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The Watch
Roger Milla (Footballer) Is 71 Today
Wishing Cameroonian former professional footballer Albert Roger Miller a hap
- The Watch (9 months ago)
Roger Milla (Footballer) Is 71 Today
Wishing Cameroonian former professional footballer Albert Roger Miller a hap
- DEOGRATIAS NZIBUK. (9 months ago)
Billy Ajala
Happy birthday to you Sir Roger milla...a true african football legend,I also pay tribute to the gre
- Billy Ajala (9 months ago)
Les Lions Indomptables Officiel
| Time for celebration| Legend and 1984 & 1988 Champion, turned 7
- Les Lions Indomptables Officiel (9 months ago)
Iconic Football Shirts
Happy Birthday Roger Milla
- Iconic Football Shirts (9 months ago)
Sportskeeda Football
Happy Birthday to one of the greatest Africans to play the sport! Cameroon\'s Roger Milla.
- Sportskeeda Football (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to Roger Milla, who is 71 today. African Cup of Nations African POTY Cameroon Cham
- GIDI9JA (9 months ago)
Smart Psychopath
Happy birthday to Roger Milla, who turns 71 today. African Cup of Nations African POTY Cameroon Champio
- Smart Psychopath (9 months ago)
Pan-Africa Football
Happy birthday to Roger Milla, who is 71 today. African Cup of Nations African POTY Cameroon Cham
- Pan-Africa Football (9 months ago)
Roger Milla is 71 today. Happy birthday legend.
- SportsKE (9 months ago)
Football Infographics
Happy Birthday to Cameroon legend Roger Milla!
- Football Infographics (9 months ago)
Tony Bonsignore
Love Roger Milla. When I watched him back in tha day, 38 seemed to me to be ludicrously ancient. No
- Tony Bonsignore (9 months ago)
Ligue 1 English
Happy Birthday to football legend
- Ligue 1 English (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to Roger Milla, who turns 71 today. African Cup of Nations African POTY Cameroon C
- FOOTBALL234TV (9 months ago)
Global Expo Stand
Happy Birthday Roger Milla (Roger Miller), dancing lion;
- Global Expo Stand (9 months ago)
Happy birthday à Roger Milla! Je lui souhaite de vivre 70 ans en plus! Roger Milla n\'est pas que Camero
- valeryaristide (9 months ago)
Tiras Waiyaki Thuku
Roger Milla at 70. Happy Birthday King. 20 May, 1952. Courtesy
- Tiras Waiyaki Thuku (9 months ago)
Silo Kate Njonje
A very happy birthday the football Legend of our time.We thank Yahweh for all the
- Silo Kate Njonje (9 months ago)
Omar Faruk
Happy Birthday to Roger Milla
- Omar Faruk (9 months ago)
Gi Yo
Happy birthday Milla!
Thousands today showed up at the Omnisports Stadium to celebrate Indomitable Lions
- Gi Yo (9 months ago)
Dr Christian K. Tiambo
The Legend of the world football Roger Milla, at 70years old today, scored again. Happy birthday Lion King, and man
- Dr Christian K. Tiambo (9 months ago)
\"I wish the legend Roger Milla a happy birthday, more health, more money in his account and everything his heart de
- AfriqueCfoot (9 months ago)
Roger Milla scores again with his legendary celebration.This is out football should be commemorated in a country .
- Afrodandy (9 months ago)
CAF Media
Happy Birthday to our legend Roger Milla.
70 ans de talent et de génie au service du football Africain.
- CAF Media (9 months ago)
François Dim
Happy Birthday La légende Roger Milla le grand 9
- François Dim (9 months ago)
Daniel Osorio
Happy 70th birthday to one of my all-time idols, (that run still hurts, by the way)
- Daniel Osorio (9 months ago)
Un réel plaisir de le voir jouer. Trop peu resté on le jugeait trop vieux et il a été
- JK42F (9 months ago)
Boutchouang Nghomsi
Happy Birthday la légende
- Boutchouang Nghomsi (9 months ago)
Juan Esteban Mendoza Ruiz
happy birthday roger I wish you the best God bless you and may you have many more thanks for your le
- Juan Esteban Mendoza Ruiz (9 months ago)
Diane Christelle Bikanda
Une légende ! Un monument ! La fierté de toute une nation! Méga HAPPY BIRTHDAY legend! We love you Roger Milla
- Diane Christelle Bikanda (9 months ago)
A Sticker\'s Worth 500 Words
Happy Birthday to - have a good one!
- A Sticker\'s Worth 500 Words (9 months ago)
Sports update.
70th Happy birthday to Roger Milla African Cup of Nations African Ballon d\'Or Cameroon Champion
- Sports update. (9 months ago)
My Football Books
Happy Birthday Roger Milla! A pioneer for African football and still the oldest player to score in a World Cup. \"
- My Football Books (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the one and only Roger Milla, the legendary ex striker of Cameroon, who turns 70 today
- BabaGol (9 months ago)
Dani Cruz
Happy birthday Legend!
- Dani Cruz (9 months ago)
One 70-year-old we d always back to score For more sports news please visit
Happy Birth
- JeetBig (9 months ago)
Bernard Yeboah Oduro
Well done Sir. Happy Birthday
- Bernard Yeboah Oduro (9 months ago)
SportyBet Kenya
A very Happy 70th Birthday to Roger Milla Legend Oldest Goal Scorer in the World Cup African Cup of N
- SportyBet Kenya (9 months ago)
La Zurda De Recoba
- La Zurda De Recoba (9 months ago)
Mister Jo
Joyeux anniversaire à son Excellence !! Happy Birthday His Excellency Albert Roger MILLA
- Mister Jo (9 months ago)
Join us wish the legend a happy birthday Happy 70th African soccer inspirer
Face Of Cameroon
- CelebritySuyaMan (9 months ago)
Sainté Inside
La Légende camerounaise fête aujourd hui ses 7 0 ans. Double Ballon d\'Or africain 37 bu
- Sainté Inside (9 months ago)
- WORLD CUP TOKEN ARMY (9 months ago)
le temps
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the legend
- le temps (9 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Roger Milla will celebrate his 73 years old birthday in 2 months and 6 days! Send your greetings to him now!