Welcome to Sam Raimi's Birthday Celebration Page
Sam Raimi got 853 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Forbidden Worlds Film Festival
Happy birthday to the legendary Sam Raimi! Don t miss out seeing his magnum opus - Evil Dead II - this Halloween w - Forbidden Worlds Film Festival (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Slippin’ ShazBoi
Spider-Man 2 This movie only gets better and better and it resonates with me more and more as life goes on Absolu - Slippin’ ShazBoi (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Where\'s the Happy?
Sam Raimi has made great movies but I have to give props to the actor. Indian Summer Supremacy! Love you, Stick! Ha - Where\'s the Happy? (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Kris With a K
Happy Birthday to my favorite director, Sam Raimi, who\'s incredible work has been hugely influential in the film an - Kris With a K (4 months ago)
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Ruben A Marin⚔
Happy 62nd Birthday to Legendary filmmaker Sam Raimi - Ruben A Marin⚔ (4 months ago)
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Peter Albrechtsen
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi! Evil Dead changed the world of horror forever. Very proud to be part of the next chapter - Peter Albrechtsen (4 months ago)
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Is it too late to say happy birthday to sam raimi too many ppl are born in october - kamie (4 months ago)
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Tran to Busan
Happy birthday Sam Raimi! A flashback to my first Raimi laserdisc, THE QUICK AND THE DEAD. As a western it was also - Tran to Busan (4 months ago)
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Will McCrabb
Happy Birthday to Sam Raimi - Will McCrabb (4 months ago)
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Happy birthday to the great Sam Raimi - Ozzy (4 months ago)
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Spooky TiM
Happy birthday to Sam Raimi Director of the Evil Dead films - Spooky TiM (4 months ago)
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Werewolf Spidey
Happy birthday Sam Raimi! Thank you for your fantastic visions and have the happiest birthday ever! - Werewolf Spidey (4 months ago)
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Ross Reelachart
Happy Birthday to one of the greats, Sam Raimi. Quietly and humbly making some of the best movies out there. Who k - Ross Reelachart (4 months ago)
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Film Cred
Happy birthday to Sam Raimi, the maverick filmmaker who conquered Hollywood and changed the blockbuster as we know - Film Cred (4 months ago)
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Ethans News and Reviews
Happy birthday to Sam Raimi,Emilia Clarke and Ryan Reynolds. - Ethans News and Reviews (4 months ago)
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Secret Handshake
Happy Birthday to the great Sam Raimi - Secret Handshake (4 months ago)
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Geek Bomb
Happy birthday to one of our fave directors, Sam Raimi You can only choose one of his films to keep, the others - Geek Bomb (4 months ago)
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Rhandy Ramirez
Happy birthday Sam Raimi He directed the Spider-Man trilogy and gave me a great childhood, thank you sam - Rhandy Ramirez (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

GRAY #MakeTASM3 #MakeRaimiSpiderMan4
Happy Birthday to the GOAT Sam Raimi and ty for your movies! - GRAY #MakeTASM3 #MakeRaimiSpiderMan4 (4 months ago)
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JS Peña
Happy Birthday To Sam Raimi & - JS Peña (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to the most coolest man on this planet, Sam Raimi. - Danny (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Sam Raimi who created one of the most unhinged and bizarre scenes in a horror movie. Love Evil Dead - LeftOfDial (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 63rd birthday to the inventive and visionary filmmaker, Sam Raimi! - Murray (4 months ago)
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Mariko St-Pierre
I just wanted to take a few minutes to wish an happy birthday to my favorite movie director in the world, Sam Raimi - Mariko St-Pierre (4 months ago)
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diego the O
Hoy cumple 63 años el director, escritor y productor de cine Sam Raimi Happy Birthday - diego the O (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Sam Raimi and Ryan Reynolds - Dose (4 months ago)
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Hollywood Suite
Happy Birthday to director extraordinaire Sam Raimi! Catch his buddy Bruce Campbell in Army of Darkness (1992) - Hollywood Suite (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Sam Raimi - Bryan (4 months ago)
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Well Adjusted | Horror Podcast
Happy Birthday to writer/director Sam Raimi! - Well Adjusted | Horror Podcast (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

