Welcome to Sylvie Meis's Birthday Celebration Page
Sylvie Meis got 37 balloons for her birthday! Gift her more message balloons!
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Sylvie Meis
Happy Birthday!: So feierte Sylvie Meis ihren 44. Geburtstag | Video - Star News - Sylvie Meis (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Nicole Grant
Happy Birthday Sylvie Meis, Allison Williams, Jonathan Brandis, Glenn Howerton, Dylan Frances Penn, Kelli Giddish, - Nicole Grant (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

ダリル【Daryl Dixon】
Sylvie Meis happy birthday - ダリル【Daryl Dixon】 (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

I wish you a wonderful birthday! Sylvie Meis (TV Show Host), 43 years old. You look younger than ever! Happy birt - Allfamous.org (8 months ago)
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Mrs. Anne
Happy Birthday liebe Sylvie Meis! - Mrs. Anne (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Scott Mair
Happy birthday to Dutch Dame Sylvie Meis beautiful and artistic. I hope you have a wonderful day and man - Scott Mair (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Today\'s Famous Birthday
Have a great one! Sylvie Meis (TV Show Host), 42 years old. Happy birthday! I hope all your birthday wishes and dre - Today\'s Famous Birthday (8 months ago)
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Markus Tschannen
Happy Birthday, Daniel Koch, Sylvie Meis, Lou Bega, Garri Kasparow und Rudi Völler. - Markus Tschannen (8 months ago)
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Healthy Celeb
Happy Birthday to Sylvie Meis ( May God bless you with all the happiness. - Healthy Celeb (8 months ago)
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Like a boss
Happy bday Jana Oujeska CJ Miles Ariana Marie Stephanie Stebbins Katerina Blumelova(Sarah blue) Caitlin Lee Sophia - Like a boss (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sylvie Meis wird heute 41! Happy Birthday, Sylvie! - Promipool (8 months ago)
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Mir Najib
In the end, if you can\'t trust each other, what\'s the point of being married? Sylvie Meis Happy Birthday - Mir Najib (8 months ago)
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Jenye West
Happy Birthday sagt die, die Sylvie Meis den Job geklaut hat. - Jenye West (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday voor Sylvie Meis, vandaag 40 jaar. Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you are just doi - Vriendenboeken.nl (8 months ago)
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Angelika Slavik
Niemand sagt mir, was ich tun soll, schon gar nicht irgendein Mann : ist vielleicht die verkannteste Fe - Angelika Slavik (8 months ago)
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Stars und Sternchen
Happy birthday! Wir gratulieren Sylvie Meis zum 40. Geburtstag! - Stars und Sternchen (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sylvie Meis: Unglaublich: Die Fashionista wird 40!: Happy Birthday, Sylvie Meis! Heute wird - Gala (8 months ago)
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T.O.T Consulting
Happy Birthday, Sylvie Meis She Turns 39 Today. - T.O.T Consulting (8 months ago)
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Itsin TV
Happy Birthday! Fotomodell und Moderatorin Sylvie Meis wird heute 39 Jahre alt! - Itsin TV (8 months ago)
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Werbe Idylle
Happy Birthday!: Sylvie Meis & Ole von Beust: Hamburgs Geburtstagskinder des Tages - Werbe Idylle (8 months ago)
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SIE wird <b>heute</b> 37 | Happy Birthday, Stupsnase!: Fröhlicher Blick, eine sehr niedliche - EaZyForm.de (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

SIE wird heute 37 - Happy Birthday, Stupsnase! - nyko (8 months ago)
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Sylvie Meis
SIE wird heute 37 - Happy Birthday, Stupsnase! - Sylvie Meis (8 months ago)
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Jenny (8 months ago)
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Deutsche Presse
SIE wird heute 37 - Happy Birthday, Stupsnase!: Fröhlicher Blick, eine sehr niedliche Stupsn... - Deutsche Presse (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

News: SIE wird heute 37 - Happy Birthday, Stupsnase! - BILD_aktuell (8 months ago)
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BILD Top-News
SIE wird heute 37 - Happy Birthday, Stupsnase! - BILD Top-News (8 months ago)
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RTL Exclusiv
Happy Birthday, Sylvie Meis! - RTL Exclusiv (8 months ago)
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Philip Mountford
A huge happy birthday to our amazing Brand Ambassador Sylvie Meis. Hope you will have a wonderful time. - Philip Mountford (8 months ago)
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Happy Birthday Wir feiern jedes Lebensjahr mit einem fabelhaften Outfit - POPSUGAR DE (8 months ago)
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ProSieben Stars
Happy Birthday, Sylvie Meis! Die Moderatorin wird heute 37 Jahre alt :) HIER packen Sylvie Meis und Co. aus so... - ProSieben Stars (8 months ago)
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Dieser süße Fratz feiert heute seinen 37. Geburtstag! *Happy Birthday!* - VIP.de (8 months ago)
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Happy Birthday Miss sylvie meis, haben einen schönen Tag, tarek aus Jordanien, einem Ihrer Fans - tarekaloran1 (8 months ago)
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Heiko Wessling
Happy Birthday Sylvie Meis zum 37. - ich hab sogar an Blumen gedacht - Heiko Wessling (8 months ago)
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OK! Magazin
Happy Birthday! Die Moderatorin feiert ihren 37. Geburtstag - OK! Magazin (8 months ago)
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Prêt à Pregnant/Mama
She is turning 37 today, but she is getting more beautiful every day. shared a selfie with her son Damian - Prêt à Pregnant/Mama (8 months ago)
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Sylvie Meis, Javier Guzman, Garry Kasparov, Raemon Sluiter Saskia Noort, Al Green Happy Birthday! Woon Horoscoop Ram - DroomHome (8 months ago)

46 years old (Born on April 13, 1978)

Dutch model and TV personality who became famous for hosting celebrity-studded events for the music station TMF. She also judged Germany's Das Supertalent.

Sylvie Meis's Best Moments

Happy Birthday liebe Sylvie Meis!
Sylvie Meis  happy birthday
Sylvie Fran  oise van der Vaart Meis new pic 0
Sylvie Fran  oise van der Vaart Meis picture 1
Sylvie Fran  oise van der Vaart Meis dating 2
 who is Sylvie Fran  oise van der Vaart Meis 3

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e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Sylvie, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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