Welcome to Sophie Aldred's Birthday Celebration Page
Sophie Aldred got 1330 balloons for her birthday! Gift her more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

Andrew Tomlinson
Happy Birthday from a life-long fan and admirer x - Andrew Tomlinson (8 years ago)
birthday balloon

jace cavacini
Happy [message didn t tell me it s your] Birthday! - jace cavacini (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Titanic Tardis
Happy belated Birthday - The Titanic Tardis (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Michael I think, perhaps Bob
I hope it was off key. The best way to sing the \"happy birthday\"song is badly. - Michael I think, perhaps Bob (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

David Clayton
That\'s awesome, happy birthday to your friend! I once called out a coworker for not - David Clayton (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

robert jennings
Hope she has had a very happy birthday - robert jennings (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Richard Thomas
- Richard Thomas (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Bonnie Langford
Happy birthday - Bonnie Langford (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Traveling the Vortex podcast
Happy Birthday, Sylvester McCoy & Sophie Aldred - Traveling the Vortex podcast (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy (late) birthday!! <3 - Moth:3 (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Sophie - Eric (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Also a Happy Heavenly Birthday to Anthony Ainley xxxxx - Phil WARD (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Samuel Clemens
Happy birthday to you all. Hope you have wonderful days xx - Samuel Clemens (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Martin Cumiskey
Happy birthday Sophie. - Martin Cumiskey (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Nigel Ellacott
Happy Birthday! Have a fabulous day! - Nigel Ellacott (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Stuart Chong
Happy Birthday Sophie I hope you\'re having a wonderful fantastic day! You\'re such an inspiration to so many of us - Stuart Chong (6 months ago)
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DeMond Woodard
Happy Birthday - DeMond Woodard (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday - Gerry (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

John Gomes
Wishing a double Doctor Who Happy Birthday to The 7th Doctor Sylvester McCoy 8/20/1943 (79) and his Companion Ac - John Gomes (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

pcguy5491 the modern retro man
happy 60th birthday Sophie. - pcguy5491 the modern retro man (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred The 7th Doctor and - \"VICTOR FOXTROT\" (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Wayne Woodall
Happy Birthday - Wayne Woodall (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

You are both special every day! Happy birthday and many happy returns. - WriterMike (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Stefano Pavone
Happy birthday to both Sylvester and his co-star, Sophie Aldred. Ace! :) - Stefano Pavone (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy, happy birthday! - Liz (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Robert Payne
Quickly before the day ends. Happy Birthday to you Sophie Aldred! and the Professor. - Robert Payne (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ace is the place with the helpful hardware men. Happy Birthday from America - Dawgbytes (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Rainier De Leon
happy happy-happy belated birthday! Many blessings. - Rainier De Leon (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to this wonderful TARDIS team - and - Jikster (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ian McCann
Happy Birthday! I hope you\'ve been having the loveliest day! - Ian McCann (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

kev beattie
Happy birthday to and glad to have met them years ago at I think it was - kev beattie (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Stephen Williams
Both their Birthdays today Happy Birthday both Remember having the privilege of meeting and - Stephen Williams (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Heather Goodchild
Happy birthday to you both x - Heather Goodchild (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Manu Ramses
It\'s your Birthday Happy Birthday Sophie Aldred Have a nice & great day I celebrate this - Manu Ramses (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Alison | \"Punished, As a Goth\"
Happy birthday! - Alison | \"Punished, As a Goth\" (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Sophie xx Thank you for being you xx - RodWho (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday! - Mavatron (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

gareth jordan
Very happy birthday ace hope you have a great year ahead best wishes xxx - gareth jordan (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

THE Bobby Linn
Had a adventure finding Alice with team Fighting Tweedle Tarts and celebrated my favorite Doctor s and C - THE Bobby Linn (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Christopher Keeffe
Happy birthday. I did like Remeberence of the Daleks and Survival with The Master Anthony Ainsley ( - Christopher Keeffe (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jamie Barbi
Happy birthday Sophie - Jamie Barbi (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

