Welcome to Roger Deakins's Birthday Celebration Page
Roger Deakins got 332 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Bryan Tosh
Happy Birthday Sir Roger Deakins who is 74 years old! - Bryan Tosh (10 months ago)
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Syahidz Zureen
Happy Birthday Sir Roger Deakins. Thank You for your beautiful magical works. - Syahidz Zureen (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

A very late happy birthday to Roger Deakins... the greatest cinematographer ever! - Kieran (10 months ago)
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steve krueger
Happy birthday to Roger Deakins! Double Oscar winner and 17 nominations for cinematography. Amazing visual artist. - steve krueger (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

A Shot.
I think of filmmaking as a form of communication. Maybe it s also an art, but that s for somebody else to decide. - A Shot. (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to roger deakins - • (10 months ago)
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Happy Birthday to the great Roger Deakins one of the finest cinematographers who\'s ever existed, and the fir - NostalgiaCast (10 months ago)
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Steven The Number One Father Gabriel Stan ⚖️
Happy Birthday to the legendary cinematographer Sir Roger Deakins - Steven The Number One Father Gabriel Stan ⚖️ (10 months ago)
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Happy Birthday Roger Deakins May 24 1949! English cinematographer Roger Deakins was nominated numerous times for t - NutSo-CrazyLady (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Brian Rowe
Happy birthday to the extraordinary Roger Deakins, who should have more than just two Oscar wins for Best Cinematog - Brian Rowe (10 months ago)
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Happy Birthday Roger Deakins! Procreate sketch of The Big Lebowski (1998, dir. Joel Coen, witten by Ethan & Joel Co - GohanGlobus (10 months ago)
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Tran Khuong
HAPPY 74TH BIRTHDAY ROGER DEAKINS - Tran Khuong (10 months ago)
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\"I like character films. I like photographing a human face. I find that more interesting than anything else, and th - WeWatchFilms (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

British Cinematographer
Filmmaking is as much about the experience of working with wonderful people as it is the final result. That collab - British Cinematographer (10 months ago)
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The Reel Study
Let\'s give a Happy Birthday to our friend, our cohost & resident Daddy Roger Deakins fan !! We miss - The Reel Study (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

I think of filmmaking as a form of communication. Maybe it s also an art, but that s for somebody else to decide. - FILM.ME (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, dir. Roger Deakins! < 3 - ًalex (10 months ago)
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Les Carpenter
Happy Birthday Master cinematographer Roger Deakins. The Big Lebowski (1998) Sicario (2015) The Reader (2008) The - Les Carpenter (10 months ago)
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Agnidev Chatterjee
Happy birthday Sir The best cinematographer in the world is, without a doubt, Roger Deakins. He has been nominate - Agnidev Chatterjee (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

خَالد الخّالدي
Happy birthday sir Roger Deakins . Probably the greatest cinematographer in the history of cinema.. - خَالد الخّالدي (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 73rd birthday to the greatest cinematographer of all time, Roger Deakins next to chivo Lubezki - [̲̲̅̅R̲̲̅̅A̲̲̅̅U̲̲̅̅L̲̲̅̅] (10 months ago)
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Mas Jan
Happy Birthday Roger Deakins the - Mas Jan (10 months ago)
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Cinema Tweets
Happy Birthday to Roger Deakins: A World-Class Cinematographer - Cinema Tweets (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to cinematographer Roger Deakins. My favorite films photographed by Deakins are The secret garden an - jhpcine (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Milligan 8
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROGER DEAKINS - Milligan 8 (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Roger Deakins, you should have won the Oscar for Barton Fink - Lucas (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Joshua Thomas Gallegos
Happy Birthday to the great Roger Deakins! - Joshua Thomas Gallegos (10 months ago)
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The Oscar Juggernaut
Happy 73rd birthday, Sir Roger Deakins! The cinematography here is delicious!!! - The Oscar Juggernaut (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Reel World
Happy birthday to cinematographer Roger Deakins! - The Reel World (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Roger Deakins, the legendary cinematographer - Aj005 (10 months ago)
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Daniel Marley
Samuel, since you share a birthday with Roger Deakins, this seems like just the right GIF. Happy Birthday, - Daniel Marley (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to the great, Roger Deakins. - AestheticFilm (10 months ago)
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Happy Birthday to the Master of Light ROGER DEAKINS - SpectreVision (10 months ago)
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Happy 73rd birthday to the great Roger Deakins, seen here with Denis Villeneuve on the set of \'Blade Runner 2049\' ( - cinesthetic (10 months ago)
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Happy birthday to my all time favorite Cinematographer and 2 times Oscar winner Roger Deakins (73 years) - Ali (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy bday to god Roger Deakins - anish (10 months ago)
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Happy birthday to the master and a rare good British person !! Sir Roger Deakins - grantis (10 months ago)
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Deny Fear
Happy birthday Roger Deakins Erik Tanner, 2020 Andrew Dominik says he\'s one of the top three cinematographers i - Deny Fear (10 months ago)
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Logan Cunningham
Happy Birthday, Roger Deakins. Watch SKYFALL. - Logan Cunningham (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

