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Happy birthday to Steve Prefontaine thanks for being my high school role model
- Allié (10 months ago)
Drew Gutierrez
Happy birthday to the best runner ever to live and to my idol. Steve Prefontaine!
- Drew Gutierrez (10 months ago)
Halee Harczynski
Happy birthday to one of the greatest runners of all time - Steve
- Halee Harczynski (10 months ago)
Chelsea Davis
Happy birthday, Steve Prefontaine! Pre would have turned 64 today.
- Chelsea Davis (10 months ago)
Distance Track
Also happy birthday to our late Steve Prefontaine, rest in peace and thanks for inspiring us all
- Distance Track (10 months ago)
Sophia Pisarski
Happy birthday Steve prefontaine the best runner know to history
- Sophia Pisarski (10 months ago)
Immaculata XC
Almost forgot to wish the OG track stud Steve Prefontaine a happy birthday today! also my dad. happy birthday dad.
- Immaculata XC (10 months ago)
Chase Tyrone Toliver
Happy Birthday to one of my idols: Steve Prefontaine
- Chase Tyrone Toliver (10 months ago)
Gracie Lou
Happy Birthday to the most inspirational runner known to history, Steve Prefontaine.
- Gracie Lou (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to the beast of nature and my long lost twin Steve prefontaine, he\'s why people call me Steve
- steve (10 months ago)
Chief Keith
Happy birthday Steve Prefontaine
- Chief Keith (10 months ago)
Tyler Kreilter
\"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.\" Happy Birthday Steve Prefontaine!
- Tyler Kreilter (10 months ago)
Ashley Mason
Happy birthday Steve Prefontaine! What a legend
- Ashley Mason (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to the greatest american distance runner ever! Steve Prefontaine
- Marcoss (10 months ago)
Brad Wiemels
Happy Birthday to Steve Prefontaine, can only imagine where you would\'ve taken USA track and cross country if you were still here. RIP Pre!
- Brad Wiemels (10 months ago)
Jason Broll
A rockstar in the running community, Steve Prefontaine would be 64 today. Happy Birthday.
- Jason Broll (10 months ago)
jesse morrow
Happy Birthday Steve Prefontaine
- jesse morrow (10 months ago)
§e@n ¡n€@rd0n@
Happy birthday to my favorite running inspiration Steve Prefontaine!
- §e@n ¡n€@rd0n@ (10 months ago)
Ed Liggett
Happy birthday to the late Steve Prefontaine
- Ed Liggett (10 months ago)
Tara Snipes
Happy bday to the legendary Steve Prefontaine Such an inspiration to many still today.
- Tara Snipes (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to the most iconic and influential distance runner ever, Steve Prefontaine
- TrackNation (10 months ago)
alli regan
Happy birthday to the legend and inspiration, Steve Prefontaine.
- alli regan (10 months ago)
Lino Flores
Happy Birthday Steve Prefontaine! My idol!
- Lino Flores (10 months ago)
Thomas Moore
Happy birthday to the great human being of all time-Steve Prefontaine.
- Thomas Moore (10 months ago)
Carlos Dominicci
Happy Birthday to Steve Prefontaine!!!
- Carlos Dominicci (10 months ago)
Track Wiz
Happy Birthday to the legendary Steve Prefontaine! Pre would\'ve been 64 today
- Track Wiz (10 months ago)
Jackson Shaw
Happy birthday to the great Steve Prefontaine!
- Jackson Shaw (10 months ago)
Happy birthday Steve Prefontaine
- LilVic (10 months ago)
Ryan Heckman
Happy birthday Steve Prefontaine. You\'re an inspiration and icon to all distance runners
- Ryan Heckman (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday Steve Prefontaine. R.I.P.
- chemis(thi) (10 months ago)
McCutcheon XC&Track
Happy birthday Steve Prefontaine, he would be 64 today. A true legend in our sport.
- McCutcheon XC&Track (10 months ago)
IntheNick Oftime
Happy birthday to Steve Prefontaine, the man that made track what it is, the man that never reach his potential.
- IntheNick Oftime (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Steve Prefontaine!
- CanadianRunnerProbs (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the Legendary Steve Prefontaine!
- Marissa (10 months ago)
Stephen Elizondo ⭐
Happy Birthday to one of the All Time greats Steve Prefontaine!
- Stephen Elizondo ⭐ (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to one of greatest runners to run on this earth Steve Prefontaine. So sad that his life was taking at such a young age
- Daniel (10 months ago)
Happy birthday Steve prefontaine!!! Your legacy shall live forever!
- Manny (10 months ago)
Bobby Hastie
\"To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift.\" Happy 64th birthday to the best, Steve Prefontaine
- Bobby Hastie (10 months ago)
\"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.\" Happy 64th birthday, Steve Prefontaine.
- HowardSol (10 months ago)
Alexander Rink
Happy birthday to Steve Prefontaine! Thanks for being an inspiration to countless your runners!
- Alexander Rink (10 months ago)
Andrew Campbell
Happy Birthday to who probably would\'ve been the best American runner, Steve Prefontaine.
- Andrew Campbell (10 months ago)
Mackenzie Davis
Happy birthday to Steve Prefontaine a man who was and still is greatly looked up to in the running world
- Mackenzie Davis (10 months ago)
Andrew Kent
Happy 64th birthday to Steve Prefontaine
- Andrew Kent (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to a legend, Steve Prefontaine
- TB (10 months ago)
Peter Fry
Happy birthday Steve Prefontaine!
- Peter Fry (10 months ago)
Carrick Fortna
Happy birthday to the one and only Steve Prefontaine!!! You are an inspiration and a legend!!!
- Carrick Fortna (10 months ago)
Tony Clement
Ladies and Gents, I give you, \"The Pre!\" .. Happy Birthday Steve Prefontaine!
- Tony Clement (10 months ago)
Childish Cambino
Happy birthday Steve Prefontaine!
- Childish Cambino (10 months ago)
Jedi Master Evan
Happy birthday to Steve Prefontaine the greatest runner who ever lived.
- Jedi Master Evan (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Steve Prefontaine
- Mattmartinsen (10 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Steve Prefontaine will celebrate his 74 years old birthday in 1 month and 5 days! Send your greetings to him now!