Welcome to Steve Blackman's Birthday Celebration Page
Steve Blackman got 66 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Happy Birthday to turning 59 today - WrestlingINC.com (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Pro Wrestling Roundup
Happy Birthday to former WWE star Steve Blackman who turns 59 today! - Pro Wrestling Roundup (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

TMOF Wrestling
Happy Birthday to the GOAT STEVE BLACKMAN Also no one can convince me this wasn\'t accidentally one of the greate - TMOF Wrestling (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Wrestler Steve Blackman! It s a smile from me To wish you a day that brings the same kind of happin - AllFamous.org (5 months ago)
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Dan Vollmayer
Happy Birthday shoutout STEVE BLACKMAN. The 6x Hardcore Champ has not been heard on message in over 8 Years! S - Dan Vollmayer (5 months ago)
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Wrestling from 80s/90s
Happy Birthday Steve Blackman! - Wrestling from 80s/90s (5 months ago)
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Happy Birthday - RickyBobby84 (5 months ago)
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BIRTHDAY SHOUTOUT: Happy Birthday to, What s your favorite of his? - WrestlingTradingCards.com™️ (5 months ago)
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Happy Birthday to The Lethal Weapon Steve Blackman. WWE - AllredtheGiant (5 months ago)
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Allred The Giant
Happy Birthday to The Lethal Weapon Steve Blackman. WWE - Allred The Giant (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Nicholas Francoletti
Happy Birthday to Steve Blackman, Jose Calderon, Emeka Okafor, and Ryan Zimmerman! - Nicholas Francoletti (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Bender Rodriguez
I share a bday with Steve Blackman!!! Fuck yeah, happy birthday to me and him and Adam too. - Bender Rodriguez (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Then, Now, Whatever
Happy Birthday to my partner in crime at TNW I m chuffed to look back at another year of Kyle doing us pr - Then, Now, Whatever (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to the most lethal weapon ever to step foot in a WWE ring Steve Blackman! - UntitledWrestlingPodcast (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

I cannot believe you didn t wish steve blackman a happy birthday last month, anyways, RIP & Happy Birthday Dusty. - Reelinginthe_years (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

BIRTHDAY SHOUTOUT: Happy Birthday to the lethal weapon, Steve Blackman! What s your favorite - WrestlingTradingCards.com (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Steve Blackman! - Chupacabra (5 months ago)
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James Eric Lytle
Happy birthday to , , , and Steve Blackman have a great day and enjoy yourself - James Eric Lytle (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

happy birthday fellow Steve Blackman fan. - GN-0015 (5 months ago)
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jordan mccluskey
Happy birthday - jordan mccluskey (5 months ago)
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The Beermat
The Beermat wishes the Lethal weapon Steve Blackman a Happy Birthday. Have a good one What\'s your favourite Stev - The Beermat (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

