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SIS Training Gear
Happy 75th Birthday Timothy Dalton! Has there ever been an image that shouts \"Fleming\'s Bond\" more than this one?
- SIS Training Gear (9 months ago)
Happy 75th birthday, Mr Timothy Dalton, the one and only Sir Malcolm Murray!
- AugustaBella (9 months ago)
James Pickup
Happy 75th birthday Timothy Dalton.
Best actor to portray Bond for me. Ruthless in my favourite scene in any Bond
- James Pickup (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Timothy Dalton, thanks for the signed pic in 1992, if we ever meet I\'ll be sure to repay the comp
- Flyfour (9 months ago)
Happy 75th birthday to Timothy Dalton. Had the near impossible task of following Sir Roger but LTK is still one of
- Lou (9 months ago)
DC Fan Tamil
Happy Birthday
Timothy Dalton
- DC Fan Tamil (9 months ago)
George Lazenby
From one fella to another... Happy birthday to Timothy Dalton. Tim, I hope it\'ll be a good one for you and the rest
- George Lazenby (9 months ago)
Matt Jones
Happy 75th birthday to the legend that is Timothy Dalton. Fantastic actor and my favourite Bond ever!
- Matt Jones (9 months ago)
Mark Murphy
Happy 0075th Birthday to the great Timothy Dalton!
- Mark Murphy (9 months ago)
MARK O\'CONNELL - Writer, Author, Bond fan
\'That first look at Dalton as he clocks the unfurling drama launches his Bond in exactly the same manner he continu
- MARK O\'CONNELL - Writer, Author, Bond fan (9 months ago)
Happy 75th birthday to the mighty Timothy Dalton. Sadly only two Bond films, one of them in my top three. Licence T
- For Your Films Only (9 months ago)
SpyHards Podcast
Happy Birthday to the one and only Timothy Dalton!
From FLASH GORDON to HOT FUZZ, we love it all. Oh and I think
- SpyHards Podcast (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to my birthday chum Timothy Dalton, who bought me a bottle of Bolly for my 40th. Cheers Timmy, this
- 35capade (9 months ago)
Art & Hue
Happy birthday to Timothy Dalton!
The James Bond actor, & Prince Barin in \"Flash Gordon\", is 75 today.
- Art & Hue (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to the amazing Timothy Dalton. Licence to Kill is still one of the best Bond movie ever!
- Riano Nandiwardhana (9 months ago)
Happy birthday Timothy Dalton. It\'s a shame that your tenure as 007 was shorter than it should have been, due to le
- NothingAndNothingAgain (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday Timothy Dalton
- James Dimelow (9 months ago)
Happy 75th Birthday to Timothy Dalton Loved both his portrayal as Bond and his films which are in my top 10.
- Ali (9 months ago)
The Golden God
Happy 75th birthday to Timothy Dalton. My favorite Bond apart from Connery, Lazenby, and Craig
- The Golden God (9 months ago)
Im Gehörgang Ihrer Majestät
Happy Birthday Timothy Dalton. Möge Rente für dich ein Fremdwort sein.
- Im Gehörgang Ihrer Majestät (9 months ago)
Movies Now
This man is a \'Living Daylight\' delight! Number four in playing the role of James Bond, Timothy Dalton is an action
- Movies Now (9 months ago)
≋ Mike Hastings ≋
Happy Birthday to former actor, and fellow Welshman, Timothy Dalton!
- ≋ Mike Hastings ≋ (9 months ago)
MN Plus | Gold Class
After establishing himself on stage as a proficient Shakespearean performer, Timothy Dalton built a successful care
- MN Plus | Gold Class (9 months ago)
Danse Macabre ~ wearing masques since 2006
Happy birthday Timothy Dalton 007 celebrating his 75th!
- Danse Macabre ~ wearing masques since 2006 (9 months ago)
James Bond Stunt Doubles 007
Happy Birthday Timothy Dalton!
*With stunt coordinator Paul Weston, who also was his stunt double.
- James Bond Stunt Doubles 007 (9 months ago)
Tim Bond
Happy Birthday Timothy Dalton!
- Tim Bond (9 months ago)