JediMasterDaniel96 #AndorSZN
Happy birthday to the Legend Sam Raimi - JediMasterDaniel96 #AndorSZN (4 months ago)
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Richard Heck
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi! - Richard Heck (4 months ago)
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Mansoor Almansoori
Happy birthday Sam raimi My favorite director All the time Age 63 U will still in my heart for all your movie and T - Mansoor Almansoori (4 months ago)
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Cari Kelli
Happy Birthday to one of the best directors of all time (in my correct opinion), the legendary Sam Raimi. I hope he has a \"Groovey\" B-day. - Cari Kelli (4 months ago)
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Spider-Man Countdown⏱
Happy birthday Sam Raimi - Spider-Man Countdown⏱ (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to our spider man and doctor strange 2 director Sam Raimi! - Scout. (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Halloweenies®: A Horror Franchise Podcast
Happy Birthday to Sam Raimi! We\'ve spent all year sawing through his eclectic filmography. Go back to the very beg - Halloweenies®: A Horror Franchise Podcast (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

THE Fetchquestian Gentleman
Happy Birthday to ME, Sam Raimi, and Metallica\'s Robert Trujillo - THE Fetchquestian Gentleman (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, Sam Raimi! - cinesthetic (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Gamermanx9000 3.0
Happy 63rd Birthday to Sam Raimi - Gamermanx9000 3.0 (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, Sam Raimi. Thank you for your contributions to film especially when it comes to Sp - RockyDrago66 (4 months ago)
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Spider-Man Perfect Shots
Happy birthday, Sam Raimi! - Spider-Man Perfect Shots (4 months ago)
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Shekhar Dongardive
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi Sir! Thank you for making all the awesome movies The Director turns 63 today We all - Shekhar Dongardive (4 months ago)
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Happy Birthday to Sam Raimi! - CoveredGeekly (4 months ago)
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Nindi.Jr ㄷㄱㅑㅊ
Happy 63rd Birthday Sam Raimi! - Nindi.Jr ㄷㄱㅑㅊ (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday sam raimi - wub (4 months ago)
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Master Naumi
Happy birthday to Sam Raimi! - Master Naumi (4 months ago)
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Aokiji Tatsuya
Happy 63rd birthday to Sam Raimi - Aokiji Tatsuya (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

One of my favourite Director\'s turns 63 today. Happy Birthday Sam Raimi! - GrimWorlds (4 months ago)
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Lewis Jones
Happy birthday Sam Raimi - Lewis Jones (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Director Sam Raimi! Have a fabulous birthday! - AllFamous.org (4 months ago)

65 years old (Born on October 23, 1959)

The Evil Dead

Sam Raimi's Best Moments

Happy Birthday, Sam Raimi!
Happy Birthday, Sam Raimi!
Happy birthday to legendary filmmaker, Sam Raimi!
Join Us in wishing Sam Raimi a happy 59th Birthday! 

Celebrate with THE EVIL DEAD on Shudder.
Happy belated Birthday Sam Raimi
Happy Birthday to Sam Raimi!
Happy birthday to the legendary Sam raimi

Director of my favourite spider-man films have a great day
He ain\t no fake shemp! Happy Birthday to the one and only Sam Raimi! 

What\s your favorite Raimi movie?
Happy birthday, Sam Raimi!
 Happy 62nd birthday to Sam Raimi, the director of the \Spider-Man\ trilogy!
  Celebrating Sam Raimis birthday with this rad BTS pic from EVIL DEAD II. 

