Happy Birthday (forever) to Legend, Ron Santo!
- Chicago Cubs on SR (11 months ago)
Rick Kaempfer
Happy birthday to Ron Santo. Hall of Famer. All-time great. He is still missed, but his forever flies on the fl
- Rick Kaempfer (11 months ago)
Happy birthday Ron Santo!
Never forget when the Cubs announced they were retiring his number.
- CHGO Cubs (11 months ago)
Morale Supply Co.™
Happy birthday to Ron Santo. Miss hearing his voice on the radio
- Morale Supply Co.™ (11 months ago)
John Bayleaf
Happy Birthday, Ron Santo!
- John Bayleaf (11 months ago)
Cubs Hall of Fame third baseman Ron Santo was born OTD 1940 in Seattle, WA.
He played before my time & I lived out
- BarleyPop (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the late Ron Santo, out of Seattle, Washington; 15 year career, .277 lifetime average, 2,254
- LarryInMissouri (11 months ago)
Gary Lutz
Happy Birthday MLB Hall Of Famer the late great Ron Santo.
- Gary Lutz (11 months ago)
Today I celebrate my 65th time around the sun. Happy Medicare!
I share my birthday with Ron Santo and George Harrison - not too shabby.
- mrsbno (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday Ron Santo
- RyaninGreenBay (11 months ago)
Happy birthday Ron Santo
- TheChicagoGreat (11 months ago)
Dennis L Lorch
Good Morning and Happy Birthday to Cubs great Ron Santo born today in 1940.
- Dennis L Lorch (11 months ago)
Cubs DNA
Happy birthday to the legendary Ron Santo. We miss you!
- Cubs DNA (11 months ago)
Danny Lockoutt
Summers with Ron Santo and Pat Hughes got me through a lot of shit. Thanks Ronnie! Happy birthday!
- Danny Lockoutt (11 months ago)
The Real Eric G
Happy Birthday to the late, great Ron Santo.
- The Real Eric G (11 months ago)
Happy birthday Ron Santo!
- Lee (11 months ago)
Crawly\'s Cubs Kingdom
I wanted to wish a happy heavenly birthday to Hall of Fame third baseman and broadcaster Ron Santo. He is mis
- Crawly\'s Cubs Kingdom (11 months ago)
Seattle Sutton
Today we remember and celebrate our friend and great, Ron Santo, on his birthday. Ron was also a
- Seattle Sutton (11 months ago)
Happy WAR Birthday to Hall of Famer Ron Santo. His 70.5 WAR is the highest of any player born on this date. A 9X
- Rob (11 months ago)
Andrew McIntosh
Happy heavenly birthday Ron Santo! Hall of Famer 2012, Gold Glove Award winner and nine time All-Star.
\"I\'m a Cubbi
- Andrew McIntosh (11 months ago)
nels stromborg
So great. Miss Harry. The guy I miss the most is Ron Santo who literally bled for the team. It still breaks my hear
- nels stromborg (11 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Billy Packer, Ron Santo (d. 2010), David Puttnam, Boediono, Jack Concannon (d. 2005), George Harr
- North Trenton (11 months ago)
Brian Harl
Happy birthday Ron Santo. A true legend who was so much bigger than baseball. Here is my favorite story about
- Brian Harl (11 months ago)
Tyler “The Pastry Man” De Pâtisserie
Happy Birthday RIP Ron Santo!
- Tyler “The Pastry Man” De Pâtisserie (11 months ago)
Chris Steiskal
Happy Birthday Ron Santo! We miss you!
- Chris Steiskal (11 months ago)
Suzanne Noa
Belated Happy Birthday / Birthday Remembrances, 25 February: Cesar Cedeno Ron Santo Billy Pac
- Suzanne Noa (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday to great Ron Santo. 9-Time 5 awards. 324 HR, 1331 RBI,. 277 AVG
- CardboardEmpire (11 months ago)
Gary Hoskins
On my wall. Miss you on the radio, happy birthday Loved Ron Santo, love the
- Gary Hoskins (11 months ago)
James McIntyre
Happy Ron Santo\'s Birthday, everybody!
- James McIntyre (11 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Billy Packer, Ron Santo (d. 2010), David Puttnam, Boediono, Jack Concannon (d. 2005), George Harr
- Teewhy Nyema (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to the Ron Santo
- santo (11 months ago)
Happy posthumous birthday to two GOATs: Ron Santo (80) and George Harrison (77)!
- James (11 months ago)
Maybe Derek i dont know.
Happy birthday Ron Santo. I will always remember that time your toupee caught fire in the broadcast booth while visiting the Mets.
- Maybe Derek i dont know. (11 months ago)
Erik Blossom
Happy birthday Ron Santo!
- Erik Blossom (11 months ago)
Scott Larson
Happy Birthday Chicago Cubs HOF Ron Santo (1940-2010) \"I think I\'ve inspired a lot of people, and I\'m one, if I
- Scott Larson (11 months ago)
Jeff M
Happy Birthday Ron Santo!
- Jeff M (11 months ago)
Blake Renfro
Happy birthday to the most lovable Cub of all-time, Ron Santo. Three heal clicks for you Ronnie!
- Blake Renfro (11 months ago)
Harry Caray bot
Ron Santo was born 80 years ago today. Happy birthday, Ron! Gone but not forgotten. This Bud\'s for you!
- Harry Caray bot (11 months ago)
John Millard
Happy Birthday, Ron Santo
- John Millard (11 months ago)
Tim Sheridan
Happy Birthday to Harry Caray! Check out this week\'s CubTalks documentary web series with me sitting and work
- Tim Sheridan (11 months ago)
Eric Decker
Happy birthday to me, Ron Santo, and February sucks otherwise.
- Eric Decker (11 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Billy Packer, Ron Santo (d. 2010), David Puttnam, Boediono, Jack Concannon (d. 2005), George Harr
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday to former player Ron Santo! We miss ya Ronnie!
- SocMediaIsSometimesOk (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday Ron Santo and other ramblings about the 2019 Chicago Cubs. In the words of Kris Bryant:
Bring It.
- Carl (11 months ago)
Sharon Siegel
Ron Santo has always been my favorite Cub and my idol. He was a great human being. (I think Anthony Rizzo i
- Sharon Siegel (11 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Ron Santo will celebrate his 85 years old birthday in 24 days! Send your greetings to him now!