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Happy Birthday to the great producer of Rosemary`s Baby!
- Lily (2 years ago)
James Kenney
Happy 66th birthday to who from Otto Preminger to Bob Clark to John Carpenter to Roman Polanski to R
- James Kenney (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Roman Polanski.
I wish you a superb day today with your family.
Thank you for the wonderful movies.
- SimonBarreBrisebois (6 months ago)
Alfredo Galindo
Happy 89th Birthday also to Academy Award nominee for Best Adapted Screenplay of 1968, Roman Polanski
- Alfredo Galindo (6 months ago)
Meet The Libertines!
Happy Birthday to Roman Polanski!
Born 1933
Polish-French Filmmaker
\"You have to show violence the way it is. If y
- Meet The Libertines! (6 months ago)
wendi freeman
Happy birthday to both of us! And also Christian Slater, Roman Polanski and Redford
- wendi freeman (6 months ago)
A happy birthday to Democrats Roman Polanski and former First Lady Rosalyn Carter
- GreenlightStrategies (6 months ago)
Happy birthday
Roman Polanski 89
Robert Redford 86
Edward Norton 53
Malcolm Jamal warner 52
Kaitlin Olson 47
Andy Samberg 44
- john slotkin (6 months ago)
Dvd Daddy
Happy Birthday to actors Robert Redford ( Christian Slater ( Madeleine Stowe (
- Dvd Daddy (6 months ago)
Scott Smith
Happy birthday to this great director. Happy birthday to Roman Polanski
- Scott Smith (6 months ago)
- Violet (6 months ago)
Mel Vaughan Smith
Happy birthday today to Roman Polanski (89), Robert Redford (86), Joseph Marcell (74), Dennis Elliott (Foreigner)(7
- Mel Vaughan Smith (6 months ago)
Velikaia Knazhna Catherina
A few of my fav artists BOTD:
Robert Redford, Madeleine Stowe, Edward Norton, Christian Slater, Roman Polanski, Car
- Velikaia Knazhna Catherina (6 months ago)
Black Danzig
Film message wishing Roman Polanski a happy birthday...
- Black Danzig (6 months ago)
The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of
Happy Birthday to Roman Polanski, here in CHINATOWN!
- The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of (6 months ago)
...hour in, something happened that nearly gave me a heart attack! I sat for the rest of the film like a frightened
- Raffine (6 months ago)
Ewa Mazierska
Roman Polanski\'s birthday (b. 1933) is an opportunity to mention his best films. For me these are: Cul-de-Sac, Repu
- Ewa Mazierska (6 months ago)
Wednesday, August 18th - Happy Birthday Edward Norton, Kaitlin Olson, Roman Polanski, Robert Redford -
- Exit/Enter (6 months ago)
Barrandov Studio
\"The best films are because of nobody but the director.\" Happy Birthday, Roman Polanski!
- Barrandov Studio (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to Roman Polanski.
- シゲボー (6 months ago)
Happy birthday Director Roman Polanski! It s birthday time again, and wow! You re a whole year older now! So clown
- (6 months ago)
Aug 18th Happy Birthday part 1: Roman Polanski, Robert Redford, Martin Mull, Carole Bouquet,
- WmsbgNostalgiaFest (6 months ago)
Francisco Javier Aragon Martin
¡¡Miércoles de cine!! Happy birthday Robert Redford (85), Román Polanski (88), Edward Norton (52) and Christian Sla
- Francisco Javier Aragon Martin (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Roman Polanski
- でめらら (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday Roman Polanski
- 帰ってきたパンク (7 months ago)
acab babey
happy birthday to everyone except child rapist, roman polanski! :)
- acab babey (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to roman polanski. that\'s one year closer to death!
- jeremy. (6 months ago)
September 3rd
Happy Birthday to Liviu Librescu (d. 2007), Rafael Pineda Ponce (d. 2014), Bramwell Tillsley, Hans Van Mierlo (d. 2
- September 3rd (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday Roman Polanski xx
- Bpsych (6 months ago)
Happy bday rapist roman polanski
- doğa (6 months ago)
\'\'The best films are because of nobody but the director.\'\'
Happy Birthday, Roman Polanski.
- EileenSmit (6 months ago)
Raaj Ampolu
Happy Birthday Mr. Roman Polanski.
I went to kitchen like 5 times to eat food while watching \"The Pianist\" movie o
- Raaj Ampolu (6 months ago)
Jerry Dennis
Happy Birthday Roman Polanski!
- Jerry Dennis (6 months ago)
The Cinziettis
Happy birthday to Roman Polanski Here s my tribute to one of my favorite movies ever.
Get 20% off on prints unti
- The Cinziettis (6 months ago)
Gold Derby
Happy birthday to winning director Take a look back at 15 of his greatest films, ranked wors
- Gold Derby (6 months ago)
Still can t believe that around 12:20 said Happy Birthday to known child rapist Roman Polanski
- John (6 months ago)
George Schmidt (G)
Happy 87th Birthday to
- George Schmidt (G) (6 months ago)
What the Shot?
Roman Pola ski is now 87 years old, happy birthday! Do you know this movie? 5 min to answer!
- What the Shot? (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday Roman Polanski! (87)
- InsideKino (6 months ago)
FilmoteCanet Cinema
Happy Birthday Roman Polanski
-18 Aug 1933-
- FilmoteCanet Cinema (6 months ago)
Carl Abrahamsson
Happy birthday to Roman Polanski, one of my all time favourite directors, and destined to one day be a film God!
- Carl Abrahamsson (6 months ago)
August 18, 1933 Roman Polanski
August 18, 1937 Robert Redford
2 legends were born this day.
Happy bday
- CiberCinema (6 months ago)
If you think wishing John Landis a Happy Birthday is OK, but not Roman Polanski or Woody Allen ... then you are mor
- TheUnknownCritic (7 months ago)
Anurag Ranjan
Happy Birthday to the english actress and presenter whose film debut was in Roman Polanski\'s film The Pianist.
- Anurag Ranjan (7 months ago)
The Bookish Gardener
happy birthday Amber! don\'t worry. i share mine w Roman Polanski and Patrick Swayze
- The Bookish Gardener (7 months ago)
taylor symone
Literally on an unfollowing spree on IG & Alexandre Vauthier just so happens to wish Roman Polanski happy bday . Wow, the timing
- taylor symone (6 months ago)
Dave Hollingsworth
Happy Birthday to director Roman Polanski, here on the set of:
Rosemary\'s Baby
The Pianist
- Dave Hollingsworth (6 months ago)
Claire Coyle
People wishing Roman Polanski a happy birthday
- Claire Coyle (6 months ago)
Manson Hollywood
To Simon from Roman Polanski
Happy Birthday Roman Polanski
August 18 1933
- Manson Hollywood (6 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Roman Polanski will celebrate his 92 years old birthday in 5 months and 8 days! Send your greetings to him now!