my only interest is afterparty power
The shot 0:05 into that scene is the reason would forever change my life one fateful night. Frank Darabont directed - my only interest is afterparty power (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Sir Roger Deakins..! The Shawshank Redemption Fargo O Brother, Where Art Thou? A Beauti - RWCᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

British Cinematographer Magazine
The British Cinematographer team send a massive Happy Birthday to Roger Deakins CBE ASC BSC! Pictured is a young R - British Cinematographer Magazine (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ben Bissett
I want to wish Sir Roger Deakins, one of the greatest cinematographers in cinema today, a very happy birthday. I ho - Ben Bissett (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Robat Battinbat does nfts wtf
Happy birthday to the one and only roger deakins - Robat Battinbat does nfts wtf (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Roger Deakins, who in 2007 had the single greatest year any cinematographer has ever had and made - Nick (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, sir roger deakins! - honey (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to the legend, Roger Deakins. - Letterboxd (10 months ago)
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Oscars Central
Happy Birthday to Oscar Winner Sir Roger Deakins! What is your favorite shot from his work? - Oscars Central (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to one of the greatest masters of light and shadow the cinema has ever seen...Roger Deakins! Whethe - WeLoveCinema (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Film Magazine
Happy Birthday to the one and only Roger Deakins, 73 today! - The Film Magazine (10 months ago)

75 years old (Born on May 24, 1949)

Happy Birthday, Roger Deakins! Your incredible knack for capturing cinematic beauty has brought so many iconic scenes to life. From the hauntingly vast landscapes in "No Country for Old Men," where you made open fields feel suspenseful—who knew silence could look that intense? To crafting stunning visuals with Sam Mendes on “1917,” pulling off epic one-shot wonders smoother than my grandma's birthday cake icing.

You've given us endless masterpieces and collected Oscars—all while somehow maintaining a hairstyle cooler than any Coen Brothers plot twist. Here's hoping your celebration is as visually dazzling (and well-lit) as every film you've blessed our eyes with!

Roger Deakins's Best Moments

Impossible to pick a favorite Roger Deakins shot. 

Happy 71st birthday to one of the all-time greats.
Happy birthday to the legend, Roger Deakins.
Happy 72nd Birthday to legendary cinematographer Roger Deakins!
Happy birthday to master cinematographer, Roger Deakins!
Happy Birthday Roger Deakins! What s your favourite shot from his distinguished career?
Impossible to pick a favorite Roger Deakins shot. 

Happy 72nd birthday to one of the all-time greats.
Happy birthday, Roger Deakins.
Happy Birthday to the unparalleled Roger Deakins .
Happy birthday to one of the best cinnamontographers in the planet, roger deakins!
Happy Birthday to master cinematographer & (*Finally*) Oscar-winner Roger Deakins!
Happy birthday, Roger Deakins with your cool white hair
Happy 62nd Birthday to the master Roger Deakins!
Happy Birthday to Roger Deakins: A World-Class Cinematographer
Happy Birthday to Roger Deakins the maestro of the cinematic image.
Happy 71st birthday to roger deakins.
Happy birthday, Roger Deakins
Happy Birthday to the legendary Roger Deakins; the master of the silhouette
Happy Birthday, Roger Deakins. Watch SKYFALL.
Happy Birthday Sir Roger Deakins who is 74 years old!
Happy Birthday, Roger Deakins! One of film\s greatest cinematographers turns 68 today
¡Happy Birthday to the legendary Roger Deakins!
Happy Birthday, Roger Deakins! Ironically, this photo is poorly lit.
Happy birthday Sir Roger Deakins!  Warmest wishes from your friends at ARRI Rental.
No Country for Old Men (2007)

Happy Birthday to the great cinematographer that is Roger Deakins
Happy Birthday to arguably the greatest cinematographer to have ever lived. Roger Deakins turns 72 today.
Happy birthday Roger Deakins
Happy birthday to the master and a rare good British person !!

