Welcome to Shinya Hashimoto's Birthday Celebration Page
Shinya Hashimoto got 15 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Keegan Dimitrijevic
Happy birthday to the late, great, Shinya Hashimoto. One of, if not, the greatest IWGP Champion in NJPW\'s intricate - Keegan Dimitrijevic (5 months ago)
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Jimmy Jacobs
Happy 56th birthday to the King of Destruction and Heart of Fighting Spirit were the first of a set of three events - Jimmy Jacobs (5 months ago)
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I Have A Nerdy Mind #Blacklivesmatter
Happy birthday to one third of \"The Three Musketeers\" (with Masahiro Chono and Keiji Mutoh) former NJPW Triple Crow - I Have A Nerdy Mind #Blacklivesmatter (5 months ago)
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Prabal Goswami ( प्रवाल गोस्वामी )
Happy birthday to former All Japan Triple Crown Champion Shinya Hashimoto . He would have been 56 years old today - Prabal Goswami ( प्रवाल गोस्वामी ) (5 months ago)
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Prabal Goswami
Happy birthday to former All Japan Triple Crown Champion Shinya Hashimoto . He would have been 56 years old today - Prabal Goswami (5 months ago)
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Chupacabra チュパカブラ
Happy Birthday to the late, great, Shinya Hashimoto! - Chupacabra チュパカブラ (5 months ago)
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today s wrestler birthdays, the late Shinya Hashimoto and a huge happy birthday to Johnny Swinger and - Mortyjr (5 months ago)
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Happy Birthday to the late, great, Shinya Hashimoto! - Chupacabra (5 months ago)
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North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to the late great George Sanders, Michael Barrington, Fontella Bass, Michael Clarke, Johnnie Wilder - North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (5 months ago)
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Happy Birthday to former All Japan Triple Crown Champion Shinya Hashimoto !!! He would have been 53 years old today - PayPerReView (5 months ago)
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Mike Roberts
Happy Bilated Birthday to International Superstar, Shinya Hashimoto. Omedeto Hashimoto-sama much Respect! - Mike Roberts (4 months ago)
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North Trenton
And Happy Birthday to the late great Jean-Claude Duvalier, Andy Fraser, Shinya Hashimoto and Poly Styrene. - North Trenton (5 months ago)
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Happy birthday to the late Shinya Hashimoto. Currently stiffing god - Stopspot (5 months ago)
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Happy 50th Birthday Shinya Hashimoto! You will be missed! via - theinFAMOUSassassin (5 months ago)
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Ring Wars
Happy Birthday to 5 time World Heavyweight Champion, the late, great, legendary Shinya Hashimoto who would have... - Ring Wars (5 months ago)

59 years old (Born on July 03, 1965)

He is one of the few wrestlers to have claimed a title in the AJPW Triple Crown, IWGP Heavyweight, and NWA World Heavyweight Championships.

Shinya Hashimoto's Best Moments

Shinya Hashimoto sexy 0
Shinya Hashimoto new pic 1
Shinya Hashimoto body 2
Shinya Hashimoto dating 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Shinya, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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Minimum 8 words. The card background will change when you enter a word.