One of my favorite random Simpsons lines. Happy birthday, Sybil Danning.
- Harry Eskin (9 months ago)
Happy 68th birthday to 70s and 80s b-movie queen Sybil Danning!
- PopHorror (9 months ago)
George Schmidt (G)
Happy 68th Birthday to
- George Schmidt (G) (9 months ago)
Frank Lee Purves
Happy Birthday, Sybil Danning!
- Frank Lee Purves (9 months ago)
Profondo Giallo
Happy birthday Austrian-American actress Sybil Danning! 68 today. Seen here in Emilio Miraglia s The Red Queen Kill
- Profondo Giallo (9 months ago)
The Losman
Happy Birthday to actress, model & producer Sybil Danning, best known for roles in numerous B movies, Battle Beyond
- The Losman (9 months ago)
The Visitors Fifth Column
The Visitors Fifth Column wanted to wish a Happy Birthday (Hatchday) to the Following month of May 2020!
Sybil Danning Born, May 24th
- The Visitors Fifth Column (9 months ago)
The Zombie Mandalorian\'s Leaky Basement of Horrors
Happy Birthday to Sybil Danning!
- The Zombie Mandalorian\'s Leaky Basement of Horrors (9 months ago)
Boys and Ghouls
Happy birthday to Sybil Danning!
- Boys and Ghouls (9 months ago)
A lot of celebrity birthdays today.
Happy Birthday to
Doug Jones - Hellboy 2
Callie Hernandez - Alien Covenant
- HorrorHappeningsWithTheDeadGirl (9 months ago)