Sir Roger Deakins
Happy Birthday to the Master of Light
Happy Birthday, Roger Deakins!
Einer der besten Kameramänner feiert heute seinen 70. Geburtstag.
Happy Birthday to one of the best cinematographers Roger Deakins.
Happy birthday to the great Roger Deakins!
A very happy 72nd birthday to the god Roger Deakins
Happy birthday, Roger Deakins
Everybody say happy birthday Roger Deakins.
Happy birthday roger deakins you legend
Happy 71st Birthday to one of the best cinematographers ever...Roger Deakins.
Happy Birthday to the best cinematographer on the planet, Roger Deakins
Happy Birthday to the one and only Roger Deakins.
Happy Birthday Roger Deakins. 

A few of my favorite shots by Deakins:
Happy Birthday to Oscar Winner Sir Roger Deakins! What is your favorite shot from his work?
Happy Birthday to the legendary cinematographer Sir Roger Deakins
Happy birthday to one of the finest cinematographers around, 13-time Oscar nominee Roger Deakins!
Happy birthday to cinematographer Roger Deakins!
Happy birthday cinematographer Roger Deakins. I was at awe with this scene from No county for all men.
Happy Birthday Roger Deakins.
Happy 71st Birthday to the God King, Roger Deakins
Happy Birthday Roger Deakins!! Keep creating magic on screens
Happy Birthday Roger Deakins!!
Happy Birthday to this legend! Favorite movie Roger Deakins has DP d for?
Happy birthday Roger Deakins, may this image inspire you, as you have inspired us.
Happy birthday to the GOAT himself, Roger Deakins!
Happy birthday to Roger Deakins, the legendary cinematographer
A very late happy birthday to Roger Deakins... the greatest cinematographer ever!
Happy Birthday Roger Deakins
Happy birthday Roger Deakins.
Happy birthday to master Roger Deakins
Happy Birthday Roger Deakins! Celebrate by checking out a tribute to his work:
Happy birthday to Roger Deakins, master of light and living proof that the Oscars are a big load of hooey.
Happy Birthday Roger Deakins!
Happy Birthday to cinematographer Roger Deakins!
Happy birthday, Celebrate with these iconic films he photographed:
Happy birthday to the (finally) Oscar winning cinematographer, Roger Deakins!
Happy birthday Roger deakins
Happy birthday Roger Deakins!
Happy 70th birthday to the master Roger Deakins
Happy Birthday Roger Deakins
Happy 71st Birthday to 
Happy Birthday to a god of cinematography, Roger Deakins!!!
71 years ago, a legend by the name of  Roger Deakins was born. Happy birthday Master.
Happy Birthday to the legendary Roger Deakins!
Happy Birthday Roger Deakins.
Happy Birthday Roger Deakins
Happy 72nd birthday Roger Deakins! Make it look beautiful!
Happy birthday to Roger Deakins, happy birthday to cinema.
Happy birthday Roger Deakins 

The Man Who Wasn\t There (2001)
Happy Birthday to the legendary 
Roger Deakins! Your mastery in visual language is something I strive for
Anyway, happy birthday Sir Roger Deakins ASC BSC CBE!
Happy birthday Roger Deakins !
Happy birthday to Roger Deakins!
Happy birthday to roger deakins thank you for helping create this beautiful movie
Happy Birthday to THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION cinematographer Roger Deakins!
Happy birthday to the GOAT...

Sir Roger Deakins.
Happy birthday to greatest Cinematographer of all time, Roger Deakins.
Happy 72nd birthday Roger Deakins!

Let me see your favourite Deakins shots
Happy 72nd Birthday to Roger Deakins
Happy Birthday, Roger Deakins!
Happy Birthday to the one and only Roger Deakins, 73 today!
Happy birthday to the one and only roger deakins
Happy birthday to cinematographer Roger Deakins!
Happy Birthday to the great Roger Deakins!
Happy birthday sir Roger Deakins   .

Probably the greatest cinematographer in the history of cinema..
Roger Deakins new pic 0
Roger Deakins picture 1
Roger Deakins dating 2
who is Roger Deakins 3

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e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Roger, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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