Happy bday, Sammy!
Just realized Sam Raimi s birthday is on Oct. 23rd and I couldn t do a happy birthday message since I was gone
Happy birthday, Sam Raimi!
Happy 61st Birthday Sam Raimi! 
\"I\ve always heard people\s criticisms twice as loudly as their praise.\"
Happy birthday Sam Raimi!
Happy birthday, Sam Raimi!
Happy Horror Birthday to SAM RAIMI, born in 1959!
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi!
Happy Birthday to director Sam Raimi October 23, 1959
Happy birthday to one of my heroes, Sam Raimi!
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi!!
Happy Birthday to the one and only Sam Raimi.
Happy Birthday, Sam Raimi!
Happy 58th BIRTHDAY Sam Raimi!! COMMENT: who would win in a fight, Ash from Evil Dead or Raimi\s Spiderman?
Happy birthday, Sam Raimi!
Happy 59th Birthday to Sam Raimi!
Happy birthday to the legend Sam Raimi
Happy 56th birthday to director, Sam Raimi!
Happy Birthday to the most coolest man on this planet, Sam Raimi.
Happy 60th birthday to director/producer Sam Raimi. Thank you for all things \"Evil Dead\" sir.
Happy birthday to the legend, Sam Raimi!
Happy birthday Sam Raimi ~ Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Happy Birthday, Sam Raimi!
Happy Birthday to the legend himself, Sam Raimi
Happy 59th Birthday to Evil Dead and Spider-Man director Sam Raimi.
Happy birthday Sam Raimi!!!!
Happy birthday Sam Raimi!
Happy 58th Birthday to Sam Raimi!
Happy birthday to the great Sam Raimi!
Happy birthday, Sam Raimi! Here is a picture of your friend Bruce!
Wishing a very happy 62nd birthday to director, Sam Raimi!
Happy 56th Birthday to Director Sam Raimi..
Happy birthday to Sam Raimi, a fine young actor who we\re all hoping will one day get a shot at the director\s chair
Happy 60th Birthday to the legend himself, Sam Raimi! Thank you for inspiring me Sam.
Happy Birthday to the amazing Sam Raimi! Celebrate by watching tonight!
A very happy birthday to our producing partner Sam Raimi!
Happy birthday Sam Raimi! He made my favorite horror franchise and one of the best superhero movies ever.
Happy belated (by two days) birthday to Sam Raimi
Happy 60th birthday to Sam Raimi
Happy birthday to Sam Raimi!
Happy 63rd Birthday Sam Raimi!
Happy 55th birthday to writer-director Sam Raimi!
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi!!
Happy birthday to my all time favorite director, Sam Raimi.
Happy birthday Sam Raimi
Happy birthday, sam raimi!! <3
Very happy birthday to Sam Raimi, the main man we do this for!
Listen up, you Deadites! Join us in wishing Sam Raimi a happy birthday!
The only words Ash needs to remember today are \"Happy Birthday\" to Evil Dead director, Sam Raimi!
Happy Birthday, Sam Raimi! Thank you for your creations!
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi Here\s a small clip of talking about Sam.
    A Happy Birthday to Sam Raimi
Happy Birthday to the legendary Evil Dead Director Sam Raimi, who celebrates his 55th birthday today.
    Happy Bday to Sam Raimi
The Evil Dead 1981 Director Sam Raimi 
Japanese poster        Happy birthday to Sam Raimi (born October 23, 1959)
Happy Birthday to the director 
of one of my favorite trilogies in Horror Cinema, 
Sam Raimi.
Join us...in wishing Sam Raimi a happy birthday.
Happy birthday to, Sam Raimi!
