44 years old (Born on September 20, 1980)
American, Actor.
He has been drumming since 1994. He was discovered drumming on a bucket on a New York City street by an agent looking for a model to fill out a pair of “Levi`s 501 jeans” for an add campaign He lives in Brooklyn, New York Ryan`s nickname is Focus. Ryan has worked with Emile Hirsch twice. They were in the movies "Imaginary Heroes" and "The Mudge Boy" togetherRyan Donowho's Best Moments
Fun Facts About Ryan Donowho
He has an older brother named Matthew.
Ryan is famous in the streets and subways of Manhattan as a bucket/drum player.
He is good friends with bassist Luca Amendolara.
His former OC co-star Willa holland sees him as a big brother.
His father`s name is Wayne, which is also Ryan`s middle name.