Happy 50th Birthday to American basketball player Shawn Kemp!
- Happy50thBirthday (1 month ago)
Jack Youngthug
Happy Shawn Kemp birthday to me!
- Jack Youngthug (1 month ago)
Simply Seattle
Tomorrow is the MAYNE event! Happy Birthday Shawn Kemp from (
- Simply Seattle (1 month ago)
North Shore John
I never had a pair, but always wanted them. I remember watching Dee Brown shred the heavily favorited (pun intended
- North Shore John (1 month ago)
Barry Kowal
November 26:Happy 50th birthday to retired professional basketball player,Shawn Kemp(\"Seattle SuperSonics\")
- Barry Kowal (1 month ago)
on ts. Joe jfb
TheLydiaCruz: Ken Griffey Jr and Shawn Kemp both turn 50 this week in other words our childhood turns 50 this week happy birthday to us
- on ts. Joe jfb (1 month ago)
james davis
Happy birthday to Shawn Kemp my favorite Sonics player growing up. Dude is the best in game dunker I\'ve ever seen.
- james davis (1 month ago)
Junior turns 50 today.
Shawn Kemp turns 50 next week.
I\'m just a few years older.
Kind of weird to me that when I
- Tonk (1 month ago)
Lydia Cruz
Ken Griffey Jr and Shawn Kemp both turn 50 this week in other words our childhood turns 50 this week happy birthday
- Lydia Cruz (1 month ago)
Marc P
Happy Birthday Shawn Kemp!!
- Marc P (1 month ago)
Eric Kie
Happy Birthday Shawn Kemp! aka Reign Man
- Eric Kie (1 month ago)
Trinity Valley MBB
Happy Birthday to former TVCC CARDINAL, Shawn Kemp!
- Trinity Valley MBB (1 month ago)