George Hadjipateras
Happy Birthday Sophie ! Enjoy your special day - George Hadjipateras (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to both of you, one of my favorite Doctor/companion teams. - Tom (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ben Newbould
Happy Birthday to Sophie Aldred! - Ben Newbould (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

My favorite Duo of Doctor and Companion. I love Ace! Happy Birthday - stephenwithaph (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Devin K.Turner
Happy 60th Birthday to Actress Sophie Aldred who played Ace-companion to Sylvestor McCoy\'s 7th Doctor. She was born - Devin K.Turner (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sue Bland
Happy Birthday - Sue Bland (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Come Along Pond Podcast
We here at Come Along Pond wish a very happy birthday to and the late Anthony Ainle - Come Along Pond Podcast (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jon Kearey
Happy double birthday to the amazing and Always been a pleasure to meet you both ( - Jon Kearey (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Steven J Routley
Happy birthday to my favourite Doctor and my favourite Companion - Steven J Routley (6 months ago)

62 years old (Born on August 20, 1962)

English actress who played the role of Ace in the television series Doctor Who in the late 1980s. She has also done voice acting in programs such as Dennis & Gnasher and Bob the Builder.

Sophie Aldred's Best Moments

A very happy birthday to both halves of the dynamic duo, and
Happy birthday to the sensational Seventh Doctor & Ace, aka Sylvester McCoy and
Happy Birthday, Sylvester McCoy & Sophie Aldred -
Sophie Aldred is 55 today, Happy Birthday Sophie!
A very Happy Birthday to and
Happy birthday to both Sophie Aldred and Sylvester McCoy, one of my favourite TARDIS crews.
- Jamie
Happy Birthday to one of THE nicest, glamorous and most kind hearted women I ve ever met,
Happy birthday to Sylvester McCoy and They played the Seventh Doctor and Ace McShane on
Happy Birthday who played the amazing Ace and the Seventh Doctor himself,
A very happy birthday to my fave duo and Hope it\s ace!
Happy Birthday to these wonderfully ace people, Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred!
A very happy birthday to Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred. 1988 didn\t get much cooler than this.
Happy Birthday to the Seventh Doctor and his companion Ace, Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred!
  Happy Birthday, Sophie - and Sylvester! Much love.   xxx
Happy Birthday to the Seventh Doctor and Ace themselves, Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred!
Happy Birthday to both Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred!
Happy birthday to the gorgeous       Our birthday queen 

Hope you have a fab day xx
Happy Birthday An Ace Human
Happy Survival Day!!

