Welcome to Sylvia Plath's Birthday Celebration Page
Sylvia Plath got 1614 balloons for her birthday! Gift her more message balloons!
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Kavya Janani. U
Your poetry has saved me. You inspire me. - Kavya Janani. U (3 years ago)
birthday balloon

i love you my maniac ballerina sylvia plath lana del rey obsessed coquette jane austen literature gilmore - Nao (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday TT! Have a great day. I had more or less decided not to do this challenge but as it - Lorna (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Veronika Fuchs
Happy belated birthday, Sylvia Plath. I love the old brag of your heart - Veronika Fuchs (4 months ago)
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(: aniela
Happy birthday sylvia plath - (: aniela (4 months ago)
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Jonathan Sloman (!)
Happy ninetieth birthday, Sylvia Plath! - Jonathan Sloman (!) (4 months ago)
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Alicia Thompson
Would read this essay in a heartbeat. Happy birthday to Sylvia Plath! - Alicia Thompson (4 months ago)
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Happy birthday to my girl sylvia plath - anne (4 months ago)
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Susan Wood
I m in a sour mood this am. Happy 90th birthday,Sylvia Plath! Did you actually write all of the asinine & terribly - Susan Wood (4 months ago)
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Happy birthday Sylvia Plath, you would ve loved my mind - dírt (4 months ago)
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Kay Castaneda
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath! - Kay Castaneda (4 months ago)
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Happy birthday from this Scorpio poet with venus in Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton Rising. - poemakontsa (4 months ago)
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Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath! Here\'s my reading of her poem THE COLOSSUS - Joe (4 months ago)
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The Newest Razzle Dazzle
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath - The Newest Razzle Dazzle (4 months ago)
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Peyton Thomas
Happy birthday sylvia plath i sincerely hope that ted is rotting in hell and you\'re enjoying some beautiful - Peyton Thomas (4 months ago)
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amy sedaris\'s apartment
Happy birthday sylvia plath you would ve hated how much the basic, boring, privileged girls referenced you - amy sedaris\'s apartment (4 months ago)
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William Thomas Brumley
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath. Thank you for inspiring me and so many other poets to share their hearts. - William Thomas Brumley (4 months ago)
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Allen Marshall
October 27th. Happy Birthday to Sylvia Plath, Simon Le Bon, Niccolo Paganini, John Gotti, and Dick Trickle! - Allen Marshall (4 months ago)
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I desire the things which will destroy me in the end. Happy birthday, the blazing Sylvia Plath ... - Murray (4 months ago)
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Leyla D. Seka
Happy 90th birthday Sylvia Plath - Leyla D. Seka (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday sylvia plath, you would\'ve loved taylor swift - azra (4 months ago)
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Happy birthday Sylvia Plath - Caoimhe (4 months ago)
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Trish Grisafi, PhD
Happy Birthday to Sylvia Plath! She would have been 90 today. I am forever grateful for her existence and influence - Trish Grisafi, PhD (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy would-be 90th birthday to sylvia plath, quite possibly the most scorpionic scorpio of all time - izzy (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath. This poem makes me feel...fierce - Moso (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jennifer Lee Tsai
Delighted to be part of After Sylvia a stunning anthology of poems & essays celebrating Sylvia Plath, ed. - Jennifer Lee Tsai (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath - SpectreVision (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

