Happy birthday to Stephen Duffy, creator of this and many other wonderful tunes
- Andy Lewis (9 months ago)
John Knapp
Here\'s a link to pdfs for anyone who want
- John Knapp (9 months ago)
Steven Page Fans
20 mins until tonight s Live From Home show kicks off and we re enjoying a Stephen Duffy pre-show playl
- Steven Page Fans (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday Stephen Duffy!
- Daggerboy (9 months ago)
Janine Bennett
Stephen Tin Tin Duffy - \'Kiss Me\' via Happy 60th Birthday Stephen Duffy!
- Janine Bennett (9 months ago)
Happy 60th Birthday to founding member, Stephen Duffy!
- RETRO POP (9 months ago)
Jane - Stephen Duffy and Happy Birthday Jane - The Enemy
- Jayne (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Stephen Duffy!
- RACC (9 months ago)
HAPPY Topper Headon (64), Marie Fredriksson (61), Stephen Duffy (59), Wynonna Judd (55), Tom Morello (5
- Pauseandplay.com (9 months ago)
tim hinely
Happy Birthday Stephen Duffy!
- tim hinely (9 months ago)
Martin Quibell
Happy birthday Stephen Duffy
- Martin Quibell (9 months ago)
Radio Hartlepool
Happy birthday Stephen Duffy who is 59
- Radio Hartlepool (9 months ago)
the murmuring teapot
Happy Birthday to one of Britain s finest singer-songwriters, Mr. Stephen Duffy. And soon may he return to us.
- the murmuring teapot (9 months ago)
Stephen Duffy & The Lilac Time - Happy Birthday Peace (2008) [EP] -
- DarkScene.org (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday!! Stephen Duffy !!! British folk
- ゴマシオ (9 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Jake Roberts,Topper Headon, Marie Fredriksson, Ted McGinley, Phil Brown, Stephen Duffy, Bob Yari,
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (9 months ago)
Gary Arnott
Sending happy birthday greeti
- Gary Arnott (9 months ago)
The No Show
A very happy birthday to Stephen Duffy. Please enjoy one of the most self-assured TOTP performances of one of my fa
- The No Show (9 months ago)
The 80s Girl
Happy Birthday Stephen Duffy
- The 80s Girl (9 months ago)
Birmingham 81
Very happy birthday Stephen Duffy who\'s given us countless amazing songs over the years as Tin Tin e
- Birmingham 81 (9 months ago)
Jon A. Leslie
Happy birthday to Stephen Duffy!
- Jon A. Leslie (9 months ago)
Mrs. Anne
Happy Birthday dear Stephen Duffy!
- Mrs. Anne (9 months ago)
Classic Pop magazine
Happy birthday to founder member Stephen Duffy
- Classic Pop magazine (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday Duffy!
Stephen Duffy - I Love You (HD)
- Me☆Me☆Me (9 months ago)
Stuart Rimmer
On this day in Pop!
Formerly known as Tea Towel In Smash Hits!
Stephen Duffy was born (30/05/1960)
Happy Birthday
- Stuart Rimmer (9 months ago)
Auckland 80\'s
Happy birthday Stephen Duffy from 58 today!
- Auckland 80\'s (9 months ago)
Happy birthday !
Mr.Stephen Duffy 1 Can\'t wait for the new album!
- ゴマシオカルパッチョ (9 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Stephen Duffy, Bob Yari, Ralph Carter, Kevin Eastman, Tonya Pinkins, Michel Langevin, Tom Morello and Wynonna Judd.
- North Trenton (9 months ago)
Kevin Tihista
Happy Stephen Duffy\'s Birthday, Everyone!!!! Duffy
- Kevin Tihista (9 months ago)
Happy birthday excellent Stephen Duffy!
- dps (9 months ago)
Lefty\'s Records
Happy Birthday to Lenny Davidson of DC5 & Stephen Duffy (Duran Duran)
- Lefty\'s Records (9 months ago)
Gerry Ranson
Happy birthday Stephen Duffy, pop genius x
- Gerry Ranson (9 months ago)
Bruce Levenstein
Happy Birthday to songwriting genius Stephen Duffy.
- Bruce Levenstein (9 months ago)
Autumn de Wilde
Happy Birthday Mr. Stephen Duffy // Skagway, Alaska 1993 //
- Autumn de Wilde (9 months ago)
Chris Neufeld
Happy Birthday to Stephen Duffy!
- Chris Neufeld (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to songwriting genius, funny guy and occasional prick, Stephen Duffy of
- Brittlestar (9 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Stephen Duffy will celebrate his 65 years old birthday in 2 months and 16 days! Send your greetings to him now!