Happy Birthday to legendary director, Sam Raimi!
Wishing a happy 60th birthday to Sam Raimi!
Which of his films is your favourite?
Happy 62nd Birthday to Sam Raimi!
Happy Birthday to Sam Raimi Darkman (1990)
Happy Birthday to the brilliant Sam Raimi!
Happy Birthday SAM RAIMI... Born this day 1959. Hope its Groovy!
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi.
Happy birthday Sam Raimi!
Happy 59th Birthday to Sam Raimi.
Happy 60th Birthday to filmmaker, actor, and producer, Sam Raimi!
Happy birthday to Sam Raimi, writer, director, and creator of the Evil Dead series!
Happy Birthday to the lord and savior himself, Sam Raimi. Thank you for making my favorite movie of all time.
Happy Birthday, Sam Raimi. Without your take on Spider-Man, I wouldn t be who I am.
Happy birthday Sam Raimi
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi!
Happy birthday to the genius behind the OG Spider-Man trilogy... Sam Raimi!
Happy 60th birthday to the great Sam Raimi!
Man time sure does fly, anyhow Happy Birthday to the man himself, Sam Raimi
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi.
Happy 40th bday to the evil dead! thank you sam raimi for giving us best final girl ash williams.
Wishing a very happy birthday to our childhood legendary director Sam Raimi
Happy birthday to sam raimi!!!
Happy birthday Sam Raimi!!
Happy Birthday to Sam Raimi!
Happy Birthday to the great Sam Raimi
Happy Birthday, Sam Raimi!
Happy Birthday to director Sam Raimi!!
Happy Birthday to SAM RAIMI!
Happy Birthday, Sam Raimi!!
Happy Birthday to director Sam Raimi!
Wishing A Special Happy Birthday To Sam Raimi, Director Of The And ! - Spidey
Happy Birthday to Sam Raimi, the man who did justice to Spider-Man in film.
Happy birthday Sam Raimi, the mastermind behind The Evil Dead.
Happy Birthday Emilia Clarke and Sam Raimi.
 Love this movie!!  Happy birthday Sam Raimi!!!
Happy Birthday to Sam Raimi, the director of The Evil Dead trilogy and The Original Spider-Man trilogy.
Okay sorry this so long (5 days) but happy birthday Sam Raimi ;)
Happy birthday Sam Raimi!
Happy birthday, Sam Raimi
Happy Birthday to the ever so talented Sam Raimi!
Happy birthday Sam Raimi
Happy Birthday, Sam Raimi - thanks for giving us the best \eye popping\ sequence in horror.
A very happy 60th birthday to the one and only Sam Raimi!! And thanks for all the bloody good times!!!
Happy birthday to Sam Raimi, one of my all time favorite directors who gave us some of my all time favorite movies
Happy Birthday to the director of the original Spider-Man Trilogy, SAM RAIMI!!!
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi!
Happy birthday Sam Raimi!!
Happy Birthday to the man himself, Sam Raimi!
Happy Birthday to the god him self, Sam Raimi
Last but not least, the audience at the drive-in singing happy birthday to Sam Raimi...
Happy Birthday to Sam Raimi! Sam helped bring the Evil Dead to life. Are you a fan of the Evil Dead movies?
Happy 62nd Birthday to Sam Raimi!
Happy birthday Sam Raimi, the legend, the goat
Happy 62nd Birthday, Sam Raimi!
Happy Birthday to film director and Evil Dead creator Sam Raimi who turns 62 today
Happy 62nd Birthday to Sam Raimi
Happy birthday to the man who brought my favorite superhero to the big screen for the first time!  SAM RAIMI
Happy birthday to the goat Sam Raimi

