43 years old (Born on June 05, 1981)
Canadian, Guitarist; He is famous from Simple Plan`s guitrrist.
his complete name: Gau00e9tan-Jean Su00e9bastien Lefebvre Pu00e9pin He is the youngest member of simple plan Is one of the Simple Plan guitarists. When someone asks who`s the bands leader he says: "Puckeffideb" Was a janitor at his high school.Sebastien Lefebvre's Best Moments
Fun Facts About Sebastien Lefebvre
Favorite super hero: spiderman
Fav. song to play live: Addicted
He was born on june 5 1981
fav. color: blue
he has a radio program named "Man Of The Hour" with his BF parick
Learned how to play the guitar by copying the hand movements of Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day.