Happy birthday to Dutch Dame Sylvie Meis beautiful and artistic. I hope you have a wonderful day and man
- Scott Mair (8 months ago)
Today\'s Famous Birthday
Have a great one! Sylvie Meis (TV Show Host), 42 years old.
Happy birthday! I hope all your birthday wishes and dre
- Today\'s Famous Birthday (8 months ago)
Markus Tschannen
Happy Birthday, Daniel Koch, Sylvie Meis, Lou Bega, Garri Kasparow und Rudi Völler.
- Markus Tschannen (8 months ago)
Healthy Celeb
Happy Birthday to Sylvie Meis ( May God bless you with all the happiness.
- Healthy Celeb (8 months ago)
Like a boss
Happy bday
Jana Oujeska
CJ Miles
Ariana Marie
Stephanie Stebbins
Katerina Blumelova(Sarah blue)
Caitlin Lee
- Like a boss (8 months ago)
Sylvie Meis wird heute 41! Happy Birthday, Sylvie!
- Promipool (8 months ago)
Mir Najib
In the end, if you can\'t trust each other, what\'s the point of being married? Sylvie Meis
Happy Birthday
- Mir Najib (8 months ago)
Jenye West
Happy Birthday sagt die, die Sylvie Meis den Job geklaut hat.
- Jenye West (8 months ago)
Happy birthday voor Sylvie Meis, vandaag 40 jaar.
Life really does begin at forty.
Up until then, you are just doi
- Vriendenboeken.nl (8 months ago)
Angelika Slavik
Niemand sagt mir, was ich tun soll, schon gar nicht irgendein Mann : ist vielleicht die verkannteste Fe
- Angelika Slavik (8 months ago)
Stars und Sternchen
Happy birthday! Wir gratulieren Sylvie Meis zum 40. Geburtstag!
- Stars und Sternchen (8 months ago)
Sylvie Meis: Unglaublich: Die Fashionista wird 40!: Happy Birthday, Sylvie Meis! Heute wird
- Gala (8 months ago)
Dutch model and TV personality who became famous for hosting celebrity-studded events for the music station TMF. She also judged Germany's Das Supertalent.