With a happy birthday to Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred and the late Anthony Ainley
A very happy birthday to Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred who played The Seventh Doctor and his companion Ace!
Happy Birthday to our 7th Doctor and the best companion ever !
Happy birthday to 7th Doctor and Ace !
Happy Birthday &
Happy birthday to one of the best duos in all of time and space
Wishing a happy birthday to &
A Happy Birthday to Sophie Aldred who is celebrating her 60th birthday, today.
Happy Birthday to and used my birthday theme team in
Happy Birthday to the Seventh Doctor and Ace themselves, Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred!
Happy Birthday to & who played the 7th Doctor & Ace.
*Happy Birthday*, May your gift boxes all be bigger on the inside!
We at MAHPB want to wish a big Happy Birthday to and today.
Happy Birthday to  and
Happy birthday to Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred!
Happy birthday to the most glamorous
A very happy birthday to Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred!
Happy birthday to & (recycling my picture from 2012)
Happy birthday to my sweetest companion comrade. It\s Sophie Aldred Day! Ace!  (My two fav pictures of her )
Happy Birthday today to Sophie Aldred and Sylvester McCoy!! 7 and Ace! Fabulous! Xx
Happy Birthday to the wonderful and
Happy Birthday Sophie Aldred, born this day in 1962.
A very happy birthday to and
Happy birthday and !! Have a wonderful solar return
A very happy birthday to Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred!
  Happy birthday Sophie! This is one of my favourite pictures with you! Xxx
Happy birthday to & ! Hope you both have a brilliant day!
Today\s wardrobe choice, in honour of and A very happy birthday to you both!
Happy Birthday to Sylvester McCoy and
 happy birthday Sophie Aldred, I hope you have a fantastic day!
Happy Birthday to BOTH members of a memorable TARDIS team, Sylvester McCoy & Sophie Aldred!
Happy birthday to me and favorite doctor and companion, and
Happy birthday and much love to you Soph, and a great day to Sylv :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY  & the late Master, Anthony Ainley
Happy Birthday
   Happy birthday I wish you many more.
Happy Birthday!!  &
Happy Birthday  have a great day x x
And many happy returns to the ace, Sophie Aldred who also celebrates her birthday today.
Happy Birthday and 7th Sylvester McCoy hope you have a fantastic day
Happy Birthday to the best Doctor Who companion of all time and space
Happy birthday, Sophie Aldred
Happy birthday to one of the best TARDIS teams, and
   Happy Birthday too
Happy Birthday   Ace 7
  - happy birthday hope its Who-tastic all the best !! xx
Happy Birthday to my all time favourite Doctor and Companion combo and
  And happy birthday xx
A very Happy Birthday to both and hope it\s out-of-this-world!
Happy Birthday from Switzerland to the Doctor and Ace.. Have a fabulous Day.. and
 Happy birthday
Wishing a very Happy Birthday!
 Happy Birthday to Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred, The 7th Doctor and Ace.
Happy birthday to this dynamic duo who grace our screens (and ears in audio) and
Let\s give a huge hip hip hooray! To our precident of who knows cosplay group!! 
Happy birthday to and
Happy Birthday to my favorite doctor and favorite companion!!!
Happy Birthday to growingly stupendous and her unforgettable doctor,
Happy Birthday to Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred!
A very Happy Birthday to the brilliant , still kicking ass and taking names as Ace for !
 happy birthday
Happy Birthday guys
 It s still August 20th here so:
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday to Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred
Happy birthday and
Wishing a Happy Birthday to the gorgeous Sophie Aldred.
Happy birthday to & !!
Happy Birthday to
  Happy birthday to the icon who beat up a dalek with a baseball bat!!
   Happy Birthday to and
Wishing a very happy birthday to Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred who played the 7th Doctor and Ace!
Happy birthday to MY Doctor & companion. &  XXX
Happy Birthday to the great and Have a great day!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to BOTH the amazing Sylvester McCoy and the wonderful Sophie Aldred!!
Happy Birthday to &
A massive happy birthday to and , you are absolute superstars x
Happy Birthday
Today, it is \s birthday but also \s! 
Happy birthday! Let\s have a TARDIS party!
A very happy birthday to best wishes, have an ace day
Happy Birthday to the lovely Ace herself Dame Sophie Aldred hope she has a wicked day!
Happy Birthday to My all time favorite Doctor Who companion. Oh, Ace.
Happy Birthday to Sylvester McCoy , Sophie Aldred , Anthony Ainley , James Marsters & Andrew Garfield
Happy Birthday to the best Doctor (in opinion) Sylvester McCoy AND his companion Ace aka Sophie Aldred
 & Happy Birthday you wonderful pair.
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to one of my favourite Doctor and companion pairings... 7 and Ace!!
