- Abby Brennan (5 months ago)
Cameron Alston
Happy Birthday to the Great Spencer Pratt. my brother.
- Cameron Alston (5 months ago)
The Lost Generation
Happy Birthday:Halle Berry, Mila Kunis, Tim Tebow, Magic Johnson, Steve Martin, Spencer Pratt,Jackee Harry, Jay Manuel, Sam Adams
- The Lost Generation (5 months ago)
Brad Farve
If you see Spencer Pratt today be sure to wish him a happy birthday.
- Brad Farve (5 months ago)
Rick Sandmann
Happy Birthday Spencer Pratt!
- Rick Sandmann (5 months ago)
paige michalchuk
Presidential address where obama says happy birthday to spencer pratt
- paige michalchuk (5 months ago)
marcin gorthot.
Presidential address where obama says happy birthday to spencer pratt
- marcin gorthot. (5 months ago)
Chase's Calendar
And happy birthday to Magic Johnson, Mila Kunis, Gary Larson, Steve Martin, Spencer Pratt, Susan Saint James, Danielle Steel, Tim Tebow
- Chase's Calendar (5 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Spencer Pratt will celebrate his 42 years old birthday in 6 months and 11 days! Send your greetings to him now!