josé juan de ávila
Si la grandísima Sylvia Plath viviera hoy le cantaríamos su Happy Birthday 90. Pero la vida no es tan bella. Sus 30 - josé juan de ávila (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jenny Andrew
Happy birthday Bill, from me Feargal, and have a great time at a fine Crosby establishment! I recomm - Jenny Andrew (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to sylvia plath! - ela (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Louise Nealon
Happy birthday to Sylvia Plath, who would be 90 today - Louise Nealon (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday and rip to sylvia plath, you would have loved season 5, episode 8 of better call saul - Ahhhhnderson (4 months ago)
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Javairyah Kulthum Aatif
I have the choice of being constantly active and happy or introspectively passive and sad. Or I can go mad by rico - Javairyah Kulthum Aatif (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy (would be) birthday to the one and only sylvia plath. your poetry still touches us in places we didn\'t know existed <3 - Loweasy (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Something in me wants more. I can t rest. Please, I want so badly for the good things to happen. Mother of - Übermensch (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, sylvia plath - luiza (4 months ago)
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brat pitt
Happy birthday sylvia plath - brat pitt (4 months ago)
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Aleena Wahid Magsi
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath. - Aleena Wahid Magsi (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath. Hope you watched me from above when I recited Lady Lazarus in front of my school, and - Інжу (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Van Gogh fan account
Happy birthday sylvia plath - Van Gogh fan account (4 months ago)
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Jason Cobb
Huzzah Happy day, Todd, Hope you\'re enjoying the milestone in fine Tasmanian fashion. Useless trivia to - Jason Cobb (4 months ago)
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Morgan Hatch
Happy birthday to Zadie Smith (still here) and Sylvia Plath (early exit) - two ends of the mental health spectrum. - Morgan Hatch (4 months ago)
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Tia Fishler
Happy birthday to sylvia plath, who knew herself better than most - Tia Fishler (4 months ago)
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Happy birthday sylvia plath - loo (4 months ago)
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Happy birthday to the myth and legend Sylvia Plath. Her story is one of creation and destruction in equal measure. - BPLFriendsFoundation (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

सगारिका (she/her/comrade)
Happy birthday to Queen Sylvia Plath, I also feel like putting my head inside an over sometimes. - सगारिका (she/her/comrade) (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Kulanthi Silva
To my favourite poet of all time, another 27th-born. Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath. - Kulanthi Silva (4 months ago)
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Kelli Russell Agodon (is on hiatus)
Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath, who would have been 90 years old today. - Kelli Russell Agodon (is on hiatus) (4 months ago)
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Happy Heavenly Birthday to Sylvia Plath - kla (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

My ever favourite, ever empowering, ever vulnerable poet would ve been 90 today! happy birthday, dear Sylvia Plath - bhavya (4 months ago)

92 years old (Born on October 27, 1932)


Sylvia Plath's Best Moments

Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath, who would have been 90 years old today.
Happy birthday to Sylvia Plath:
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath! Her unseen drawings, collected by her daughter
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath! Here is a selection of the poet s pen-and ink work:
 Kiss me, and you will see how important I am.  Sylvia Plath was born in 1932.
Happy Birthday, Sylvia!.
 Kiss me, and you will see how important I am. Happy birthday, extraordinary Sylvia Plath.
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath! Her unseen drawings, collected by her daughter
Happy 30th birthday to my fiancée from me, Sylvia Plath s ghost and hopefully from too
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath!
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath.
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath, born in 1932. Sylvia Plath atop Torre dell\Orologio, Venice, 8 April 1956.
Happy Birthday to poet and novelist Sylvia Plath, of \"The Bell Jar\"!
Happy birthday to Sylvia Plath, who will always be my writer-hero:
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath
Happy birthday to my favorite writer / poet, I aspire to be as talented as Sylvia Plath
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath. My favorite Plath poem...
Happy Birthday Sylvia 10/27/1932-2/11/1963 I desire the things that will destroy me in the end.
\"I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart. I am. I am. I am.\"

Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath.
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath.
Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath, born in 1931*
Sylvia Plaths copy of Lord Jim, which Ted Hughes read to her*
But before I forget: Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath. I love you (and all of your bizarro, extremely depressing ways).
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath!
Sylvia Plath s 9 most memorable quotes
Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath, born on this day in 1932.
\"The silence depressed me. It wasn\t the silence of silence. It was my own silence.\" Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath
A happy birthday to Sylvia Plath and Dylan Thomas; two undying poets.
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath.
Happy 87th birthday, Sylvia Plath
 We should meet in another life, we should meet in air, me and you. Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath
Happy Birthday to Gotti, Sylvia Plath, Teddy Roosevelt, and this cutie!
Happy 89th birthday to Sylvia Plath, whose work I think about often.
 I desire the things which will destroy me in the end. Happy birthday, the blazing Sylvia Plath ...
Happy birthday to the beautiful soul that was Sylvia Plath
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath.
Happy 87th birthday to Sylvia Plath. Thank you for setting the world on fire with your beautiful words.
\"Why can t I try on different lives, like dresses, to see which one fits best?\"

Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath
Thought it would be an appropriate day to post this, I love it so much   Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath
Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath | Diane Ravitch\s blog -  via
Happy birthday sylvia plath, you made me feel less alone in this world <3
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath.
Happy birthday to my fav poet Sylvia Plath
Happy Happy Birthday- Dear Sylvia Plath!
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath!
Sylvia Plath
Happy Birthday to the most beautiful soul that ever lived & suffered & died.
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath. We miss you.
Happy Birthday to American poet, Sylvia Plath (1932).
Happy 85th Birthday Sylvia Plath. Thank you for inspiring me so often.
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath!
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath! Hope all your gifts bring as much as joy as did that FILE!
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath (27 Oct 1932 11 Feb 1963) poet, novelist, and short-story writer.
Happy birthday, Dylan Thomas and Sylvia Plath  you two crazy kids
Happy would-have-been 87th birthday to sylvia plath, one of my earliest lyrical inspirations
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath.
Happy 90th birthday Sylvia Plath
Happy would-be 90th birthday to sylvia plath, quite possibly the most scorpionic scorpio of all time
Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath! Celebrate with 25% OFF our tee and necklace w/code PLATH.
~   ~ happy birthday sylvia plath ~   ~
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath!
Happy bday to my favorite poet Sylvia Plath I wish you couldve seen yourself in a greater light, your work lives on!
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath, 
Wish You Were Here.
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath. You would have been 82 today.
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath. As a writer, she has been one of my many inspirations. remains my favorite:
Happy Birthday to Sylvia Plath, a poet, novelist, and short-story writer!!
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath !!!
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath. I\m sorry you were such a sad person, but it made for great poetry.
Happy Birthday American poet and writer Sylvia Plath (October 27, 1932-February 11, 1963)
  Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath, Molly Horner writes   My daughter\s fab article
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath who would have been 85 today - 27th October.
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath
Happy bday sylvia plath ;( dam bitch
Happy birthday... SYLVIA PLATH, my best poet in the world
Today would ve been your 85th Birthday  10-27
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath
So hit it while it s hot. Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath. I think about you all the time.
Happy birthday to the late Sylvia Plath, the profound poet who changed the world of confessional poetry!
Happy 87th birthday, Sylvia Plath!
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath.
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath. Here s one of my favourite poems by her
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath (would have been 87 today)
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath!
\\Soon, soon the flesh
The grave cave ate will be   
At home on me\\
Happy birthday to Sylvia Plath.
Happy Birthday to Sylvia Plath, born in 1932
Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath.
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath. She would have been 90.
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath
Happy 90th birthday, Sylvia Plath.
Happy birthday to Sylvia Plath, who would be 90 today
Happy birthday, dear Sylvia Plath (October 27, 1932 February 11, 1963)!
Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath! Thank you  for all the beautiful words, images, thoughts, and ideas!
Happy birthday to Sylvia Plath, who wouldve been 82 today.
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath x
Happy birthday to Sylvia Plath, who was born on this day in 1932. A poem you might recognize:
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite poets Sylvia Plath "Let me live, love and say it well in good sentences."
Happy birthday to the ever inspirational and beautiful Sylvia Plath. Rest in peace.
Sylvia Plath, Happy Birthday !
Happy Birthday to the late Sylvia Plath!!
Happy birthday to author Sylvia Plath.
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath
Happy Birthday to Sylvia Plath, who would have been 82 today...
Happy birthday to Sylvia Plath. She changed my life at fourteen. An incredible person who left us too soon.
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath!
The poet, who would have turned 82 today. Sylvia Plath. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday to who will always be my writer-hero
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath (1932-1963)
Happy Bday Sylvia Plath
Happy Birthday to poet Sylvia Plath. Enjoy some of her works:
Happy birthday to the brilliant Sylvia Plath
Happy birthday to my absolute favourite poet, Sylvia Plath.
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath!!!
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath
Lovely stuff. Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath! Her unseen drawings:
Happy birthday to Sylvia Plath
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath!!
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath! Her unseen drawings, collected by her daughter
  Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath! Her unseen drawings, collected by her daughter
Happy Birthday to one of the most amazing poets and novelist of the history, Sylvia Plath
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath
Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath.  You could\ve been 83.
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath (October 27, 1932 February 11, 1963)!
 I desire the things that will destroy me in the end. Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath
 Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath: pink memorandum draft \"Stings.\" \"I have a self to recover, a queen.\"
Happy birthday to Sylvia Plath
Absolutely love her writing. Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath.
Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath!
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath! American poet, novelist and short story writer
Happy birthday to Sylvia Plath AND 1989. Both helped me find myself.
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath!
Happy Birthday to a profound influence on my life as poet and writer, Sylvia Plath...October 27, 1932-Feb 11, 1963.
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath (1932)
Photograph of A Most Loved Book and the Prized Object of My Undergrad Thesis.. Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath rest in peace
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath ...
Happy Birthday to one of our favorites, Sylvia Plath. <3
Another Happy Birthday message for Sylvia Plath. Time for some reading...
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath! Helga and Rowena chat about poetry.
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath!
 Happy Sylvia Plath\s birthday, Peter!
Happy birthday born in 1932. What are your favourite Sylvia Plath reads?
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath, born today in 1932.
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath!
 How can you be so many women to so many strange people, oh you strange girl? Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath.
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath! Of course you\re a Scorpio.
Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath.

