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Rajiv Kumar Singh
Happy birthday to Nate Silver, Stephen Hendry, Bill Bailey, Imran Khan, Ashmit Patel, Kunal Roy Kapoor
- Rajiv Kumar Singh (10 months ago)
T F Meyer
Happy birthday Stephen Hendry Snooker Legend now and forever..! Many years in good health for you
- T F Meyer (10 months ago)
Neha Sanghvi
Happy birthday to the legend Stephen Hendry. The champ coz of him I started playing snooker. Such an inspiration an
- Neha Sanghvi (10 months ago)
And yes Happy Birthday to Stephen Hendry as well.
- An (10 months ago)
Mihail Kanareikin
Happy birthday, Great for all time Stephen Hendry! Happy birthday young prospective in S
- Mihail Kanareikin (10 months ago)
Marek Kapselski
- Marek Kapselski (10 months ago)
Fraktul marketing
Happy 48th Birthday to Scotland\'s greatest snooker player Stephen Hendry!
- Fraktul marketing (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Stephen Hendry. 48 yrs old today.
- SnookerLife (10 months ago)
Bozena Kucharska
Happy Birthday Stephen Hendry!!!
- Bozena Kucharska (10 months ago)
Snooker Heroes
48 years ago today the king of was born... Happy birthday to Stephen Hendry!
- Snooker Heroes (10 months ago)
happy birthday by the way mr stephen hendry. Surely you and should be Sirs by now!! Enjoy a good steak tonight
- Moke (10 months ago)
adam cordingley
Catchup on today\'s matches,great finish in the final frame after the hit n hope,\"happy birthday Stephen Hendry\"
- adam cordingley (10 months ago)
Chas and Dave- Snooker Loopy happy birthday to Stephen hendry 46 tday
- uk.7foot5giant (10 months ago)
Ash Dawson
Happy 46th Birthday Stephen Hendry MBE! Here he is earlier with Ronnie O\'Sullivan after Ronnie\'s
- Ash Dawson (10 months ago)
Nora N
So fresh-faced!\" Happy Birthday to Stephen Hendry. He was interviewed by Jimmy Reid when he was 17:
- Nora N (10 months ago)
kit gs
The 775th century-breaks. Happy birthday Stephen Hendry! via
- kit gs (10 months ago)
# happy birthday stephen hendry
- mayank (10 months ago)
Phil Verney
Bit awkward as its Stephen Hendry\'s birthday today too. When the ball went in, John Virgo just shouted \"HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPHEN\" Ha!
- Phil Verney (10 months ago)
Stephen Hendry will always be the best, no matter what! Happy Birthday
- Chirag (10 months ago)
Hanna Heinonen
Happy Birthday Stephen Hendry!
- Hanna Heinonen (10 months ago)
wishing u a happy birthday still and will always be a leg! Hope u enjoying ur day.
- basher (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday Stephen Hendry. Ronnie has just equalled your all time 775 Century Break Record!!!
- CorbettSports (10 months ago)
Michael Mentions
Happy Birthday to Scottish snooker legend Stephen Hendry. He was born today in 1969.
- Michael Mentions (10 months ago)
The Best Athletes
Happy 46th birthday to the one and only Stephen Hendry! Congratulations
- The Best Athletes (10 months ago)
Cc Happy birthday Stephen Hendry -
- Monichis (10 months ago)