Happy bday Virgil hope it s a good one and hope we get a chance to chat again my friend.
- Randy Najar (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday Have a rockin\' one!
- JettaJimm (3 months ago)
Today\'s Famous Birthday
Wishing you many more candles to blow out! Virgil Donati (Drummer), 62 years old.
Wishing you a day filled with hap
- Today\'s Famous Birthday (3 months ago)
John Sunset
Happy Birthday ...great drummer and a big influence...
- John Sunset (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday,
- drumchannel (3 months ago)
michel tibbe
Happy birthday ! Still no answer to my question
- michel tibbe (3 months ago)
Bow To No Man
Happy Belated Birthday!
Hope you all had a fabulous day!
- Bow To No Man (3 months ago)
Sorry for the late!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR VIRGIL! For more magic and inspiration! Greetings
- PLANET X Fan Page (3 months ago)
Andrew Kremer
Happy Birthday! One sick drummer there!
- Andrew Kremer (3 months ago)
Paul Baker
Happy Birthday Virgil.
- Paul Baker (3 months ago)
BassPlayUnited \"Repost with crawfordbass Happy birthday to my mentor, teacher and friend Virgil Donati. You in
- BassBrites (3 months ago)
Bass Players United™
Repost with crawfordbass Happy birthday to my mentor, teacher and friend Virgil Donati. You introduced me to an e
- Bass Players United™ (3 months ago)