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Wishing a very happy birthday to the tough ruler Scott Thompson!
- Shoeniverse (8 months ago)
Today I learned that Scott Thompson is also in Bruce LaBruce s Super 8 1/2 ?!!!! I better go through his filmograp
- Wind (9 months ago)
Grumpy Old Gay Men And Their Dogs Podcast
Wishing a Happy 64th Birthday to gay actor/comedian Scott Thompson.
- Grumpy Old Gay Men And Their Dogs Podcast (9 months ago)
Nick Chiosa
Scott Thompson; a man for whom without, my sense of humor would be incomplete.
Happy Birthday Mr. Thompson!!!
- Nick Chiosa (9 months ago)
Ignore That Door
Happy Birthday to a Canadian Gay Icon and Hero
Scott Thompson
- Ignore That Door (9 months ago)
Deana Osborne
Happy birthday to Scott Thompson. from a kith fan.
- Deana Osborne (9 months ago)
Craig Baird - Canadian History Ehx
Happy birthday to Scott Thompson, born today in 1959 in North Bay, Ontario!
After rising to fame as a member of The
- Craig Baird - Canadian History Ehx (9 months ago)
That Guy
Happy Birthday to Scott Thompson, best known for being a Kid In The Hall, but he also kissed Homer Simpson.
- That Guy (9 months ago)
Jennifer Long ☮️
Happy Birthday to Dave Franco, Tim DeKay, David Thorton, Gregory Ala
- Jennifer Long ☮️ (9 months ago)
Will Berube
Giggled when I seen that you have the same B-day as Scott Thompson, well Happy Birthday, from a true fan of comedy.
- Will Berube (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday Scott Thompson
- Lusavez (9 months ago)
Christina Martin
Happy birthday Scott Thompson
- Christina Martin (9 months ago)
Kurt Waldschmidt
Happy birthday to Scott Thompson and socialite Cody Horn!
- Kurt Waldschmidt (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to Scott Thompson, whose Jimmy Price never failed to give Will Graham a dirty look
- MzAnnThropik (9 months ago)
Happy birthday TV Actor Scott Thompson! A friend like you is more priceless than the most beautiful diamond. You ar
- (9 months ago)
Jim Kirkwood Jr
Happy birthday Scott Thompson, born June 12, 1959
- Jim Kirkwood Jr (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday to my close personal friend Scott Thompson
- Brian Sweeney (8 months ago)
Loyal Order Of Phukheadz
Happy birthday Scott Thompson!
L.O.O.P. member 2072/2076
- Loyal Order Of Phukheadz (8 months ago)
Daniel Ares
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite KITH Scott Thompson. He s got the Husk Musk going today.
- Daniel Ares (8 months ago)
Samara Bee
Happy Birthday to the one and only, Scott Thompson!!! <3 <3 <3
- Samara Bee (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to the hilarious Scott Thompson of Kids in the Hall
- Lagunalock (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Jim Nabors, Scott Thompson, Pete Farndon, Rebecca Holden, and Jason Mewes
- Happy Birthday (9 months ago)
Primal Astrology (Official)
Happy Birthday to Scott Thompson whose Primal Astrology sign is the Cricket!
- Primal Astrology (Official) (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Scott Thompson
- topstarbirthdays (9 months ago)
Happy 29th Birthday Ben Cunnington
Games with 20+ contested possessions for NTH 1999-2020
1x: Nick Dal Santo, Scott
- Swamp (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday Scott Thompson.
- HDL (8 months ago)
Lee Bulger
Saw Buddy Cole at the Rivoli once and after I saw Scott Thompson washing up in the washroom! Wanted to say thanks f
- Lee Bulger (8 months ago)
Looking at the Sam in the Mirror
This guy was very important to me as a young gay guy who loved comedy. I owe a lot to Scott Thompson, happy birthda
- Looking at the Sam in the Mirror (8 months ago)
Inside The LOOP
Happy birthday to L.O.O.P. member 2072/2076 SCOTT THOMPSON!
- Inside The LOOP (8 months ago)
The Loyal Order Of Phukheadz
Happy birthday to L.O.O.P. member 2072/2076 SCOTT THOMPSON!
- The Loyal Order Of Phukheadz (8 months ago)
Happy 61st Birthday Scott Thompson
Kids In The Hall: Message from Queen of England To Canada via
Mark Benson
Kids in the Hall really saved my sanity when I was a shut in latch key kid in the 90s, Scott Thompson a
- Mark Benson (8 months ago)
Happy birthday Scott Thompson of Kids In The Hall
Mark Abbott
Scott Thompson & Terry Sweeney were my heroes in the 80s & 90s! Happy Birthday Scott.
- Mark Abbott (9 months ago)
Hal Sparks
There would be no Queer As Folk or Will & Grace or Ellen Show, without the groundbreaking comedy of Scott Thompson.
- Hal Sparks (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to the legend, Scott Thompson, who was probably the first openly gay person I ever saw on television
- nobody (9 months ago)
Why aren t his messages loading? If someone cancelled Scott Thompson I m goi
- Atrix (9 months ago)
Steve Dressler
Happy Birthday Scott Thompson! It was. A pleasure working on this last year. More people should listen to the podca
- Steve Dressler (9 months ago)
todd levin
Happy Birthday to the wildly talented Scott Thompson, whose closeted gay dad character in Brain Candy is one of my
- todd levin (9 months ago)
Joshua Pickering. Photographer.
Happy birthday to Scott Thompson of I\'ve loved Scott and KITH forever and was so happy to see and his
- Joshua Pickering. Photographer. (9 months ago)
Travis Kemp
Happy Birthday, Scott Thompson!
- Travis Kemp (9 months ago)
Kid Phantasm
Happy Birthday to the great Scott Thompson of Kids In The Hall, born June 12th, 1959
- Kid Phantasm (9 months ago)
Julie Klausner
Happy birthday to the friend I feel like I ve known since Grade 9 as they say up there. I love you Scott Thompson!
- Julie Klausner (9 months ago)
Amanda Sheppard
Happy Birthday, Scott Thompson!
- Amanda Sheppard (9 months ago)
Rick Dennis
Happy Birthday Buddy Cole, aka Scott Thompson.
- Rick Dennis (9 months ago)
Rob Henderson
Happy 61st birthday to Scott Thompson!
- Rob Henderson (9 months ago)
Andy Rash
Happy Birthday, Scott Thompson!
- Andy Rash (9 months ago)
spacewoman reporter
Happy Birthday
Scott Thompson is a Canadian television actor and comedian, best known for being a member of the com
- spacewoman reporter (9 months ago)
George Schmidt (G)
Happy 61st Birthday to
- George Schmidt (G) (9 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Scott Thompson will celebrate his 66 years old birthday in 3 months and 3 days! Send your greetings to him now!