Happy birthday to my favorite author, Stephen King!
- Adam Clark (5 months ago)
Linda Laycock44
Happy Birthday Stephen King. We ve loved your books since day one. You re the best writer. Hope your day has been great.
- Linda Laycock44 (5 months ago)
Wood Smoke Free
Happy Birthday to you, Stephen King.
Happy Birthday to you!
For he s a jolly good fellow! . Extend
- Wood Smoke Free (5 months ago)
Chris Schmehl
Happy Birthday to one of the greatest authors ever Mr. Stephen King. Thank you for the amazing places you\'ve taken
- Chris Schmehl (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday Stephen King!! <3
- KhaliCarl (5 months ago)
Donald Nichols
Happy Birthday to the man that made nightmares happen. Thank you Stephen King!
- Donald Nichols (5 months ago)
Podlaskowski Pamela
Happy Birthday Stephen King!!
- Podlaskowski Pamela (5 months ago)
Judy Marie Santiago-Aladin
From Constant Readers in the Philippines. Happy birthday, Stephen King!
- Judy Marie Santiago-Aladin (5 months ago)
Michael Menut #IstandWithUkraine
Happy Birthday Stephen King! Mine\'s in a few days too! You\'re always a great talented influence for so many.
- Michael Menut #IstandWithUkraine (5 months ago)
Kitty Grimnirs
OH, happy birthday, Stephen King! I hope you\'re still having a great one!
- Kitty Grimnirs (5 months ago)
Gretzky Roy Ethereal
Happy Birthday Stephen King I love Pet Cemetary and Christine
- Gretzky Roy Ethereal (5 months ago)
Amy Boleszny
One of my associates started a saying over here when things go wrong \"Stephen King is in retrograde.\"
- Amy Boleszny (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Stephen King!
The Stand (It was great too, they\'re all great)!
- Speedee (5 months ago)
Cynthia Gardiner Wilson
Happy Birthday Stephen King
- Cynthia Gardiner Wilson (5 months ago)
Gaslighting Grifting Lawless America
Happy Birthday Mr. Stephen King Wow I didn t know I shared a Birthday with - tha
- Gaslighting Grifting Lawless America (5 months ago)
Canine Domestic Terriorist
Happy Birthday to Stephen King!
- Canine Domestic Terriorist (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday Stephen King!!
- lisaloyal1 (5 months ago)
Tim Koster
Someone asked me if I wished a happy birthday yesterday. When I said I didn\'t realize it was his birth
- Tim Koster (5 months ago)
Jay B
Happy Birthday Stephen King
- Jay B (5 months ago)
Wendy Sloniker
Happy Birthday! Someone posted on Facebook yesterday that it was Batman Day And I replied, Um no? I
- Wendy Sloniker (5 months ago)
Sarah Vandella
Happy birthday Stephen King iconic genius
- Sarah Vandella (5 months ago)
Cptn. Wolfe
I\'m probably late to the party but happy birthday, Stephen King, thank you for being an inspiration to
- Cptn. Wolfe (5 months ago)
Maria Catuna
Happy Birthday stephen King
- Maria Catuna (5 months ago)
jan Sullivan
Happy Birthday Stephen King .Your stories got me through many situations.I can t write a book but I th
- jan Sullivan (5 months ago)
Teresa Resheske
I would like to wish my fave author Stephen king a happy birthday have fun
- Teresa Resheske (5 months ago)
Tina Telles
Happy birthday Mr Stephen King
- Tina Telles (5 months ago)
Chérie Bittle
Hope you have an Awesome day!Happy Happy Birthday to you,
Mr. Stephen King !
- Chérie Bittle (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday Mr. Stephen King
- xboy_in_da_house (5 months ago)
Sorry I missed it. Happiest happy bday to you Stephen king
- Karen (5 months ago)
East Greenbush Community Library
A belated happy birthday to SK. My favorite book of his is 11/22/63. Time travel + Stephen King. Yes, please!
- East Greenbush Community Library (5 months ago)
Ball State Libraries
Happy belated 75th birthday to Stephen King, who has reigned as America s master of horror for nearly five decades.
- Ball State Libraries (5 months ago)
laughing Cloud
Happy Birthday Stephen King ; K hope you have a crazy wild party
- laughing Cloud (5 months ago)
Angelique - Gilded Penguin Creations
Happy Belated Birthday, Stephen King. Always loved your work.
- Angelique - Gilded Penguin Creations (5 months ago)
Happy birthday to Stephen King
- randall (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday I enjoyed reading so many of them. IT is definitely is way up there
- Nic (5 months ago)
Lucy Schmidt
Happy Birthday to my favorite writer of all time, Stephen King!
From writing short horror stories myself to my clo
- Lucy Schmidt (5 months ago)
Arlene Gates
Happy Birthday Stephen King!!!
- Arlene Gates (5 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Stephen King will celebrate his 78 years old birthday in 6 months and 8 days! Send your greetings to him now!