Welcome to Stuart Gordon's Birthday Celebration Page
Stuart Gordon got 113 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Redfield Arts Audio
Happy Birthday to the wonderful DENNIS PAOLI ! 3 September! NEVERMORE An Evening with Edgar Allan Poe, written by - Redfield Arts Audio (6 months ago)
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Jeff Whitmire
Happy birthday to a legend, Stuart Gordon! RIP, King! - Jeff Whitmire (7 months ago)
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Herbert West
Happy Birthday Stuart Gordon you are greatly missed by so many - Herbert West (7 months ago)
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The Romero Theatre
Happy Birthday to the great & greatly missed Stuart Gordon- finally got his stone finished for the graveyard in fro - The Romero Theatre (7 months ago)
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Barbara Crampton
Every day is a day I remember Stuart Gordon for his wit, his brilliance, his friendship and today is his day of bi - Barbara Crampton (7 months ago)
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Happy birthday to the late, great Stuart Gordon! Movies listed from top right to bottom left. Re-Animator (1985) - Frightmares (7 months ago)
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Movies from HELL
Happy birthday wishes to the great Stuart Gordon AND our good friend Paul G !!! - Movies from HELL (7 months ago)
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Happy Birthday Stuart Gordon! Born in 1947 Director Stuart Gordon whose film credits include Re-Animator, Fro - afrohorror (7 months ago)
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Liesel Hanson
Happy birthday on this day to Stuart Gordon. 11 years old and feelin frisky. - Liesel Hanson (7 months ago)
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JB Roe
Happy birthday Stuart Gordon. You would\'ve been 74. - JB Roe (7 months ago)
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Nightmare on Film Street
Happy Birthday to the late great Stuart Gordon - Nightmare on Film Street (7 months ago)
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Michael Doyle
A very happy birthday to actor Bruce Abbott, who famously played Dan Cain in Stuart Gordon\'s horror classic RE-ANIM - Michael Doyle (8 months ago)
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Mike Watt
Happy Birthday to Stuart Gordon! We covered his his career of subversion in both film and theater. RIP good man. - Mike Watt (7 months ago)
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Danny Draven
Happy Birthday to my great friend, producing partner and directing mentor Stuart Gordon! RIP, maestro. - Danny Draven (7 months ago)
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Jerry Dennis
Happy Birthday in Heaven to Stuart Gordon! - Jerry Dennis (7 months ago)
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Killer Horror Critic
Happy birthday to the late Stuart Gordon. He took our imaginations to new heights with his work, and gave us so muc - Killer Horror Critic (7 months ago)
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Michael Varrati
I\'ve been thinking a lot about Stuart Gordon today. His films had an innate magic, a wicked whimsy that only could - Michael Varrati (7 months ago)
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Overlook Film Fest
Happy Birthday to the Master, Stuart Gordon. We miss you... - Overlook Film Fest (7 months ago)
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Becky Darke
Happy birthday to the late great Stuart Gordon - Becky Darke (7 months ago)
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Horror Movie Survival Guide
Happy Birthday, Stuart Gordon! We talk fondly about Stuart with and dissect his deliciously ooey - Horror Movie Survival Guide (7 months ago)
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Real Queen of Horror
Happy Birthday to the late Stuart Gordon who would have been 73 today! He blessed our lives with many gems! - Real Queen of Horror (7 months ago)
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Full Moon Features
Happy Birthday to the late STUAGORDON. He is missed in the As PICTURES & - Full Moon Features (7 months ago)
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Zach Vasquez
Happy birthday to the late, great Stuart Gordon. I wrote about his brilliant and underrated trilogy of dark comic c - Zach Vasquez (7 months ago)
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Mark Nutter
Happy Birthday, Stuart Gordon. Miss you. - Mark Nutter (7 months ago)
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Fright Mic Podcast
