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Audrey Looby
All I know is that Tom and I share the very same birthday, same year ...... so, he's my birthday twin. Happy Birthday to us!
- Audrey Looby (2 years ago)
The Gold Needles
Belated Happy Birthday to one of our favourite actors and fellow son of Hull, Tom Courtenay.
- The Gold Needles (6 days ago)
silvia pujol
- silvia pujol (1 week ago)
Keith Humphreys
Happy 86th birthday to Tom Courtenay. He and a cast of peerless British old hands make Last Orders a special film
- Keith Humphreys (1 week ago)
Killer Cosmonaut
Happy birthday to English actor Tom Courtenay, born February 25, 1937, whose early credits include The Loneliness o
- Killer Cosmonaut (1 week ago)
Art & Hue
Happy birthday to Tom Courtenay! The actor is 86 today.
(Tom\'s coming soon to Art & Hue - sign up to the newslette
- Art & Hue (1 week ago)
Julian Wild
Hull s finest, Sir Tom Courtenay, here at the wreath-laying on 2 December for anniversary of Philip Larkin
- Julian Wild (1 week ago)
Happy birthday Movie Actor Tom Courtenay! It s always a treat to wish happy birthday to someone so sweet.
- (1 week ago)
Time For A Film
Wishing Tom Courtenay a very Happy 86th Birthday. Here with Julie Christie in Billy Liar.
- Time For A Film (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday Rashida Jones, Jameela Jamil, Douglas Hodge, Lee Evans, Tom Courtenay, Nage
- BRMGradio (1 week ago)
The Royle Family
Good point well made Jimbo! Happy Birthday Sir Tom Courtenay who is 85 today!
- The Royle Family (1 week ago)
The Film Magazine
Happy Birthday 85th birthday Sir Tom Courtenay!
- The Film Magazine (1 week ago)
Walter McBride
Happy 85th Birthday to Tom Courtenay
Born: February 25, 1937, Kingston upon Hull, United Kingdom
Tom Courtenay atte
- Walter McBride (1 week ago)
Leigh Film - Charity
Happy 85th birthday to Tom Courtenay English actor and a key figure in the British New Wave movement which focused
- Leigh Film - Charity (1 week ago)
Anna Joubert
Happy 85th birthday to Tom Courtenay! Here he is on a Shropshire walk with Dad (having a bad hair day) and Wagstaff
- Anna Joubert (1 week ago)
Mrs. Anne
Happy Birthday dear Sir Tom Courtenay!
- Mrs. Anne (1 week ago)
The Real Eric G
Jim Backus (1913 1989)
Producer/Screenwriter Larry Gelbart (1928 2009)
Sir Tom Courtenay (1937)
- The Real Eric G (1 week ago)
Happy birthday to the great Tom Courtenay. My favorite films with Courtenay so far are The loneliness of the long d
- jhpcine (1 week ago)
George Schmidt (G)
Happy 85th Birthday to TOM COURTENAY
- George Schmidt (G) (1 week ago)
Dave Kitteridge
Happy Birthday to Tom Courtenay, 85 today
- Dave Kitteridge (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday to Tom Courtenay. Older Tom is a very handsome man too
- Amy (1 week ago)
Milligan 8
Remembering BILLY LIAR - Starring Tom Courtenay and Julie Christie via HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOM COURTENAY
- Milligan 8 (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday Tom Courtenay, BOTD in Kingston Upon Hull in 1937, one of the finest actors this country has produce
- Brookranger (1 week ago)
Hull Libraries
Good morning,
and a very Happy Birthday to Sir Tom Courtenay!
- Hull Libraries (1 week ago)
Peter Hayes
A happy birthday to Sir Tom Courtenay, born this day in 1937.
- Peter Hayes (1 week ago)
The Oldie
Happy 85th birthday, Tom Courtenay!
- The Oldie (1 week ago)
steve brown
Happy 85th birthday to actor Tom Courtenay.
Won two British Academy TV Awards for his performances in the TV film A
- steve brown (1 week ago)
Andrei Bondoc
Happy birthday to Zeppo Marx, Jim Backus (both of them ded), Tom Courtenay (84 now), (74 now),
- Andrei Bondoc (4 days ago)
Alan Mercury Taylor
Tom Courtenay who was born in Kingston upon Hull was 84 yesterday one of my all time favourite actors happy 84th
- Alan Mercury Taylor (1 week ago)
stephanie maltman
Tom Courtenay Happy Birthday.
- stephanie maltman (1 week ago)
Bobby Rivers
Remarkable actor. Happy Birthday, Tom Courtenay.
- Bobby Rivers (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday
Sir Thomas \"Tom\" Courtenay
February 25, 1937 (84)
English actor who came to prominence in the early
- Space-reporter-news (1 week ago)
Mark Fowler
British and Irish film/TV birthdays for 25 February
Happy birthday to Sir Tom Courtenay
(born 25 February 1937)
- Mark Fowler (1 week ago)
David Low
Happy birthday to one of these British actors and a personal favorite, Tom Courtenay.
- David Low (1 week ago)
Feb 25 Happy Birthday part 1: Tom Courtenay, Diane Baker, Karen Grassle, Kristina Holland, Samantha Phill
- WmsbgNostalgiaFest (1 week ago)
Albert Galera
Happy birthday, Tom Courtenay!
- Albert Galera (1 week ago)
Jimmy Howland
Happy Birthday, Tom Courtenay!
- Jimmy Howland (1 week ago)
Happy birthday Sir Tom Courtenay. Here\'s your prezzie: Loneliness of the Lockdown Runner...
- DawnoftheUnread (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday, Tom Courtenay! A star of the British New Wave and still going strong. Newwavefilm top 5: 5) Doctor
- NewWaveFilm (1 week ago)
Hull New Theatre
Happy Birthday to the legendary born actor Sir Tom Courtenay. He played the fantastically named \'Lord Fancour
- Hull New Theatre (1 week ago)
Allow me some boasting: I just sent a happy birthday text to the wonderful Tom Courtenay - one of the very greats I
- HazelFlagg (1 week ago)
Michael W. Freeman
Iconic Roles: Norman in The Dresser (1983). War rages in England, but the show must go on: \"Sir\" (Albert Finney), a
- Michael W. Freeman (1 week ago)
Groovy History
Happy Birthday to English actor Tom Courtenay born today in 1937. Here he is in the 1963 movie \"Billy Liar.\"
- Groovy History (1 week ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Christopher George (d. 1983), Tony Brooks, Faron Young (d. 1996), David E. Jeremiah (d. 2013), Mi
- Teewhy Nyema (1 week ago)
Celebrating Film
Happy 83rd Birthday to a British treasure, the great Sir Tom Courtenay!
- Celebrating Film (1 week ago)
Jay Glennie
The film business is absurd. Stars don\'t last very long. It\'s much more interesting to be a proper actor. Happy b
- Jay Glennie (1 week ago)
Happy 83rd birthday to the marvelous and masterful Tom Courtenay, seen here with a fellow British acting legend, Ju
- Tribeca (1 week ago)
Happy birthday Tom Courtenay!!
- ClassicActorsOfHollywood (1 week ago)
Stella Bean McFrug
Happy Birthday to Actor Tom Courtenay (83) ...
- Stella Bean McFrug (1 week ago)
Actor Tom Courtenay is 83. Happy Birthday!!
- WhoseBirthdayIsItAnyway? (1 week ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Tom Courtenay just celebrated his 88 years old birthday 1 week ago. It's still not too late to say happy bday. Send your greetings to him now!