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Happy birthday, Russell T. Davies! You are a true Doctor Who show runner and we are so glad you are still with us.
- Cornelia.Zepeda (10 months ago)
Sonal Mistry
One year since Russell T Davies said Happy Birthday to Sonal only
- Sonal Mistry (10 months ago)
Cynical Archivist
A very happy 53rd birthday to Russell T Davies, former and current show
- Cynical Archivist (10 months ago)
Martyn Butler OBE
I was told your 60! - Nonsense I told them you don\'t look a day over 59 ;)
- Martyn Butler OBE (10 months ago)
Happy 60th birthday to Russell T Davies. Your work Queer as Folk and It s a Sin, is just remarkable.
- DavidH (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to our showrunner Russell T Davies
- Cybermanalf (10 months ago)
Sarah Cole
Happy Birthday to Russell T Davies!
- Sarah Cole (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to Russell T Davies . My first DW experience was fantastic series 1.
- MartyDW/Jennafan (10 months ago)
Attitude Magazine
Happy birthday to one of our faves, Russell T. Davies
- Attitude Magazine (10 months ago)
Wishing a Happy 60th Birthday to creator, Russell T. Davies! We\'re proud to have released this on home f
- Dazzler (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to the wonderful Russell T Davies
- K_HawesFan (10 months ago)
Wishing a very happy 60th birthday to Russell T. Davies!
In anticipation of his return as showrunner, w
- zavvi (10 months ago)
Josh The 52nd Doctor
Happy Birthday to our showrunner for Doctor Who, Russell T. Davies!!
Thank you for everything you ve given us and e
- Josh The 52nd Doctor (10 months ago)
Ben (He/Him)
Happy Birthday to Russell T. Davies, Jenna Coleman, Patrick Stump, Rose Tyler, my ex, and her Mum.
- Ben (He/Him) (10 months ago)
Today In Nerd History
Happy birthday Russell T. Davies, born April 27, 1963.
- Today In Nerd History (10 months ago)
Paul Kirkley
Just digging out this for the great man\'s 60th. Happy birthday, Russell the T. (And yes, we will be holding you to
- Paul Kirkley (10 months ago)
Best of British
A happy 60th birthday to screenwriter and producer Russell T Davies. Over the years he\'s given us many hours of gre
- Best of British (10 months ago)
Scruffy Jack and Jessie Cat
A very happy birthday to the one and only Russell T Davies
Too many amazing pieces of tv to mention
Thank you Sir
- Scruffy Jack and Jessie Cat (10 months ago)
Stephen Blute
Happy Birthday Russell T Davies
- Stephen Blute (10 months ago)
The G-Listed
Happy birthday to British screenwriter Russell T. Davies.
- The G-Listed (10 months ago)
Aaron ✨
Happy Birthday Russell T Davies
- Aaron ✨ (10 months ago)
Luke Smith
Happy Birthday Russell T Davies! your joint party was the best I\'ve ever been to, now bring on the wrap party!
- Luke Smith (10 months ago)
Aly W
Happy 60th Birthday Russell T Davies!! I love that you brought Doctor Who, Years and Years (fabulous piece o
- Aly W (10 months ago)
Frank Skinner called him the gay Shakespeare, and based on some of his work I don\'t consider that too inaccurate.
- Matt (10 months ago)
Katri Leikola
Happy 60th birthday to Russell T. Davies!!
- Katri Leikola (10 months ago)
Liam Walsh | 16 days until FreemaCon ✨
Happy birthday to our king, Russell T Davies!!
- Liam Walsh | 16 days until FreemaCon ✨ (10 months ago)
Escape from Traken
A very Happy Birthday to former/current/and more than likely future Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies.
- Escape from Traken (10 months ago)
Lee Hood
Happy 60th Birthday to Russell T Davies the man who brought Dr Who back and the creator of the massively successful
- Lee Hood (10 months ago)
Matthew Hodson
In 1999 Queer as Folk was broadcast in the UK.
It was the first time I had seen gay men whose lives were as joyful,
- Matthew Hodson (10 months ago)
Rachel Padden
Happy birthday to Russell T Davies, who once (entirely justifiably) called me insane.
- Rachel Padden (10 months ago)
I\'m NoContextRTD, no more
Happy birthday to Jenna Coleman & Russell T Davies!
- I\'m NoContextRTD, no more (10 months ago)
Simon Riches
Wishing a very happy birthday to showrunner Russell T Davies
- Simon Riches (10 months ago)
Geek Girl Authority
Happy Birthday, Russell T. Davies! Which one of his many projects is your favorite?
- Geek Girl Authority (10 months ago)
Merv - The Real Duke of Sussex
Good morning and it s happy 60th birthday to Welsh screenwriter and television producer Russell T Davies OBE.
- Merv - The Real Duke of Sussex (10 months ago)
Oli Linklater No.1 Space Pig Fan
18 years ago today Russell T Davies blessed us with the greatest Doctor Who character in existence. The world has n
- Oli Linklater No.1 Space Pig Fan (11 months ago)
So we get Russell T Davies back AND Ncuti as The Doctor? Happy birthday to me! I love him in Sex Education.
- AmyJ (10 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY APRIL 27th; US Senator Cory Booker,53; Actor Francis Capra,39; Screenwrtr Russell T.Davies,59; Singe
- BRONX POET (10 months ago)
Whoniverse Draws
Happy birthday to cartoonist Russell T Davies!
- Whoniverse Draws (10 months ago)
Timey Lime
I just want to wish a very special Happy Birthday to two total legends those legends being Russell T Davies and Jen
- Timey Lime (10 months ago)
Zoe\'s feather boa 16K
A very happy birthday to Russell T Davies!
- Zoe\'s feather boa 16K (10 months ago)
Happy birthday Russell T Davies!
- TheMoffatEraSafePlace (10 months ago)
Luv Doctor Who
Hoje é dia de dar Parabéns para Russell T Davies, antigo e novo showrunner de Doctor Who, que completa mais uma reg
- Luv Doctor Who (10 months ago)
Thomas Hynes
Happy birthday to RTD aka Russell t Davies the previous and returning showrunner of who.
- Thomas Hynes (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to Russell T Davies , was on cloud nine when I heard he was coming back as showrunner and can\'t w
- Jackson (10 months ago)
Mecdi \"AI\" Dikmen
Russell T Davies version 2 will be such a delicacy I wanna thank him upfront, oh and, happy birthday rocket man <3
- Mecdi \"AI\" Dikmen (10 months ago)
Keith Livingstone
It\'s a Happy Birthday today to Russell T Davies who we can all thank for bringing Doctor Who back in 2005. Russell
- Keith Livingstone (10 months ago)
Ollie Ingram
I had the pleasure of meeting Russell T Davies a few years ago, at BFI, and it was very much a pinch me moment .
- Ollie Ingram (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to russell t davies
- Saammuel (10 months ago)
Complexicated Cookie
Happy Birthday to our Lord and Saviour, Russell T Davies.
- Complexicated Cookie (10 months ago)
Doctor Who 24/7
Happy birthday to past and future showrunner, Russell T Davies! What\'s your favourite episode written by
- Doctor Who 24/7 (10 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Russell T. Davies will celebrate his 62 years old birthday in 1 month and 13 days! Send your greetings to him now!