\"Let me live, love, and say it well in good sentences.\"
Happy birthday to Sylvia Plath.
Happy birthday to my favorite writer of all time, Sylvia Plath. You have helped me find inspiration many of times.
Happy Birthday-Sylvia Plath ( October 27, 1932 February 11, 1963) was an American poet
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath.
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath! Dying
Is an art, like everything else.
I do it exceptionally well.    Lady Lazarus
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath, where ever you may roam!
Happy birthday to one of my favorite Authors the always so wonderful Sylvia Plath
Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath
Happy bday Sylvia Plath
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath
Happy belated birthday (Oct. 27) to Sylvia Plath (1932-1963): poet, novelist, short story writer
Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath! We still admire your poetry
Happy 87th Birthday Sylvia Plath.
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath, born October 27, 1932 in Boston.
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath!
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath. Here goes..
Happy Birthday to Sylvia Plath
Happy birthday to my queen, the one and only Sylvia Plath, who would ve been 87 today .
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath!  *Beaujolais Bottle, 1956
Happy birthday to genius poet Sylvia Plath. My first in was inspired by Plath.
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath. I think about you all the time.
Happy birthday to Sylvia Plath who would have been 87 today.
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath.  You would have been 87 today.
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath
Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath. Tell us your favorite poem or book!
Sylvia Plath interview. Happy birthday Ms Plath.
Happy would\ve-been birthday to my old favourite, Sylvia Plath.
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath!
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath
Let me live, love and say it well in good sentences
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath. <3
\"You feel reality, cold and icy, on your illusions.\"

Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath.
Happy birthday sylvia plath
\"The blood jet is poetry,
There is no stopping it.\" 

Happy birthday to the late great poet Sylvia Plath.
Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath!
Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath! Thank you for the wise words and motivation for this week.
Happy birthday to sylvia plath and dylan thomas!
Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath.
Happy Birthday to Sylvia Plath who had owl s tallons clenching her heart - you re still my favorite poet
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath, sebenarnya kemarin
Happy author birthday to Sylvia Plath! What inspires you to keep writing?
Happy birthday miss sylvia plath
Happy Sylvia Plath s birthday to all who celebrate
Happy 90th birthday to Sylvia Plath. Breaking out The Bell Jar today.
Happy birthday to Sylvia Plath, who would have turned 90 today!
To my favourite poet of all time, another 27th-born. Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath.
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath
Happy birthday, sylvia plath
October 27th. 

Happy Birthday to Sylvia Plath, Simon Le Bon, Niccolo Paganini, John Gotti, and Dick Trickle!
Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath! Here\s my reading of her poem THE COLOSSUS
sylvia plath books 0
sylvia plath oven 1
sylvia plath and ted hughes 2
sylvia plath and ted hughes 3
Sylvia Plath dating 4
sylvia plath beach 5
sylvia plath beach 6
sylvia plath books 7
Sylvia Plath new pic 8
sylvia plath oven 9
Sylvia Plath full body 10
sylvia plath and ted hughes 11

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Sylvia, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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