63 years old (Born on November 29, 1961)
Actor; He is famous from Heat, Robbery Homicide Division.
Gained 44 lbs. to portray John Gotti in Witness to the Mob (1998) (TV) by gorging on ice cream, pizza, pasta with cream sauce, meatball sandwiches and drinking weight gainer shakes. In February 2005, he failed a court-ordered drug test after he was caught trying to use a prosthetic penis to fake the results, the second time he has been caught trying this. Had his nose accidentally broken by Juliette Lewis during the filming of the prison cell fight scene in Oliver Stone's _Natural Born Killers (1994)_ . Practiced martial arts as a teenager. Has played characters in seven movies who have died in shootouts: True Romance (1993), Enemy of the State (1998), Saving Private Ryan (1998), Heat (1995), Natural Born Killers (1994), Devil in a Blue Dress (1995) and Dreamcatcher (2003). If counting voice work, the number goes up to eight!: He did the voice of Sonny Forelli in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (2002) (VG), who is killed in a gang shootout.Tom Sizemore's Best Moments
Fun Facts About Tom Sizemore
Arrested in Los Angeles, after his wife called police claiming she'd been physically injured by Tom during an argument at their apartment. [24 January 1997]
Has twin sons Jayden and Jagger born in July of 2005 with ex-girlfriend Janelle McIntire.
As a struggling young actor in New York, Sizemore worked for three years as a waiter in the World Trade Center.
According to a 2001 interview with The Calgary Sun, he credits Robert De Niro with turning his life around during the filming of Witness to the Mob (1998) (TV). De Niro showed up on his doorstep with Tom's mother and told him they were there to drive him to jail or rehab. He chose rehab.
Claims to have spent $11 million on lawyers and legal fees fighting previous drug and domestic violence charges.
His younger brother is Paul Sizemore
His brother, Aaron, is a writer and lives in Detroit.
Was in attendance at Chris Penn's funeral
Auditioned six times for the part of Mr. Pink in Reservoir Dogs (1992).
Attended Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan.
Formerly engaged to Heidi Fleiss.
Enjoys weightlifting.
He is of Welsh and French descent and NOT Italian-American despite assumptions of the contrary. His father's side of the family is of Welsh descent and his mother's (Chenault) is of French.