Happy birthday to the late horror director, Stuart Gordon who would have been 73 today! - Fright Mic Podcast (7 months ago)
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Happy birthday to the late Stuart Gordon who would ve turned 73 today. Sadly, Stuart passed away earlier this year. - twodollarlatefee (7 months ago)
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Happy Birthday Stuart Gordon! Heute wäre der im März verstorbene Kultregisseur 73 Jahre alt geworden. Anlässlich se - FILMSTOCK (7 months ago)
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Happy what would b 73rd Birthday to the late great Author Stuart Gordon! - TReese82 (7 months ago)
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QOS Retro
Happy Birthday to former forward Stuart Gordon ( bottom right ) who turns 60 years old today. Debu - QOS Retro (8 months ago)
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The Zombie Mandalorian\'s Leaky Basement of Horrors
Happy Birthday to Stuart Gordon! - The Zombie Mandalorian\'s Leaky Basement of Horrors (7 months ago)
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Teenage Werewolves Horror Film Fiend Club
It s a fact, Fiends: we love Stuart Gordon, and are elated to wish him a very HAPPY BLOODY BIRTHDAY! From his provo - Teenage Werewolves Horror Film Fiend Club (7 months ago)
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ᴅʀᴇᴀᴅᴘʜɪʟᴇ ᴄɪɴᴇᴍᴀ ᴄʟᴜʙ
Happy Birthday to Stuart Gordon!Come celebrate with Dreadphile at our screening of Re-Animator on Aug. 29th in Prov - ᴅʀᴇᴀᴅᴘʜɪʟᴇ ᴄɪɴᴇᴍᴀ ᴄʟᴜʙ (7 months ago)
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Happy 72nd birthday to Stuart Gordon, director of RE-ANIMATOR, FROM BEYOND, DAGON, FORTRESS, DOLLS, and more! - PopHorror (7 months ago)
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Happy Birthday, Stuart Gordon! Help us show the director some love with some of your favorite scenes from his movie - 80sHorrorDoc (7 months ago)
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Witney Seibold
Happy birthday, Stuart Gordon! - Witney Seibold (7 months ago)
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Horrorama Dayton
Happy birthday to director Stuart Gordon ( - Horrorama Dayton (7 months ago)
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Kid Phantasm
Happy 72nd birthday to director/writer Stuart Gordon. I hope will be celebrating - Kid Phantasm (7 months ago)
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Brian Yount
Born on this day Stuart Gordon. Big Happy Birthday to the director of one of my all time favorite movies. R - Brian Yount (7 months ago)
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Stuart Gordon Book
A very happy 72nd birthday to the one and only Stuart Gordon. - Stuart Gordon Book (7 months ago)
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Clay von Carlowitz
Happy frickin Birthday, I m so thankful for all your collaborations with Stuart Gordon, - Clay von Carlowitz (6 months ago)
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Spooky Movie
Happy birthday to Stuart Gordon! See RE-ANIMATOR along with THE BLACK CAT on Saturday, August 25 at the AFI Silver - Spooky Movie (7 months ago)
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Dave Hollingsworth
Happy Birthday to director Stuart Gordon ( seen here on the set of RE-ANIMATOR (1985) & FROM BEYO - Dave Hollingsworth (7 months ago)
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Dakota Lee
Happy birthday Stuart Gordon! One of the best. - Dakota Lee (7 months ago)
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Lord Aries
Happy Birthday to the Legend, Mr. Stuart Gordon ( - Lord Aries (7 months ago)
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Tearful Surrender
Happy Birthday Stuart Gordon! - Tearful Surrender (7 months ago)
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Todd D. Joyner
Happy Re-Animating Birthday From Beyond to the Castle Freak himself Stuart Gordon. - Todd D. Joyner (7 months ago)
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Chris L. McKenna
Happy birthday, Stuart Gordon. He s been so important to my career and my life and am always looking forward to ano - Chris L. McKenna (7 months ago)
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Andrew J. Wright
Happy Birthday to Stuart Gordon! - Andrew J. Wright (7 months ago)
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Happy Birthday to the master, Stuart Gordon! - DRW (7 months ago)
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Dead For Filth
Happy Birthday to the mighty Stuart Gordon, master of horror, iconic filmmaker, and genre defining artist! Our love - Dead For Filth (7 months ago)

