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Waywords Studio
Worth turning to more and more as reality steps away from non-fiction!
Happy birthday, Slavoj Zizek!
- Waywords Studio (12 months ago)
Valjevac Ammar
Na dana nji dan 21.03.1949.
Ro en Slavoj i ek, slovenski psihoanaliti ar i filozof. Happy birthday
- Valjevac Ammar (12 months ago)
Agon Hamza
The philosophers had only interpreted the world, in various ways.
Then, there was Slavoj i ek who has changed ou
- Agon Hamza (12 months ago)
Fhikri F. Yudan
\"The truly courageous stance is to admit that the light at the end of the tunnel is most probably the headlight of
- Fhikri F. Yudan (12 months ago)
wbg - Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft
Von der Foreign Policy ist er zu einem der 100 führenden Denker gekürt worden. Er gilt gleichermaßen als prominent
- wbg - Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft (12 months ago)