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1370 AM & 96.1 FM - HANK-FM-WKMC
Happy Birthday to Shel Silverstein, who would have been 90 today. A prolific writer, an artist & songwriter of hits
- 1370 AM & 96.1 FM - HANK-FM-WKMC (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to Shel Silverstein. When I was a kid and I read his author bio on the back of WHERE THE SIDEWALK EN
- Austin Kleon (4 months ago)
BN Brandon
\"Listen to Mustn\'ts, child, listen to the Don\'ts. Listen to the Shouldn\'ts, the Impossibles, the Won\'ts. Listen to
- BN Brandon (4 months ago)
Clearwater Library
Happy Birthday, Shel Silverstein! The author of \"The Giving Tree,\" \"Where the Sidewalk Ends,\" and so many other bel
- Clearwater Library (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to Shel Silverstein. May he rest in peace. via /r/LodedDiper
- r/LodedDiper (4 months ago)
Happy would-be 90th birthday to Shel Silverstein. One of the all-time great stickmen, I ve heard.
- THORZUL (4 months ago)
Toon Hall of Fame
Happy 90th birthday to Shel Silverstein (1930-1999)!
The Giving Tree (1973)
- Toon Hall of Fame (4 months ago)
Anything is possible. Anything can be. -SHEL SILVERSTEIN Happy Birthday to the late beloved poet, author and ca
- NevadaTeachers (4 months ago)
John \"The Masked Man\" Chadwick
Happy 90th birthday to Shel Silverstein (1930-1999)!
- John \"The Masked Man\" Chadwick (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Shel Silverstein who would ve been 90 today, but hit the universe at the age of 69.
- Bacon (4 months ago)
Trooper Bob
Happy Birthday, Shel Silverstein!
This was my favorite book growing up. If we were good, the teacher would read us
- Trooper Bob (4 months ago)
Dana Ceppi
Happy birthday to Shel Silverstein! Enjoy my favorite poem by this amazing poet. The colors we are inside are so mu
- Dana Ceppi (4 months ago)
DePaul English
Happy Birthday to Chicago-born writer Shel Silverstein! Learn more about the author and his books on his website
- DePaul English (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to Shel Silverstein! A beautiful soul of delightful poetry and drawings.
- Lagunalock (4 months ago)
Into The Forest Dark
Happy birthday to Shel Silverstein! He was born in 1930
- Into The Forest Dark (4 months ago)
chelsea lin wallace☀️
I m wishing Shel Silverstein a very happy birthday today.
When I was a little kid he changed my life and has been
- chelsea lin wallace☀️ (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday Shel Silverstein!
Shel Silverstein, American poet, singer-songwriter, cartoonist, screenwriter, and
- GoodsonManley&Moscatello (4 months ago)
Jacob Tingle
Happy birthday to Shel Silverstein. Thank you for helping me, and now my boys, fall in love with words.
- Jacob Tingle (4 months ago)
Volumes Bookcafe & Bookstore
Happy Birthday to our shop and Happy Birthday Shel Silverstein! Join us tonight as we celebrate both. 8pm
- Volumes Bookcafe & Bookstore (4 months ago)
Writer\'s Relief
Happy Birthday to Shel Silverstein, an American writer known for his cartoons, songs, and children\'s books. Wrote T
- Writer\'s Relief (4 months ago)
Judge Bob Orr
Also, Happy Birthday to Shel Silverstein - noted country song writer, here performing
- Judge Bob Orr (4 months ago)
Stephanie Ray Brown
Happy Birthday to American poet and author Shel Silverstein! What is your favorite poem by him?
- Stephanie Ray Brown (4 months ago)
Isaku Kageyama
Did you know Shel Silverstein wrote songs? Well, call me ignorant but I only knew him as a poet and illustrator.
- Isaku Kageyama (4 months ago)
Mark Companion
Happy 90th birthday to Shel Silverstein.
- Mark Companion (4 months ago)
Janine Bennett
One\'s On The Way + On Screen Lyrics ---- Loretta Lynn via Happy 90th Birthday in
- Janine Bennett (4 months ago)
The County Library
\"Never explain what you do. It speaks for itself. You only muddle it by talking about it.\"
Happy birthday Shel Sil
- The County Library (3 months ago)
Kelli Swope
And she loved a little boy, even more than herself.. . Shel Silverstein
Wishing you the very best birthday, Happy 2
- Kelli Swope (4 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Nino Cerruti, Shel Silverstein (d. 1999), Manouchehr Atashi (d. 2005), Bryan John Birch, Glenn Go
- Teewhy Nyema (4 months ago)
Jan Susina
Happy Birthday to Shel Silverstein born 25 Sept. 1930. Author/illustrator of subversive poetry for subversive kids
- Jan Susina (4 months ago)
Word After Word Books
Happy birthday to Mr. Sheldon Allan \"Shel\" Silverstein, born on this day in 1930! Silverstein\'s books have been tra
- Word After Word Books (4 months ago)
Yvanna Cancela
Today, I share a birthday with one of my favorite poets, Shel Silverstein. So, I\'m celebrating both of us with one
- Yvanna Cancela (4 months ago)
Anything is possible. Anything can be. Shel Silverstein
Happy birthday, Shel Silverstein! Silverstein was a po
- MandelPublicLibrary (4 months ago)
Marcia Z. Parks
Happy Birthday, Shel Silverstein, songwriter (he wrote A Boy Named Sue, sung by Johnny Cash), & Playboy cart
- Marcia Z. Parks (4 months ago)