Happy birthday to the Legend Sam Raimi
Happy birthday Sam Raimi
Happy Birthday to the GOAT Sam Raimi and ty for your movies!
Happy Birthday To Sam Raimi &
Happy birthday to Sam Raimi
Director of the Evil Dead films
Happy to films directors
Sam RAIMI  and 
Nieuwe Poll: Happy Birthday Sam Raimi!
Happy birthday to Sam Raimi. Heres one from Within the Woods with the ever so adorable :)
Happy Birthday to one of my all-time favorite directors,Sam Raimi
Happy bday Sam Raimi!
Happy birthday Sam Raimi! Looking forward to pre-Halloween screenings of The Evil Dead & Army Of Darkness next week!
Happy Birthday to my hero, Sam Raimi. I feel bad for all hes had to endure from lol jk. Love ya Brucey!
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi!!!
Oh my gosh I almost forgot happy birthday Sam Raimi!!!!
Today In 10/23/1959:  Director Sam Raimi (  is born. Happy Bday!!!
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi-
HorrorByProxy : ToysFromHell: Happy Birthday to the amazing Sam Raimi! Celebrate by wat
Happy birthday Sam Raimi! Love The Evil Dead trilogy.
Happy 56th Birthday SAM RAIMI. The EVIL DEAD fans salute you
Happy birthday to Sam Raimi, producer of starring the great
Happy Birthday, Sam Raimi!
Happy birthday, Sam Raimi! :-D
Happy Birthday to Sam Raimi (56)
Happy Birthday to my favourite director Sam raimi have a good day!!
A Happy Birthday Shout-Out to awesome and Sam Raimi!
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi!
10/23: Happy 56th Birthday 2 dir/writer/prod/actor Sam Raimi! Film+TV! Fave=Hercules+Xena!
Happy birthday Sam Raimi
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi! 
Pictured here during his off time from directing movies.
October 23: Happy Birthday Ang Lee and Sam Raimi
Thoughts from the Ledge: Happy birthday to Sam Raimi!  via
Wishing one of my favorite directors--Sam Raimi--a very Happy Birthday!
    We wish a very happy birthday to director/screenwriter Sam Raimi!
New happy birthday shot What movie is it? 5 min to answer! (5 points) [Sam Raimi, 58]
Happy birthday, Sam Raimi!
Wishing a very Happy Birthday to director, producer, screenwriter & actor extraordinaire, Mr. Sam Raimi!
The Polterguides want to wish a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sam Raimi!
Happy birthday Sam Raimi. The Evil Dead films sparked my love for horror.
How fitting that one of the masters of horror was born in the month of Halloween. Happy birthday, Sam Raimi!
Thoughts from the Ledge:  Happy birthday to Sam Raimi
Happy Birthday to Sam Raimi
Happy birthday Sam Raimi.
Happy Birthday to the God Sam Raimi.
Happy birthday to the great director,Sam Raimi,he turns 59 years today
Producer | Writer | Director
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi
Happy Birthday to the LEGENDARY SAM RAIMI!!!! The legend who got me into Spiderman! I wish him a SPECTACULAR DAY
Happy Birthday, Sam Raimi!
Happy Birthday to Sam Raimi! Thank you for making my favorite movie of all time (Spider-Man) and many other movies
Happy Birthday to Sam Raimi. You make good fuckin movies.
Happy birthday to Sam Raimi!
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi   Brilliant man with brilliant work !!!
Happy birthday to one of the greatest filmmakers ever, Sam Raimi
Happy birthday to Sam Raimi. The man who made me love Spiderman.
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi
A VERY happy Birthday to Evil Dead director Sam Raimi, who turns 59 today!!!
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi
Happy birthday Sam Raimi!!!!
Happy birthday to one of my favourite directors, Sam Raimi. (Spider-Man 2 is his masterpiece)
Happy Birthday to the one and only Director Sam Raimi!!!
Happy birthday, Sam Raimi!
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi!
Happy Birthday to Sam Raimi!
Happy birthday to the man who made the best Spider-Man movies, the legend himself, Sam Raimi!
And a happy birthday to the best spiderman films\ director, Sam Raimi
Happy 60th birthday Sam Raimi.
Happy birthday Sam Raimi...thank you for gifting us heartwarming, soulful and awesome spiderman movies.....
Happy birthday to the truly unique and one of a kind SAM RAIMI
Happy birthday to god himself sam raimi
 Happy Birthday filmmaker/director/producer Sam Raimi
Happy 60th birthday to Sam Raimi.
Happy birthday Sam raimi!
Happy Birthday Sam Raimi!
sam raimi movies 0
sam raimi bruce campbell 1
sam raimi and ted raimi 2
Sam Raimi full body 4

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Sam, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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