77 years old (Born on August 11, 1947)

Happy Birthday, Stuart Gordon! May your day be filled with more thrills than Herbert West's experiments and fewer tentacles than your adventures in "Dagon." Your films have taught us valuable lessons—like never trusting mysterious glowing serums or vacationing near creepy seaside villages.

From the delightfully twisted "Re-Animator" to the mind-bending horrors of "From Beyond," you've given us nightmares we actually enjoy revisiting. Here's hoping this birthday brings you as much excitement and success as your iconic creations have brought horror fans everywhere. Keep reanimating our imaginations, Stuart—we can't wait to see what madness you'll conjure up next!

Stuart Gordon's Best Moments

Happy birthday to a legend, Stuart Gordon! RIP, King!
Happy Birthday to the late great Stuart Gordon
Happy 72nd birthday to Stuart Gordon, director of RE-ANIMATOR, FROM BEYOND, DAGON, FORTRESS, DOLLS, and more!
Happy Birthday to Stuart Gordon. He turns 71 today.
Happy Birthday to the Master, Stuart Gordon. We miss you...
Wishing a very Happy Birthday to a true Master of Horror, director/writer/producer Stuart Gordon!
Many happy returns to one of the great figures in horror today. Happy birthday, Stuart Gordon!
Happy Birthday to one of our favorite midnight movie-makers, the legendary Stuart Gordon!
Happy Birthday to the great Stuart Gordon!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday to Stuart Gordon!
Happy Birthday to Stuart Gordon!
Happy Birthday in Heaven to Stuart Gordon!
Happy birthday Stuart Gordon. You would\ve been 74.
A happy birthday to director Stuart Gordon
Happy Birthday STUAGORDON (RE-ANIMATOR, FROM BEYOND) who turns 68 today
 happy belated birthday Stuart Gordon
Happy Birthday Mr. Stuart Gordon
\"My feeling is that I\m always looking for ways to get under people\s skin...\" Happy 70th birthday, Stuart Gordon
Happy Birthday to Re-Animator Director Stuart Gordon
Happy birthday to RE-ANIMATOR and FROM BEYOND maestro Stuart Gordon!
Happy Birthday, Stuart Gordon!
Happy Birthday Stuart Gordon!
Happy birthday Stuart Gordon! One of the best.
Happy Birthday, Stuart Gordon!
Happy birthday to the great Stuart Gordon ( Here\s our 2011 interview:
Happy birthday to Stuart Gordon, auteur who created   etc!
Happy Birthday to director Stuart Gordon!!!
Happy birthday to Stuart Gordon!  It was a thrill having you on the show!
 Happy Birthday Horror Legend! 
Happy Birthday Stuart Gordon!             !
Happy Birthday to Stuart Gordon!
Happy 70th Birthday Stuart Gordon
Happy birthday Stuart Gordon
Happy Birthday Stuart Gordon
    Wishing a very happy birthday to the amazing Stuart Gordon! ¡Feliz cumpleaños Sr.
Happy Birthday to writer/director Stuart Gordon!
Happy birthday to the master of slime, Stuart Gordon.  Keep em coming.
Happy bday to filmmaker,Stuart Gordon!
Happy Birthday to Re-Animator\s Stuart Gordon!
Happy 72nd birthday to director/writer Stuart Gordon. I hope will be celebrating
Happy Birthday, Stuart Gordon. Miss you.
Happy birthday to the late horror director, Stuart Gordon who would have been 73 today!
Happy birthday to the late great Stuart Gordon
Stuart Gordon sexy 0
Stuart Gordon new pic 1
Stuart Gordon dating 2
Stuart Gordon dating 3

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e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Stuart, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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