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Uni of Bath Poli Soc
Today its the birthday of an important and successful news and political reporter. Happy Birthday Trevor McDonald
- Uni of Bath Poli Soc (4 months ago)
Mad Woman
Happy Birthday to Tim Farriss-George Galloway -James Cameron -Katharine Hamnett-Trevor McDonald -John Standing -Ann Blyth,have a nice day
- Mad Woman (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to Sir Trevor McDonald. And there are a couple of current on-screen birthdays this week.
- ????? (4 months ago)
Paul Reynolds
Happy Birthday to Sir Trevor McDonald
- Paul Reynolds (4 months ago)
Richard Jaques
Happy Birthday to and congrats for getting above Sir Trevor McDonald in Birthday list!
- Richard Jaques (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Sir Trevor McDonald 76 years young today :)
- Jude (4 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Trevor Mcdonald celebrated his 85 years old birthday 4 months ago. It might be a bit too late but... Send your greetings to him now!