racsi s
Happy Birthday to have a great day - racsi s (5 months ago)
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Chupacabra チュパカブラ
Happy Birthday to Steve Blackman! - Chupacabra チュパカブラ (5 months ago)
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NotJoesphDuncan #NachoDuncan
Happy Birthday to Steve Blackman and Jason Jordan - NotJoesphDuncan #NachoDuncan (5 months ago)
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ISRAEL Carbuckle
Speaking of Happy birthday to the man who once sent Shane falling 75 feet from the rafters at SummerS - ISRAEL Carbuckle (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Steve Blackman - PlushReviewsAndMore (5 months ago)
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Happy Birthday to the 6 times hardcore Champion Steve Blackman (born September 28, 1963) - *Spartak* (5 months ago)
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Travis Ray
i wish steve blackman can wish me a happy birthday - Travis Ray (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Abominable CPA (Thicci Morton)
A few days late, but a very happy birthday to the reason for the season: Steve Blackman. RT. - The Abominable CPA (Thicci Morton) (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to the meanest mackem hope you\'re day is full of Becky lynch themed cake and Steve Bl - Jake. (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Gary Ayres, Tom Byrum, Frank Hammerschlag, Gus Logie, Kamlesh Patel, Jennifer Rush, Socrates Vill - North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday To Former Six Time WWF Hardcore Champion, The Lethal Weapon ! - IT’S CLOBBERIN’ TIME (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Kracker Jones
Happy birthday Ed Sullivan (1901-1974)(117)Nick St Nicholas (Steppenwolf)(75)Moon Unit Zappa(51) Brigitte Bardo(84) - Kracker Jones (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to former WWE Superstar THE lethal weapon 55 today - WWE LOVATIC (5 months ago)
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Magnum Innominadum
I was a MASSIVE Blackman fan. Everything he did looked so crisp and tight. One of the g - Magnum Innominadum (5 months ago)
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The Wrestling Outsiders
Happy birthday to \"The Lethal Weapon\" Very underrated talent I think. WWE could have done so much m - The Wrestling Outsiders (5 months ago)
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Wrestle Cave Podcast
A very happy birthday to former superstar and MMA competitor Steve Blackman. - Wrestle Cave Podcast (5 months ago)
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Rasslin Rage
Happy Birthday to Steve Blackman and Jason Jordan! - Rasslin Rage (5 months ago)
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Mark World Order
Happy Birthday Steve Blackman! - Mark World Order (5 months ago)
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WWE Home Video UK
Happy birthday to the \"Lethal Weapon\" and former Hardcore Champion Steve Blackman! - WWE Home Video UK (5 months ago)
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History of Pro Wrestling
Happy Birthday Wishes to \"The Lethal Weapon\" Steve Blackman - History of Pro Wrestling (5 months ago)
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GiveMeSport - WWE
Happy birthday to one of the legitimately toughest, most dangerous men to ever step inside a ring, Steve Black - GiveMeSport - WWE (5 months ago)
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Pro wrestling memories
Happy birthday to \"the lethal weapon\", Steve Blackman! - Pro wrestling memories (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

s a s h a b a n k s ♡
The king of the kendo stick Steve Blackman, was born on September 28th, don\'t forget to wish him a happy birthday on that day!! - s a s h a b a n k s ♡ (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday - Kassandra (5 months ago)
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Bitchy Bella ✨
birthday balloon

Cruella de Bitch
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North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Gregory Jbara, Quentin Kawananakoa, Grant Fuhr, Laurie Rinker, Dietmar Schacht, Chuck Taylor and Steve Blackman. - North Trenton (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Just a Bird
HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE BLACKMAN - Just a Bird (5 months ago)
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Ryan Martel
Happy Birthday to the lethal weapon Steve Blackman! - Ryan Martel (5 months ago)

61 years old (Born on September 28, 1963)

Happy Birthday to Steve Blackman—the only person whose candles tremble in fear before they're blown out! Your legendary presence as WWE's toughest martial arts master always brought unforgettable moments. Who could forget your iconic hardcore championship reign, swinging sticks quicker than most of us blink or those gravity-defying martial arts kicks knocking down even the bravest opponents?

May the celebration hit harder (but less painfully!) than your famous kendo stick battles. Cheers on another year shining brighter than arena lights and staying sharper than a Blackman roundhouse kick—we’re still afraid NOT to wish you a happy birthday!

Steve Blackman's Best Moments

A few days late, but a very happy birthday to the reason for the season: Steve Blackman. RT.
Happy 51st Birthday to 6 time WWF Hardcore Champion Steve Blackman.
Happy 54th Birthday to 6x WWE Hardcore Champion, Steve Blackman.
Happy Birthday to turning 59 today
Happy Birthday to have a great day
Happy birthday to the \"Lethal Weapon\" and former Hardcore Champion Steve Blackman!
Happy Birthday To Former Six Time WWF Hardcore Champion, The Lethal Weapon  !
Happy Birthday Steve Blackman!
Happy birthday to former WWE Superstar THE lethal weapon 55 today
Happy Birthday to the most lethal weapon ever to step foot in a WWE ring Steve Blackman!
Happy Birthday to former WWE star Steve Blackman who turns 59 today!
Happy Birthday to 6-time Hardcore Champion known as the Lethal Weapon during his tenure in WWE.
Happy Birthday to
Happy birthday to \"the lethal weapon\", Steve Blackman!
Happy Birthday to Steve Blackman and Jason Jordan!
A very happy birthday to former superstar and MMA competitor Steve Blackman.
Happy Birthday Steve Blackman
Happy Birthday to Steve Blackman and Jason Jordan
Happy Birthday to The Lethal Weapon Steve Blackman. WWE
steve blackman 2013 0
steve blackman vs ken shamrock 1
steve blackman mma 2
Steve Blackman dating 4

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e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Steve, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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