
Happy Birthday to: Alexander Hamilton, 1755 (d. 1804); Rod Taylor (Actor), 1930 (d. 2015); Clarence Clemons, 1942 (
- Keener 13 (2 months ago)
Carmen Vella
Great actor Happy birthday in heaven to Aussie ROD TAYLOR. I liked him best in The Birds, Hotel, Time M
- Carmen Vella (2 months ago)
Disney Wiki
Happy Birthday, to the late Rod Taylor
He was an Australian actor, who provided the voice of Pongo in the 1961 Dis
- Disney Wiki (2 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAN. 11; Actor Jason Connery,59; Writer Aldo Leopold(1887-1948)\"135\"; Actress Amanda Peet,50; Actor
- BRONX POET (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday!
Rod Taylor
(Jan 11, 1930 Jan 7, 2015)
He suffered a fatal heart attack, at the age of 84, four da
- Space-reporter-news (2 months ago)
I Have A Nerdy Mind #Blacklivesmatter
Happy birthday to \"The Time Machine,\" \"The Catered Affair,\" \"The Birds,\" \"36 Hours,\" \"Falcon Crest,\" and \"Inglourio
- I Have A Nerdy Mind #Blacklivesmatter (2 months ago)
Jake with the Ob
Happy birthday to Amanda Peet (50), Malcolm D. Lee (52), Alyson Reed (64), Jeremy Herzig (25), Jean Chrétien (88),
- Jake with the Ob (2 months ago)
Robert Bellissimo At The Movies
Happy Birthday Rod Taylor ! A look back on my review of THE BIRDS at the link below!
- Robert Bellissimo At The Movies (2 months ago)
Campus Theatre
Today we celebrate the memory and career of Rod Taylor. Happy Birthday, Rod Taylor!
Do you have a favorite
- Campus Theatre (2 months ago)
Nicky J. O\'Hagan
Happy birthday to the greatest and legendary performance as H. George Wells, Sir David Karfrey, Garwood B. Jones, M
- Nicky J. O\'Hagan (2 months ago)
More Morlocks!
Here s a birthday punch from the star of 1960 s The Time Machine . Happy Birthday Rod Taylor!
- DouglasVonIrvinsCarnival (2 months ago)
Good morning, it\'s January 11 2022 and it\'s a Tuesday. Here in LA, a sunny morning with no wind and 56 degrees Fahr
- Bjørn (2 months ago)
Pete Salisbury
Happy Birthday today Jan 8th to Yvette Mimieux who starred with Rod Taylor in the 1960 film \"The Time Machine.\"
- Pete Salisbury (2 months ago)
That Geek With The Clip-Ons
Rod Taylor Happy Birthday to actor Rod Taylor! He passed away in 2015, but he left behind tons of memorable perform
- That Geek With The Clip-Ons (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the late Rod Taylor!!!
- Tony (2 months ago)
Christopher Heard
Happy Birthday today to Rod Taylor...who came out of retirement to play Winston Churchill for Boss Tarantino in Basterds...
- Christopher Heard (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Rod Taylor, whom we should also remember for this great role.
- SimonBarreBrisebois (2 months ago)
Sheena Jackson
Happy birthday to Rod Taylor.
- Sheena Jackson (2 months ago)
Scott Westerman
Happy Birthday to: Alexander Hamilton, 1755 (d. 1804); Rod Taylor (Actor), 1930 (d. 2015); Clarence Clemons, 1942 (
- Scott Westerman (2 months ago)
Bruce Fulton
Good morning! Happy birthday, Rod Taylor!
- Bruce Fulton (2 months ago)
Classic Movie Rev
Happy Birthday to Rod Taylor born 1/11/1930 - died 1/7/2015
- Classic Movie Rev (2 months ago) Original Movie Posters for Sale
Happy Birthday, Rod Taylor!
- Original Movie Posters for Sale (2 months ago)
Also happy birthday to Mary J. Blige, Carroll Shelby, Alexander Hamilton, Rod Taylor and Vicki Peterson.
- Quin (2 months ago)
Larry The Librarian
Happy Birthday to Actor Rod Taylor!
- Larry The Librarian (2 months ago)
Pam Fowler
Wonderful. Will set dvr. I love when plays movies I haven\'t seen. That\'s hard to do.
Love Rod Taylor. Happy Bi
- Pam Fowler (2 months ago)
TV and Film Stars
Happy Birthday American actress Yvette Mimieux. Loved her as Weena in The Time Machine 1960, with Australian actor
- TV and Film Stars (2 months ago)
Happy what would be 91st Birthday to the late great Actor Rod Taylor!
- TReese82 (2 months ago)
Patricia Nolan-Hall
Happy 86th Birthday to AUDREY DALTON on this Jan. 21st.
Pictured here with Robert Wagner in Titanic, 1953 and with
- Patricia Nolan-Hall (1 month ago)
Abel Rojas
Happy birthday Rod Taylor!
- Abel Rojas (2 months ago)
Suzanne Noa
Happy Birthday / Birthday Remembrances: Eva Le Gallienne, Lionel Stander, Veda Ann Borg, Kathl
- Suzanne Noa (2 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Ron Mulock (d. 2014), Rod Taylor (d. 2015), Betty Churcher (d. 2015), Mary Rodgers (d. 2014), Alf
- Teewhy Nyema (2 months ago)
Stella Bean McFrug, Capitalist Pug
Happy Birthday Remembrance to Rod Taylor...
- Stella Bean McFrug, Capitalist Pug (2 months ago)
Laura G
Remembering Rod Taylor on his birthday Born in Sydney, Australia, on January 11, 1930
- Laura G (2 months ago)
Eric G.
Rod Taylor (1930 2015)
Chester Conklin (1886 1971)
Director Joel Zwick (1942)
Amanda Peet (1972)
- Eric G. (2 months ago)
Tamara Sillo
Happy birthday to Rod Taylor!
- Tamara Sillo (2 months ago)
Jan 11 NATL HUMAN TRAFFICKING AWARENESS DAY Project 31:8(Proverbs)-NATL MILK DAY In 1884 Hervey Thatcher of NYC dev
- jparsio (2 months ago)
spacewoman reporter
Happy Birthday!
Yvette Mimieux
Jan 08, 1942 (age 78)
George Pal\'s film version of H. G. Wells\' 1895 novel
The Time
- spacewoman reporter (2 months ago)
Akia Taylor
Happy birthday Rod Taylor
- Akia Taylor (2 months ago)
Bal Nepomuceno
I\'ll never forget Rod Taylor, I loved his movies. I wish him a Happy Birthday and many, many more!!
- Bal Nepomuceno (1 month ago)
Bernard McNair
Really like Rod Taylor s work. Try and catch Picture Show Man which he made in Australia towards the end of hi
- Bernard McNair (2 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Rod Taylor celebrated his 95 years old birthday 2 months ago. It might be a bit too late but... Send your greetings to him now!