46 years old (Born on April 26, 1978)
Canadian actress; She is famous from Castle.
Enjoys Soccer, Yoga, Karate, Baseball, Softball, Basketball, Horseback Riding, Swimming. Speaks fluent: English, Italian, French, Serbian, and Croatian. (stanakatic.com) In preparation for the film "Stiletto", Stana learned knifing techniques and Certified Navy Seal kills. (stanakatic.com) She is of Dalmatian heritage. Her family is from the Dalmatian Coast in present day Croatia. She is related to the stage actor Simo Katic from Split, Croatia. Speaks in accents of: British, Italian, South African, Spanish, Greek, Irish, Eastern European, French, Canadian, and New York. (stanakatic.com)Stana Katic's Best Moments
Fun Facts About Stana Katic
Has an Alto-Mezzo Soprano singing voice.
Is a citizen of both The United States of American and of Canada (stanakatic.com)