Happy Birthday to the Doctor Who duo (Ace) and (Seventh Doctor).
 Happy Birthday Sophie from all at
Happy Birthday to the Seventh Doctor, Sylvester McCoy, and Ace, Sophie Aldred!
 Happy Birthday ACE!
Also a very Happy Birthday to Sophie Aldred AKA Ace, who is 53 years old today.
Happy birthday to one of the best underrated doctors and the best & my fav companion
Happy Birthday To Sophie Aldred (Ace McShane) & Sylvester McCoy (The Seventh Doctor) ((hug))
Happy birthday to Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred and Anthony Ainley!
Happy Birthday to the wonderful Sylvester McCoy and :)
Hope they have an ACE day :D
Big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to & was lovely meeting you at earlier this year
Happy birthday, It was great meeting you this year!
Happy Birthday to my favourite Doctor & favourite companion, aka Sylvester McCoy & Sophie Aldred.
Happy Birthday to & from Gallifrey Stands!
A very happy birthday to Sylvester McCoy & I love that the Doctor & Ace have the same b\day!
Happy Birthday to & who  made me fall in love with Doctor Who all over again.
Happy birthday to the brilliant and Sylvester McCoy!
 Happy birthday, Sophie! Here\s a to when I met you at the in 2013
Happy Birthday to the great Sophie Aldred & to my favourite Doctor, Sylvester McCoy!
  Happy Birthday Ace and the Professor!! From me and xxx
Happy Birthday to Who? - 20th August:  & Anthony Ainley
Wishing a very happy birthday to Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred aka The Doctor and Ace!
Happy birthday & Hope you both have a fantastic day!! Photo from 1996!!!
Happy birthday, my crew.
 -- Happy Birthday, Sophie!
 happy birthday
Happy Birthday Sylvester Mcoy and Sophie Aldred
Happy birthday to the wonderful & they are both totally
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a lovely day! :) xx
Happy birthday to &
 Happy Birthday, &
Happy Birthday to and sharing the 20th August today!
Happy Birthday , hope you have a fantastic day x
Happy Birthday to and Two of the very best.  
Unlike you two, my age is showing.
We want to wish a very happy birthday to  &
   Happy Birthday!
 And Happy Birthday to Sophie Aldred, who played companion Ace!
 happy birthday hope its Who-Ace- Tastic !! all the best !                   xxxxxx
 Happy Birthday....you\re Ace!
 Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to and
Happy Birthday to both The Doctor & Ace! - . .
 Happy Birthday  Sophie!
 happy birthday to you and Syl!
 Happy Birthday!
 Happy Birthday, Sophie!
Happy birthday to the glorious You rock my fuzzy socks!
 happy birthday to the woman brave enough to do this...
 Happy birthday
 And happy birthday to as well!
Happy Birthday to and
Happy birthday and and ME!
  happy birthday to you both
Happy birthday to .
   Happy birthday Sylvester and Sophie.
   Happy birthday!!!!
Happy birthday to & . Thanks to for continuing their story. .
 Happy birthday to seventh Doctor and  Sophie aldred
   Love these two a truly fantastic team - Happy Birthday
  Happy birthday
  Happy birthday
Happy Birthday &
Happy Birthday   Such ADORBS people
  Happy birthday Sofie! I hope you have an amazing day!
   happy birthday
   Happy Birthday to one of the best duos in
   Happy Birthday to you wonderful people!
  Happy Birthday Sophie! Hope you have a great day and stay safe!
   Happy Birthday!!!
   Happy Birthday Sophie and Sylvester!!
Happy birthday  you both my favourite for doctor who
Happy Birthday to and
Happy Birthday  and Have a fabulous day.
Happy Birthday Sophie Aldred, who played Ace in & more!
Massive HAPPY BIRTHDAY to both the 7th Doc and Ace   &
  if Anthony Ainley were alive, he would like have a good gift too . Happy birthday.
Happy Birthday to two of my favourite people ever and (I\m the one in the middle)
Happy birthday and
Happy Birthday to Sophie Aldred! Companion to the 7TH Doctor!
 happy birthday x
   Happy birthday, Gavin! Hope you have a great day!
Happy birthday Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred !!
Happy Birthday and
Wishing both and a happy birthday
Happy birthday to the nattily hatty Doctor Who duo, Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred!
Happy Birthday to & !
 Here comes Sergeant Stripes, wishing his voice actress, a very happy birthday! - Al.
Happy birthday to and and thanks to them we got two of the best scenes of Doctor Who
Happy birthday 7   and
Happy belated birthday to Sylvester Mccoy and Sophie Aldred
  Happy Belated Birthday - hope you had an Ace day  xxx
Happy Birthday !!!
    Happy birthday
  Happy birthday guys.
Happy birthday to hope you have a great day with your family
Happy Birthday Hope you a big Birthday blowout that Ace herself would approve of!
Sophie Aldred sexy 0
Sophie Aldred new pic 1
Sophie Aldred dating 2
Sophie Aldred body 3
Sophie Aldred sexy 4
Sophie Aldred hairstyle 5
Sophie Aldred exclusive hot pic 6
Sophie Aldred full body 7
Sophie Aldred sexy 8
Sophie Aldred body 9

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Sophie, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


Your Name
Minimum 8 words. The card background will change when you enter a word.